Any creative roleplayers out there?


First time out of the vault
I've wanted to try a pacifist Doctor playthrough for quite a while now, and I'm pretty sure about my build. But I'm having trouble deciding what to actually do as a doctor. Helping out the Followers, Boomers, NCR troops, and drug addicts in Freeside using the Medicine checks are obviously going to be a big part of it. I've also thought about scavenging for medical supplies (surgical tubing, different chems, etc.) and selling/giving them to people that need them, like the folks over at the NV Medical Clinic.

This will keep me busy for a little while, but what do I do when I'm done? Any ideas for what a Doctor playthrough should consist of? Any mods out there that might be of help? Usually I'd just brush the whole idea aside if it weren't too viable, but I've wanted to roleplay this character for ages now and just cannot seem to let it go.

Any ideas are most welcome.
- NCR ending/House ending.

- Do not kill anyone till Level 20 [Damaging someone's health is a thing, killing someone is another thing.

- CCO mod gives you a perk if you do not kill someone till Level 20. The perk gives you 1 SPECIAL point.

- Barter, Speech, Science as tag.

- Helping ALL people. No matter faction. [Except Caesar, of course]

I have done this a lot before, so if you got questions, ask them.
Not killing anyone (but perhaps crippling them in order to buy time to run away) and going by that doctor "code" of helping anyone regardless of faction are two neat ideas I hadn't even considered. Very nice.

Didn't you eventually get bored though? That's my biggest fear going into this. I mean, once you'd finished all the relevant doctor quests and medicine checks, what was there left for you to do?
Not killing anyone (but perhaps crippling them in order to buy time to run away) and going by that doctor "code" of helping anyone regardless of faction are two neat ideas I hadn't even considered. Very nice.

Didn't you eventually get bored though? That's my biggest fear going into this. I mean, once you'd finished all the relevant doctor quests and medicine checks, what was there left for you to do?

Bored? No. There's a lot to do in New Vegas. And there's the main story to complete after the Side quests.
@EnclaveKnight, yeah, sorry, forgot. Medicine, Speech, Science.
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I know there's generally a lot to do in New Vegas, but probably not as a doctor. I've gone through the game already, and I won't be redoing action-heavy quests as a doctor. That leaves little left for me to do.
You could visit the vaults with your trust companions. You'll probably need to kill some animals and ghouls tho.
You could always up your sneak and "help fortify" those you deem in need of assistance by reverse pickpocketing checks, stims, superior armor, and (nonlethal) weapons on them. Take some of your adventuring largesse and use it to help the people. You could be a dedicated Follower of the Apocalypse that way. Questing for some ingredients for chems and tech, setting up clinics and libraries in abandoned locations... a Follower's work is never done.

As to action-heavy quests, with a high sneak and a Compliance Regulator (or cattle prod, less optimally), many of them can become white-knuckle humanitarian aid experiences as opposed to killfests if you leave your companions waiting in the bushes somewhere.

Whenever your friends do engage, you can choose to "First, do no harm" by focusing strictly on ministering to your companions' wounds during the fight, only using the Compliance Regulator against those attacking you or innocent bystanders. In those situations, I tend to lay out the corpses with some semblance of decency without looting them, leaving a sum of caps or some other fitting tribute on the corpse as an In-game penance for breaking my rules or donating them to one of the faction's merchants later if I'm on good terms.
You could also download the JIP comanion control mod, you can even set your companions to not engage in combat even when being shot at, and you can heal them in real time. There is also a Grave Digger mod that let's you make graves for dead npcs to help with the last bit that Yamu just said.
Anyway, some help with the main story:

- You were walking, and you found a dying courier.

- You talk to him, and he tells you about his delivery.

- He says that in his last words, he wants to get the package delivered.

- Story continues normally.
I created a character once that was a pretty normal guy until he got shot in the head. After that, he went a little downhill. He's extremely mentally unstable, and thinks that eating the heads of powerful people will transfer their power to him. Does lots of drugs too. More or less, he kills people, chops off their head post mortem, and then eats it with the cannibal perk. He's like the highlander but on drugs. The HIGHlander. (ba dum tssh) The skills I tagged for him were explosives, melee weapons, and unarmed. His strategy is to get super high, sprint at his enemies, throw a grenade at their feet, then hack/punch at them until their heads fall off. Terrifying presence is a must, and he works best for an independent Vegas because he eats all the other leaders. I had plenty of fun with this guy, feel free to try him out.
Some great ideas and mod suggestions here, guys. Amongst other things, I could probably make the clinic idea a reality by using the JIP mod and moving different NPCs to the makeshift clinics - having them act as fellow doctors. Other NPCs could be moved there to act as patients, and, since technically they're still my companions, I'd be able to heal them in real-time. My head is already sprawling with ideas here. You folks are awesome.
Well, you can download the Groovatron to grab any NPC too, also there is a Mod that let's you build your own town, and Portable Camp Stuff also lets you spawn tents, beds among other things if you want to set up bases quickly. There is also a mod that adds "Weaponized" Stimpaks, SuperStims, Doctor's Bags and Antivenoms to heal NPCs with yours, it's called Heal Others.
I did a tribal character once, and had a rule that I never picked up skill books (meaning she was illiterate).Was fun for a little while. Now I just refuse to use them at all, instead preferring natural skill progression.
Are you more intent on playing a doctor, or a pacifist? Because one play through I had a "Doc Holiday" build: a courier with high level medical training who decided to become a gambler, gunslinger, and whiskey addict. This character was not exactly a pacifist; however, like the historical Doc Holiday, he would often shoot the weapons out of his opponents hands to disarm them during combat. He also identified with the mission of the Followers, and provided medical and scientific aid to the Mojave in a spirit of anti-authoritarian altruism....when he wasn't totally strung out on whiskey and cleaning out the Strip's casinos.

Post Apoc Doc Build: Medicine, Gamblin', Gunslingin'
There's nothing really complex or even especially unique about this build, but it can be great fun if you get into the roleplay aspect, and it can be as elaborate as you're willing to make it. For an authentic "Doc Holiday" experience I would consider the following:

  • Tag! Medicine, Guns, and Speech. Science, Sneak, Lockpicking and Survival are important secondary skills.
  • Appearance: This build is a male. Appearance doesn't really matter, but the Gunslinger mustache is required for this build :D The Sherriff's hat which you can acquire in Primm or on Freeside Thugs makes a great piece of headgear. You can make him old and worn out from a lifetime of hard livin', or relatively young and out to seek his fortune.
  • SPECIAL: Make sure you have a high Luck so you can gamble successfully; alternatively, have middling to low Luck and roleplay as an unsuccessful (and increasingly chem-dependent) gambler. High Luck makes combat easier and more satisfying, but a down-on-his-luck drunk might be more interesting to roleplay and might provide a rationale for the many side quests in Vegas (i.e. you really do need the caps, because you lost everything gambling). Intelligence (because of Medical Background) and Agility (because you are a gunslinger) should be fairly high.
  • Perks Take all perks related to Medicine, like Living Anatomy, Chemist, etc. Take Old World Gourmet, which will enable you to get the most out of your liquor addiction. For a smoother chem experience take Logan's Loophole, however consider the roleplay experience is more interesting if you have to deal with the negative consequences of chem use as well as the benefits.
  • Combat: specialize in one-handed revolvers; this means taking Cowboy, Gunslinger, and the Professional for maximum effectiveness. For roleplay purposes, limit your firearms to revolvers exclusively - absolutely no long range sniping or blowing enemies away with assault carbines or grenade launchers! While this build is not designed for straight up pacifism, the revolver handicap will make combat somewhat more challenging and will make you more inclined to talk, sneak, bribe or think your way out of most situations. That said, having shootouts in casinos fits with the overall theme of this character! Think about using That Gun, Lucky and the Mysterious Magnum for mid-game, and the Ranger Sequoia, Hunting Revolver and maybe the Lil' Devil (okay, not a revolver, but it is a great pistol) for late game. Note that you'll need a strength of at least 6 to use the heavier hitting revolvers.
  • Medical Quests: Off the top of my head: Help the Followers, take care of Snuffles in Sloan, help Doc Henry with his research on the Nightkin. Help Betsie of First Recon get treatment for her trauma, encourage Jack and Diane of the Great Khans to manufacture medications along with drugs and help Jerry the Punk join the Followers. You can also use the Medicine skill during the White Glove Society questline and while helping the NCR Ranger trapped in Vault 3. If you decide to side with Caesar, successfully perform brain surgery. There are also Medicine-related skill checks in Honest Hearts, Dead Money and Old World Blues.
  • Companions: Arcade is a must; you can wander with him as members of the Followers, looking to bring some light and healing to the wasteland. Cass is also an obvious choice because of her Whiskey Rose perk, and Raul in his Vaquero outfit would be also be a great pal to have with you.
  • Roleplay Considerations: I found it interesting to play as a character who is extremely well-intentioned, but has a number of vices as well; a tension between personal desires and ideals is more interesting in my mind than playing a straight up altruist or a character who's just out for themselves in every situation. Set this up as the character's background and let it unfold during play: do you start off as a more violent character who has a change of heart (maybe after meeting Julie Farkas and the Followers) and then renounces their past, or do you start off as an idealist and then become cynical and corrupted by the violent world you find yourself in? How does gambling success (or failure) play into this? How does your chem addiction?

EDIT: Just wanted to add, if you are looking to play a complete pacifist, in addition to the Compliance Regulator don't forget about shotguns armed with Bean Bag rounds! It might be interesting to acquire all of the shotgun related perks, but to use this nonlethal ammunition exclusively. You can pick some up, along with a Hunting Shotgun and Combat Armor, Reinforced, from the Followers' Safehouse.
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Nice input there, Kilgore. Apart from the gunslinging and gambling (I've left that combo for another playthrough), it looks like we have pretty much the same idea of how we'd play a doctor. I want him to be altruistic when it comes to the needs of others, but not at his own expense (although this might arguably be thought of as an oxymoron). He's a cynical kind of guy who'll place cold rationality above all else, and his chosen vice is a mixture of different chems - not too keen on alcohol, however. Dr. House from the TV show would probably be a nice reference for this aspect.

When it comes to how far I'm willing to push the pacifist role, I'm leaning towards something like this: I want to be equipped with a silenced .22 handgun, for any emergencies as well as stealthy scavenging missions. I don't want him to be too adept with any lethal weapons at all, but able enough to fire a gun if required. But only if required, otherwise he's a total pacifist. And I want him to use lethal weapons because it contrasts his role as a doctor; his goal in life is saving lives, and I want it to matter when he occasionally has to take one. I want that to be a big part of my roleplay.

Apart from this, like I said, it seems we have the same basic idea. Thanks for the ideas. ^^
Lana Luxxx

Borned in New Reno, moved at the age of sixteeen to Junktown after working as a miner in her younger age, looking for a better life. Tried a few jobs like bartender, crier, saleswoman, even physician assistant. Trying to seek new opportunities, become a body-guard at the age of eighteen. Was enslaved by the Legion when traveling with merchants that allegedly were going to The Hub, but in fact subside her and traded her as a slave.
Have worked in mining at young ages, Lana possess a stronger build than average and having worked as a physian-assistant, some medical knowledge.
Thereore, she was "trained" as a caretaker of wounded soldiers and bringed in various Legion conquests campaings.

The leash marks on her back ensured the trainning.

Scape captivity during the campaing to conquest the Hangdogs. Since women aren't allowed to freely move in Legion territory by their own, Lana had to learn how to disguise her true gender identity until she could reach non-Legion territory.
Living in hide for almost 4 years, Lana learned how to survive in the wild, always evading Legion patrols and populated areas, going through Zion and then reaching the ruins of Broken Hills.
Reaching NCR territory was arrested near her hometown, acused as being a raider.

Passed 6 months in forced labor until NCR cleared her charges, issuing an official pardon.

Lana bear a deep hatred for Caeser's Legion and ultimate desdain for NCR. :grin:

After being released, she started working as a courier. The time she spent surviving in the wilds was invaluable, therefore she always was assigned to works requiring long travels. The time in the mines maded her strong, so she could hunt and fight even with spears if needed. Because of that Lana prefers light clothing or light armor that don't constrain her movements, so she can travel at higher speed than most people.

Being suspicious of everyone around her, she doesn't fear showing her strengh, if needed at gun point or shouting at terrified folks.
Her preference range between weapons, she likes more a good powered rifle or carbine over heavy weapons and/or fancy tech.
She's specially good with a battle rifle and pistols/revolvers and always try to be at advantage at a fight, softening entrenched people or animals with some grenades or poisoned weapons, then dispatching them with bullets.

Because the challenges and vicissitudes she passed, Lana sometimes have hard times keeping focused and need to take some medicine to help clear her mind and maintain a straigh head. She also don't care about other's opinions about taking steroids, battle enhance drugs or even tobbaco for her slepless nights.
She even craft some drugs and learned how to boost their effects and duration.

Then Lana was hired by the Mojave Express and reached the Mojave...

PS: Too many clichés people?

PS2: Try to guess the perks.

PS3: This terrifying presence + animal friend rank 2 are fun, Vulpes never saw it coming... :wiggle:
Make The Todd from Scrubs, a complete meathead of a doctor, very dim, too worried about the ladies and his physique, very simple minded but a brilliant Doctor, tag unarmed so he can high five everyone with vigor, but low charisma because his overly macho attitude combined with his stupidity makes him unbearable to people.