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  1. G

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #77

    Dear God. Per is going insane. Please help.
  2. G

    Fallout 3 GotY: Gamasutra PC #1, Edge #27

    Really? It seems like Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing is way worse then Oblivion, and it looks like it was coded in like 1 hour. Someone is a bit biased.
  3. G

    Fallout 3 PC/Xbox 360 patch in final stages

    Indeed. Maybe if you are lucky you PS3 dudes will get a big DLC pack with all the DLC's a little after they are all released.
  4. G


    Re: Bigger Picture He only failed because a bunch of liberals cried because some soldiers were dying. Isn't that what being a soldier is about? My Lord, if the liberals of today existed during World War II, they would piss and moan so loud glass all over the world would shatter when they saw...
  5. G

    UGO interviews Jeff Gardiner on DLC

    Re: Statement Of Human ... (Pre)condition(ing) God, you are just like what would happen if Azrael (A guy from BethSoft Boards who does not use paragraphs. Instead, he puts a space between every sentence)) and some weird crazy poet had a baby. I get the god-mode thing, though. But the picture...
  6. G

    Fallout 3 patched on the PS3

    Heh. Seems they are working on a patch and releasing it before the DLC.
  7. G

    Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage Unveiled

    Explains why I have no fucking clue of this movie's existence till now. And what is with all the filters? I'm getting pretty bored of them. And I guess the bloom is expected. The Power Armor is all shiny and new and there is snow and ice everywhere.
  8. G

    Global Epidemic announced

    I couldn't stop laughing. The broken English in this article is so unintentionally hilarious.
  9. G

    Question about Megaton

    I saw an idea for a mod that makes companions better over at the Bethesda board. Might be worth it to check it out.
  10. G

    Wierd Graphics Issue

    Stuff like this happens on my Xbox 360 version too. Might be related to coming out of fast travel and losing a drug effect. I dunno.
  11. G

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel DLC to change ending

    It adds more shit, so I'm pretending I'm paying for more shit, not a new ending. But that shit better be good. And no one, save for Jack Thompson, matches EA's jackassery.
  12. G

    Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage Unveiled

    You just skipped the whole point of my anger. I really hate people who think a console player is a modern neanderthal. What gives? Do you have proof that console players are dumber then PC players? And I know a black guy who doesn't like chicken. Hah!
  13. G

    Fallout 3: GECK available for download

    What? I believe that is the stupidest mod ever. No one would download it. Not even the people you think are stupid. I really will shit a brick when someone makes the god damn manditory anime mod.
  14. G

    Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage Unveiled

    The whole kit and kaboodle, I guess.
  15. G

    Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage Unveiled

    I don't get the hate. It justs sounds like those house things for Oblivion (One for the mages, one for the thieves, one for the fighters, and one for the assassin), but better; A DLC specialized for a certain style or type of play. Sure. All console players are retards that like being buff and...
  16. G

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel DLC to change ending

    Yeah man. It's not like they went to college or something. In the United States of America none-the-less, where it costs 30,000 dollars for tuition. Psssh, I bet the Bethesda developers rode the short bus at school. /end sarcasm Sorry, Brother None. I'm annoyed today. Not to mention the fact...
  17. G

    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    Re: Thread where people burn Fallout 3
  18. G

    How you play & Why ?

    I beat the game without attacking or killing anyone or anything besides the tutorial roach. All it took was getting Sergeant RL-3 (later Fawkes) to be a bulletshield, Science and Speech skills, and many reloads when those bullet shields died.
  19. G

    Planet Fallout interviews Wes Johnson

    I'll go back to my cave. Fuck me for being a conformist bastard and liking Fallout 3. JK, I understand. Fawkes was a bit annoying. But maybe it was because she HAS NO FUCKING LIPS SO IT LOOKED LIKE A FUCKING PUPPET TALKING.