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  1. G

    A New "I Am Legend" Movie

    FRED ARE YOU REAL?! DAMNIT FRED! That sums this all up.
  2. G

    UK gamer stabbed to death over Forum Dispute

    HA HA Silly Europeans!
  3. G

    God bless France

    Seriously, why. WHY? WHY MUST FURRIES INFEST THE WORLD? And how does a fur suit, scat porn, and gay turn you guys on. That stuff is creepy. Especially that one in the middle...
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    Gstaff clarifies 24-hour town pacification

    They plan to take your stuff and sell it when you die. At least, that's what I think they want. For all you know, they want to sodomize your corpse.
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    IGN Fallout 3: Six Hours of Exploration

    They said Rivet City is the biggest settlement or at least the most important in that Game Informer article. It makes sense it sells that kind of stuff. The way I see it, the Fatman is sold at Rivet City, the Citadel, and can be found in hard to reach areas. I have a suspicion that they have one...
  6. G

    Carry Over From Oblivion.

    In Oblivion, he is Imperial Male, Sheogorath, and Lucien Lachance. Silly Brother None.
  7. G

    Gstaff clarifies 24-hour town pacification

    Damn, I need a source data base. I can't remember, but they talked about it, I swear.
  8. G

    Carry Over From Oblivion.

    Yeah, but you take it as a review. All it's really doing is being a joke, bashing the game by showing only the worst aspects of it. It's what the MMO Roulette on Something Awful does. You aren't getting both sides of a story. But it was funny in some parts. I like a good roast.
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    Gstaff clarifies 24-hour town pacification

    Wow. This turned into a shit storm. It's like everyone is overlooking the fact that the NPCs will hate you after the rampage, perhaps closing off quests. Also, if you do it AGAIN, then they hate you forever. Finally, some towns will not forgive after 1 offense. How is this bad? How does this...
  10. G

    Gstaff clarifies 24-hour town pacification

    Better, but I wanted it to be a week before getting back in town safely. Oh well. And didn't they say if you do another rampage after you get back in, they ban you and try to kill you onsight?
  11. G

    Fallout 3: Bad to the Bone

    This is leaps and bounds better then Fallout's old, "Start one fight, and leave the town forever" thing. If we complain enough, then they could extend the duration to a week or so. The rest of the interview was ok. Didn't reveal much though.
  12. G

    Carry Over From Oblivion.

    That RPG Codex guy is really biased IMHO.
  13. G

    Yahoo! Games Fall Games Guide

    One man's trash is another's treasure. ... Only when I get a craving for a milkshake.
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    360 Gamer Hands-On Preview

    Well, that would near impossible to do. Everyone has different opinions. Some people like a linear JRPG. Others a game that is as PnP as possible. And others like wandering a huge world, doing a lot of quests. I like doing the last 2, but others might only enjoy JRPGs. Some even dislike all of them.
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    Yahoo! Games Fall Games Guide

    Chill dude. No need to be rude. But you just said stuff like "Pandering to the LCD". And if I enjoy it, then it isn't shit.
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    360 Gamer Hands-On Preview

    It didn't suck IMHO. I just have a problem with people telling me something I like sucks.
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    360 Gamer Hands-On Preview

    Now you are never going to get a cigarette from me. I enjoyed Oblivion. Please stop flaming. You can say you didn't like it, but don't senselessly bash it.
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    They finally found God??? o-0

    Moth balls are now kick ass.
  19. G

    Fallout 3: Gathering Good Karma

    Giving money to a church is good in the eyes of a community centered around it. That guy doesn't know if that lady would have refused or not. Maybe he just pooled points in everything but speech, making his lies have a low success rate.
  20. G

    You know you're bored.

    Pope Viper scares me.