Awesome Guns Mod
Description: The guns weren't cool enough. This mod adds rippers to the assault rifle; makes the Rock-It Launcher shoot flaming, spiked teddy bears; the chinese pistol fires a mini-nuke; the Fat Boy shoots kick ass action missiles; and the combat shotgun has kickass angel wings and screams "METAAAAAL" when you fire it.
Oh yeah, you permanently have the Bloody Mess perk, all quests are solved by shooting things with VATS, and speech has been replaced with Stone Cold Killah (adds +300% damage per rank in skill). Enjoy.
VaultBoy101: 10/10 frikkin sweet U R DA MAN
xXxFulloutFanxXx: i play fallout 1 in 2005 and game is boring but this mod makes game even better think u
DethKlawKillah: joo r so cool dude u should make deathklaw shoot kickass action spikes
999adbot666: is your woman displeased in bed?
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