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  1. Kilgore Trout

    Arcanum vs Fallout

    I used the version available at - no additional downloads required. You do need to change the directory name of a particular file and make sure you are running the program in compatibility mode, but otherwise it should work like a charm (or a well-oiled piece of clockwork). PM me if...
  2. Kilgore Trout

    Why is Caesar legion so hated?

    I think they could do it if Vegas didn't have a Securitron Army and if they had HELIOS One armed and activated as a weapon. Without House and the Securitrons, what exactly does Vegas have that would pose much of a problem to the BoS? There's no way the Kings, Chairmen, and Omertas could...
  3. Kilgore Trout

    Why is Caesar legion so hated?

    I think this is pretty accurate, although I imagine that under Hardin they might go so far as to take over Vegas itself, shutting down the casinos, dismantling all advanced tech and re-purposing it to serve their expansion throughout the Mojave. I do kind of wish there was a Brotherhood ending...
  4. Kilgore Trout

    Any species that could succeed humanity?

    Well, the S'Lanter, obviously. I like to think they've been watching humanity with their beady little eyes, biding their time, and after the Battle for Hoover Dam they will rise up from the garbage cans of the NCR to take over the world.
  5. Kilgore Trout

    The radiated land of the northern Europa

    Geez, I guess No Bark was right: Seriously though: Natalia Dubrovhsky, one of the premade characters in Fallout was the descendent of Soviet diplomats. Maybe there was a thaw in relations between the US and the USSR, possibly in the wake of a Sino-Soviet split? I think it would be...
  6. Kilgore Trout

    Little help

    Great points as always, Yamu. I work in the medical profession myself and it's true; you definitely don't have be a genius to get through training, even at the highest level. The idea of a, uh, shrinking gene pool resulting in Brotherhood candidates with less than totally optimal stats is...
  7. Kilgore Trout

    Little help

    Okay, but my suggestion to boost Intelligence had nothing to do with skill levels, and a lot to do with roleplaying, dialogue options and SPECIAL stat checks (not the same as skill checks!). If you want to use Intense Training to up your Intelligence you can, of course, but with a starting INT...
  8. Kilgore Trout

    Little help

    You will need a Perception of at least 7 to get most of the dialogue options with Chrsitine and a Perception of 8 for one dialogue check in particular; high Medicine and Science (70+) are helpful as well. If you are not planning on getting Implants, I would definitely shift points from...
  9. Kilgore Trout

    Little help

    Or you could just have her infiltrate the Brotherhood in order to destroy them; gain their trust and then stab them in the back by blowing up Hidden Valley.
  10. Kilgore Trout

    Companion you hated most on a personal level?

    Cass' shotgun does suck, but you can of course give her much better weapons -like an assault carbine. Let her rip with one of those and plenty of ammo and the Van Graff family will be dead in about two minutes. While I found her personality to be a bit grating, I do think she is actually one of...
  11. Kilgore Trout

    Little help

    Ah, okay, never mind then. :) House is not a bad option for a rogue/ex-BoS'er. That could also open up, potentially, a closer relationship with Veronica - your character could see her younger self in Veronica, and wants to make sure she escapes what your character no doubt regards as a dangerous...
  12. Kilgore Trout

    R.I.P. Robin Williams

    Wow. That's terribly sad - I grew up with his comedy. :sad:
  13. Kilgore Trout

    Little help

    Note that unless you have a mod installed, you will have to destroy the BoS if you side with House. One idea for RP might be to pick up Veronica and make contact with the Brotherhood early on in the game - focus on completing their questline, joining the Brotherhood and getting Power Armor...
  14. Kilgore Trout

    New faction idea

    I think it would be interesting to have a nomadic sea-faring (or, depending on the setting, river-faring) tribe that moves up and down the coastline, scavenging, trading and/or plundering. These people would spend most of their lives on their vessels and perhaps consider it somewhat taboo to...
  15. Kilgore Trout

    Arcanum vs Fallout

    You can get Arcanum to run on Windows 8! I got it up and running about a month ago. It opens in a nice little window on my desktop. Let me know if you need help :) Fallout is head and shoulders above Arcanum, imo, for the reasons other posters listed. Graphically, I thought the game was pretty...
  16. Kilgore Trout

    Is NV railroaded?

    And for me at least, I would define railroading as the devs forcing a certain path on you, not simply encouraging you take a particular path. If we were to apply your definition, than the original Fallouts were also railroaded, since a first time player would also most likely die if they tried...
  17. Kilgore Trout

    Any creative roleplayers out there?

    Are you more intent on playing a doctor, or a pacifist? Because one play through I had a "Doc Holiday" build: a courier with high level medical training who decided to become a gambler, gunslinger, and whiskey addict. This character was not exactly a pacifist; however, like the historical Doc...