Well my birthday is next month even though I'll probably forget about it worrying about other things only to realize "Oh why is everyone telling me Happy Birthday? Oh shit it's my birthday!".
I would be playing on my PC if my cockatoo wasn't such an attention whore, what a great start to the new year.
Worked then spent my time gaming. Stopped for a moment when I heard the fireworks outside to recognize the event then kept playing.
I had plans for this weekend as I got 4 days off from work.... But my dad invited himself to my apartment because my mom is out for new Year's (I couldn't go to this year's trip because of work) and he supposedly is going to pick her up from the airport.... but I don't know why he thought he needed to stay a full week in here and not only ruin my plans, but to also remind me why I hate him... I think he either lacks all social skills or he just doesn't give a shit about being pleasant company, mayb that's what a life of alcoholism does to you, who knows. He is also a cheapstake so I couldn't even get anything out of this on going awful week. Can't believe my mom didn't tell him off when he invited himself, she usually tells him to fuck off normaly, I guess it's because she is happy about my sister coming from London for December.
Dinner at friends, gourmet style. Only had two gin tonics, but smoked like 5 grams of kush. Didn't bother to go watch the fireworks 'cause it rained. Very chill.
Too bad I can't remember when the clock hit 12 AM... well, had fun :D Happy new year everyone.