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  1. B

    Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

    Eew whats with that creepy children beauty pageant kid on the dj hero 2 live stream
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    Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

    NMA you've done it to me agaiaaaaaiiinnn
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    Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

    Is IGN really having a live 20min demo in an hour? OH ign is the same as the youtube channel. Well it's 5:20 pst so around 8:20 est and god knows in engloid and beyond
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    Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

    Nah he just knows his audience. Also fuck you NMA for saying fallout would be on at 5:00 est when it turns out it came on at 10 to 9pm!
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    More Fallout: New Vegas Screenshots

    That looks more suitable for a followers of the apolcalypse bunker
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    Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 2

    I'm not sure that would even be a bug. It's been said that all the currencies have exchange rates. So it's not like you'd turn 45 caps into 45 chips into 45 NCR dollars. You'd turn 45 caps into 10 chips into 500 NCR dollars etc. I wonder if there are quests you can do to sabotage and...
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    New Fallout: New Vegas trailer coming tomorrow

    Welp, that was pretty much what it was
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    New Fallout: New Vegas trailer coming tomorrow

    Why does Gametrailers give all its exclusives to its stupid spike tv show
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    Mutants Rising - June update

    Nah, I mean the response. Over-written.
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    Mutants Rising - June update

    Yeeah. Bit too much.
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    Fallout: New Vegas Pre-Order Bonuses

    -Throwing Spears -Super Stimpacks -Repair Kits -Binoculars
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    Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 1

    The perk every level thing was one of those additions I didn't really mind too much in Fallout 3, but it's nice that they made it so easily alterable in the GECK
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    Fireside Chat: Alpha Protocol reception and New Vegas

    Not really if you look at the flexibility of the elder scrolls engine and the wasteland setting being particularly conducive towards reuse of existing assets
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    Fireside Chat: Alpha Protocol reception and New Vegas

    New Vegas already has a technical base on par with Fallout 3 which, despite some pretty heinous crashing and performance issues, was more or less stable on the gameplay level (no disappearing car trunks etc) Keep in mind that despite its size and scope, New Vegas is something of a...
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    JE Sawyer on guns & gender

    Yeah, but he denied my perfeclty polite comments on his article simply because they disagreed so fuck him. Also he posted a new article about how Bayonetta is teaching people how to molest, so fuck him. Turns out he is just another reactionary disinterested in actual debate.
  16. B

    Fallout: New Vegas Gamestar DE preview

    Remember though that with damage threshold miniguns are going to be DPS machines unable to pierce through heavy armor, and rocket launchers aren't Big Guns anymore so there's still a division of power there.
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    Russian PC Igry Previews New Vegas

    Probably a lot of dust and sand kicking about
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    New Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

    We're talking about making one green texture look leathery. A modder could probably do that in about an hour.
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    New Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

    Why not? They've already remodeled the entire head, why not add some more detail and texture to the, um, texture?