Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 1

The models will never be exactly the same. Also one could argue that deathclaws are not looking all the same (like centaurs).

verevoof said:
On companions, I like companions, but they need to have sort of use to them instead of just combat. Companions in Fallout 3 was unnecessary because they really brought nothing to the table that you the player couldn't do. I'm hoping that Obsidian improved not only the companion combat, but gave them use, skills that you as a player don't have. Then, of course, that would mean that players can't be a master of all trades. Or shouldn't be, anyway.

It's already known that companions in New Vegas will have their own story and - if they travel with the player - give some special stuff. Raul, as example, gives a temporary perk which makes weapons and items break less fast, etc.
Yeah, but that's still just giving the player that perk. Like, if something is skill based, why not just tell the companion to use their skill? I mean, if companions are just going to give you a perk because they are around, it's kind of just like collecting the bobble heads that you can discard from your inventory.
Expresate said:
Paul_cz said:
I hate using companions in gamebryo games, that engine just cannot decently handle it. So why bother.

Because you'll always have people asking for them. Heck, there were no real followers in Oblivion, and low and behold there's hundreds of mods adding them.

I, personally, don't mind followers.

I have 7 followers in Oblivion unmodded, but damn can it be annoying.
verevoof said:
Yeah, but that's still just giving the player that perk. Like, if something is skill based, why not just tell the companion to use their skill? I mean, if companions are just going to give you a perk because they are around, it's kind of just like collecting the bobble heads that you can discard from your inventory.

I can't really think of much situations, where you would use that. In Fallout 2 companions have done it like this, but how often did you really saw or used it? I haven't even once in the game.

So, it's better to give companions a passive effekt than nothing at all or something, that will be used only in very few situations over the game.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Expresate said:
Paul_cz said:
I hate using companions in gamebryo games, that engine just cannot decently handle it. So why bother.

Because you'll always have people asking for them. Heck, there were no real followers in Oblivion, and low and behold there's hundreds of mods adding them.

I, personally, don't mind followers.

I have 7 followers in Oblivion unmodded, but damn can it be annoying.

Really? Where did you get them? The Archmage followers? So maybe I wasn't entirely correct :P
Jason Bergman clarifies:

Fallout: New Vegas uses Steamworks for achievements and other features (such as friends lists, cloud storage of user preferences and so on). Use of Steam will be mandatory at retail. So what does that mean? We’ve implemented Steamworks in as light and unobtrusive a way as possible. Yes, you will have to install Steam when you install Fallout: New Vegas if you don’t already have it. And yes, you will have to be online at the time of that initial install. However you can install the game on as many systems as you want (with no restrictions!), and you do not have to be online to play the game after your initial activation. Not only that, but once the game has activated on Steam, you can throw out the game DVD entirely and just download the game over Steam. If you don’t even have a DVD drive, you can just take the CD-Key from the box, enter it into Steam, and download it without ever using the disc at all.

For those concerned, this will have no affect on mod development whatsoever. Modders will still be able to create and distribute their plugins the same way they have in the past.

We made the decision to use Steam after looking at all the various options out there and decided that it provided the best, least intrusive experience for PC gamers. We think you’ll agree.
Expresate said:
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Expresate said:
Paul_cz said:
I hate using companions in gamebryo games, that engine just cannot decently handle it. So why bother.

Because you'll always have people asking for them. Heck, there were no real followers in Oblivion, and low and behold there's hundreds of mods adding them.

I, personally, don't mind followers.

I have 7 followers in Oblivion unmodded, but damn can it be annoying.

Really? Where did you get them? The Archmage followers? So maybe I wasn't entirely correct :P

Nah. I basically never took Martin and Jauffre to Cloud Rule Temple. Never took the Jermane brothers to Weatherleash, have the Dark Brotherhood Follower, the Adoring Fan from the Arena and a follower from the Knights of the Nine quest. :]

Giving them new weapons is annoying, but none of them can die.

I can't get any of them to follow me to the Shivering Isles which sucks, but oh well. When I finish that I'll finish the main quest line and be down two of my team.
Well, I just read up on the Tarantula Hawk wasp (the bug the Cazador evolved from) and it sounds pretty interesting. Apparently, it has the second most painful sting in the world. Also, J.E. Sawyer said the small Cazadores are as big as the molerats we fought in Fallout 3. Oh shit.
Expresate said:
Lexx said:
Re-animated super mutants? This actually sounds great.

Yeah, this also confirms that what we saw in the IGN trailer was actually an earlier build. Which makes me happy.

Wait, do we know this? The models in the trailer were re-textured, and for all I know they could have been "slightly remodeled" (like the mouth straps in some of the screenshots).
The perk every level thing was one of those additions I didn't really mind too much in Fallout 3, but it's nice that they made it so easily alterable in the GECK
Jabu said:
Wait, do we know this? The models in the trailer were re-textured, and for all I know they could have been "slightly remodeled" (like the mouth straps in some of the screenshots).

Only the Nightkin were retextured in the IGN trailer, not the regular super mutants. Now all of them are, and according to this interview Nightkin also have been improved compared to the early build.
Reading the wiki on those damn wasps, bleeuyrgh. Goddamn I hate insects.

Hope these things will be dangerous in the game though and not just nuisances like the Bloatflies.
Ausir said:
Only the Nightkin were retextured in the IGN trailer, not the regular super mutants. Now all of them are, and according to this interview Nightkin also have been improved compared to the early build.

That's great, though we can only wonder as to the extent of the actual modifications.

Do we know of a canonical reason why the nightkin are black? (Are the transparent sprites from the original considered black?)