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  1. D


    He's right actually, 10 INT is a waste. It's fairly easy to max the necessary skills, the rest is just a decoration anyway. However I would also consider 9 EN a waste. Some of the implants are not worth it. Comprehension is another thing I'd not take: educated is good since there's nothing...
  2. D

    OMG melee/unarmed weapons own!

    A word of advice anyways: Ninja is 1.15 multiplication of your current critical chance. At best it gives +3% critical chance (if you have 10 LK, Finesse, Boone's Beret). Built to destroy would give ninja another +0.45% bonus but it gets rounded down to nothing. So yup, Ninja is +3% CC at best.
  3. D

    Does melee characters stand any chanse against deathclaws?

    Well if you chem up, it might make more sense ;) Still, using ALL those chems everytime you want to fight a group of deathclaws... aww. Too much fuss if you ask me :)
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    OMG melee/unarmed weapons own!

    Oh and bonus attack speed from the challenge (5/10%) only applies to melee weapons. Unarmed gets different bonus: lower AP costs (up to 10%) also ninja is bugged in New Vegas.
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    Does melee characters stand any chanse against deathclaws?

    300 AP? Is Rocket cumulative? Either way, Legendary Deathclaw does 250 damage per hit - before applying difficulty factor. If you're playing hard or - especially - very hard, he will kill you with a single hit, every time.
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    OMG melee/unarmed weapons own!

    To answer this: I am using Gobi Rifle and I 1 hit kill every Cazador and Deathclaw I encounter on Very Hard. Without sneak hit criticals. I also can rape them from a mile away and they won't even know what hit them. How is pushy "OP" compared to this? Unarmed and melee are handicapped...
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    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    19DT+ enemies aren't that common actually. Regular deathclaws have 15 DT for example. And you can use another gun against them. Brush gun with hollowpoint ammo and cowboy perk SHOULD outperform everything in VATS, actually... even the Gobi, going by math. Not that it's a preferred choice of...
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    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    True. 45-70 has mostly hollow point ammo for sell however, which works extremely well against targets up to 19 DT, by the way - outperforming the hand loader ammo and without the x3 gun CND drawback. If someone is interested in maths: Hollow point ammo will work better on regular shot even...
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    Does melee characters stand any chanse against deathclaws?

    Sneaking doesn't work well against Deathclaws. They constantly move and turn around and their perception is super high. Unless you're using stealth boy, you will get detected most of the time. Paralyzing palm... VATS doesn't make you immortal anymore. When fighting an Legendary deathclaw, he...
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    Tips for making the best character possible

    Do you mean as high special as possible + all important stats at 100? The latter can be done with 5 int and educated, seeing that you don't need too many skills in this game. As for SPECIAL, you may take Intense training many times in this game but at the costs of better perks, sadly.
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    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    Yes the gun runners and pretty much every decent merchant has a lot of .308 ammo. What's really rare in this game is 45-70 GoV't making Brush Gun borderline useless despite it's the only gun that has better damage to AP ratio than Gobi Sniper rifle. The Gun Runners have 45-70 GoV't hollowpoint...
  12. D

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    yeah but Sniper rifle being better than combat shotguns at close range? uhh... I don't think it should work like that ;)) But who cares. It's powerful, it's fun, it's enjoyable. In a single player game terms "overpowered" and "balance" don't apply anyway.
  13. D

    Does melee characters stand any chanse against deathclaws?

    Tbh, it's rather hard. I checked in GECK and Legendary deathclaw does 250 damage per hit. In Very Hard mode (x2 damage) which I play, he will instantly kill you whenever he touches you. I happen to carry YCS Gauss Rifle packed with Max Overcharge Ammo especially for creatures like this, since...
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    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    Gobi Campaign Sniper Rifle. Unique sniper rifle:) It has 1/2 AP cost of each shot compared to regular sniper rifle and a fire rate of 2.5 attacks per second, which beats, ironically, weapons like This Machine (2.14 attacks per second) and Brush Gun (1.84 attacks per second). It can't be...
  15. D

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    Ok, Gobi sniper rifle and regular sniper rifle are the kings of everything in this game. Literally. Not just sniping, but non-VATS dps and VATS damage too! Let me explain. The hand loader perk makes you able to craft .308 ammo that gives x1,5 DAM with no drawbacks. With 10 LK, Finesse...
  16. D

    Combat questions, please help!

    I can get a headshot with sniper rifle from any distance. Trigger discipline is the worst perk ever - see for yourself It multiplies spread by 0,8. But sniper rifle's spread is already TINY! 0,02, in fact. Multiplying it will mean a spread of 0,016. You will never notice this, impossible...
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    Combat questions, please help!

    aw aw, no response. Well I tested things and I know some of the answers if someone is interested: Ad.1 - yes it does reduce the AP cost by 20%, making it awesome for a very little cost. Ad. 2 - Accuracy outside VATS is represented by weapon swaying. However weapons that are meant to be...
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    Is VATS ever worth using?

    VATS sucks at long range, true. But the game isn't about long range all the time; In most buildings you can't even dream of sniping. At close range, however... 1. VATS allows you to shoot many times faster by slowing time. In real time, you will be shot more by the time you release the...
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    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    You must be kidding. Speedrunning to San Francisco to talk to BoS and then going to navarro still at level 1-2 to get Advanced Power Armor lying unprotected in a locker needed ANY work towards it? Not counting reloading after bumping into Enclave patrol on the way. If anything, Fallout 2 was...
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    NCR currency

    by the way, is it useful anywhere, or should I just sell it for bottle caps?