A New "I Am Legend" Movie

fallout ranger said:
The sad part? This movie will get ZERO awards...Why? Because it doesn't "mean" anything...film critics make me want to vomit.

Well, I am GLAD it will not get any award ! I rather enjoyed it for what it was but it basically butchered Matheson's book in a pretty predictable manner, which is even more sad. Will Smith's performance was nice but never outstanding and he could not refrain from using the same usual gimmicks he always uses. And yeah, second half of the movie went really downhill ( should I also mention the retarded nukular grenade ? ).
They starts to show it in the cinemas here in sweden on Friday! Maybe I'll go see it, not sure yet! :)
DarkCorp said:
Am I the only one who wants to see alien versus predator movie that does not suck

IE this:


This as a movie would be awesome.

I miss old arcade games such as that. Today if a FPS has gratiutous violence it's lame, but when it's presented as it is in those old arcade games no one seems to mind...just enjoy the finger-twitching action. Oh yeah and I remember that game in particular it rocked.

The Vault Dweller
So I just saw it tonight with the ladyfriend... All I can say is "Meh". I just didn't get into it, for some reason. Didn't do it for me, and I liked The Omega Man, and the book. I mean, it was well made and all, but for whatever reason I found little to like.
Aside from being annoyed because of the zealous usage of the word "meh" in this forum, I'd like to point out that I enjoyed the film, alot.
My tribute to the movie ;)

Possible spoiler.


I only wish to know what was he saving the bacon for aside from finding another live, roughly sane person...
buah...this film was one of the crappiest films i have ever seen !
The idea was interesting but the film itself was CRAP !
Yes, the film was crap. It's 60's version is much better.

Anyone here read the novel?
i liked it, if only for the depiction of the derelict city. that was well done imho. story was MEH! and predictable, but had strong moments. and i think smith is a not-too-bad actor, and doing this movie gives him a bit more depth. he may be the new old wise black in a couple of years, people! morgan freemon isnt living forever
I'm kinda late but I recently watched this one on BluRay and while there are some plot holes I rather liked it. I haven't read the book nor have I seen the old films.
Nice visuals and overall atmosphere. I like how his house is stacked with scavenged food and how loneliness has driven him (more or less) slightly demented.
the best part of it was Mike Patton doing the monster voices. pretty uninteresting film otherwise.
I thought the atmosphere was pretty good overall. The film was interesting, and a bit tense too. Probably one of the best post apocalypse movies in the last 4, 5 years, please someone correct if I am wrong, as I don't remember any other post apocalypse movie besides I am Legend.