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  1. Izual

    I'm reading the FO bible, and already found an oddity...

    I tend to agree with Canakin, mostly because what Fo3 and NV depict is of no interest to me; Fallout interests me the most when it is about the wilderness and darkness of Fallout 1/2, not the fanciness of giant robot killers. Also it's hard to say two backgrounds written a decade after each...
  2. Izual

    I'm reading the FO bible, and already found an oddity...

    And New Vegas/Tactics' as well. Fallout 1/2 lore above all.
  3. Izual

    Tim Cain on Fallout 3/New Vegas, Troika and more

    Fuel for Lexx's opinion on party controlling in Wasteland 2 :p Anyway. Cool stuff, but Tim basically is a cool stuff himself.
  4. Izual

    Enclave - inaccuracies

    1. I think Curling says "thousand" only to be able to say after "hundreds of thousands". It wouldn't have the same impact if he was saying "dozens instead of hundreds of thousands". We can also imagine there was more than 90 persons on the oil rig, as you said, and that Curling wasn't really...
  5. Izual

    Brian Fargo Unite 2012 Speech, Wasteland 2 Footage

    Really? I thought Fallout Tactics had maybe the perfect way of managing and moving your team, and best combat experience of all Fallout games (in RT though). The only problem was the way they moved, either in formation or not it was resulting in weird pathfinding.
  6. Izual

    Fallout tidbits

    Nope. But what I meant is, when you do an event which is about immersion and being disguised, Paintball can get in the way, with its large weird guns and paint.
  7. Izual

    Fallout tidbits

    Bah, paintball. So immersive.
  8. Izual

    Brian Fargo Unite 2012 Speech, Wasteland 2 Footage

    Looks good. I'm amazed by how far they got in only a few months.
  9. Izual

    Black Isle Studios is back

    True, actually. I don't think I have faith in any living video games company right now...
  10. Izual

    Black Isle Studios is back

    Only bad things can come out of this.
  11. Izual

    Wasteland 2 mutant dog portrait

    Never played Wasteland 1, can you explain where and how these portraits will be used ?
  12. Izual

    Fallout New Vegas Cut Materials

    Now that is interesting, kudos to him for his work!
  13. Izual

    Help me make a copypasta

    Check out European Commonwealth, a total conversion for Fallout 2 made by some of my fellow countrymen. (You should find more informations in french at )
  14. Izual

    Wasteland 2 - First Mark Morgan music sample

    Mark Morgan is really really skilled.
  15. Izual

    Wasteland 2 tidbits

    Kudos to Goffy, I think like him!
  16. Izual

    GamesIndustry Brian Fargo Interview

    We can wait.
  17. Izual

    GamesIndustry Brian Fargo Interview

    I think by story he means dialogue variations when you interact, so that's great: Yes, really what everybody wants! Hope they really do it this way. I don't care if the scenario is 900 pages long or not (Fallout 1's was certainly not so long), but if they write tons of dialogues because...
  18. Izual

    Galaxy News transcript from Fallout intro?

    I think it's so unhearable it might be unsignificant and just a random audio track.
  19. Izual

    Dogmeat & K-9

    Dogmeat is a very cool companion. Too bad his turn always lasts too long because of the numerous attacks he can perform in one. K-9 wass always labelled as useless in my head too, is he worth hiring when you've got a Marcus or a Cassidy instead?
  20. Izual

    I Need Your Help, Personally, Quickly, and Desperately

    I didn't know about this thread until you posted again on it, few days ago (I rarely read this part of the forum). The only advice I have to give you is too abstract and cliché to help you at all: just start living already. Sex isn't the problem, but I think you tend to overthink your...