Fallout 4>this outdated site


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Question. How yall dissing Fallout 4 when this site is crusty as fuck?
This should be fun haha.
Please compare this site to the so called trash Fallout 4.

Im so banned but its true. Yall picture section havent seen action since 2014. Why is that?

I love fallout 2 3 and 4. But yall some hatin ass. Merry christmas
A video game isn't comparable to a website. It's like comparing the chemical property of sodium, with the artistic value of the diptyque of Melun.
You're right. Fallout 4 is so much better than this site.

You really expect to get people very angry here? Whatever you might think about us, most here are rational enough to see a troll and not react very violently. Cheers, mate. :grin:
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This was an awesome response. No i like I said i love fallout, and the community is fuckin jokes. Yall gonna be seeing me. Probably defending Fallout 4 to the end.

Until next time gentlemen.
This was an awesome response. No i like I said i love fallout, and the community is fuckin jokes. Yall gonna be seeing me. Probably defending Fallout 4 to the end.

Until next time gentlemen.

Sorry about your mental retardation.
Granted you do have a point troll. The images should be updated - any fucker around here can do it but no one cares, but truth be told I was looking at it just yesterday thinking the same thing. I'll start updating it if possible. Uploading some Fallout 4, Underrail, and Wasteland 2 stuff for sure.
Shit even trolls gotta make some sense, but like i said ive been reading yall msgs like nahhh fallout 4 rad af. Mods coming soon too, xbox one mods gonna be intense, thats why they making such a big deal, cuz they know what people gonna do with it. Hopefully they dont just put crap mods for Xbone. 2016 *sheds a tear*
Shit even trolls gotta make some sense, but like i said ive been reading yall msgs like nahhh fallout 4 rad af. Mods coming soon too, xbox one mods gonna be intense, thats why they making such a big deal, cuz they know what people gonna do with it. Hopefully they dont just put crap mods for Xbone. 2016 *sheds a tear*

Well, you seem to be rather juvenile, under 18 most likely, so Fallout 4 might appeal to your sensibilities.

Mods will make Fallout 4 PLAYABLE for some people if they want to treat it like a survival simulator.
Plus he chooses the Xbox One as the platform of choice for Fallout. We got a badass around here folks.
lol gotta keep up with the times. This is fallout now, but im thinkin of buying that 2 dollar fallout 2 for this shitty tablet and compare the two side by side. 4 prolly gonna be better because Graphix doe. and i had to get Xbox for Gears Ultimate edition. Still had to get Fallout cuz its the best one. Never a dull momment. O shit a Ghoul GTG

  • :razz:
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