Fallout 3: GECK available for download

Cool. Much fun wished upon you, my modding brethren, may the mods be plentiful and excellent

(GECK is still a stupid name. They didn't even bother to make the abbreviation make sense. Let's just call it "modkit")
Finally! Hopefully some good stable version of F3C will be out by march..

Btw, what is wrong with GECK name? afterall, you can make your own methaphorical garden of eden (better Fallout 3) with it.Or the real one, even (it allows to make new locations, does it not?).
Good Luck Modders, I hope to see some VAST improvements to the game.

And yea they should have used a better acronym like Vaultec Assisted Modification Package (VAMP). Is it really hard to come up with original ideas?
This game is just as dead as X-COM, Jagged Alliance, Command & Conquer and Heroes of Might & Magic.
Well, there's hoping for an ambitious, well made project.

Honestly, I don't care much for the "canon" mods - all those things that turn FO3 more "Fallouty". The game itself is screwed up. I'd like to see people collaborate on creating a new landmass (Southwest?) where different modders can contribute and submit their own quests to. Maybe eventually a "main quest" could be made for it.

I realize all attempts at such things for Oblivion and Morrowind failed miserably, but Fallouters seem more devout to their franchise's integrity, and this is the only way to go about 'fixing' FO3, imo.

FO3 is dumb by design, not by mechanics (okay, mostly by design). You can make dialogs and quests just as complex (if not more) than in the original Fallouts with it's SDK (the GECK), and that's what I'd most like to see. Alas, I was completely inept with the Morrowind construction set, but I'll be giving this a shot anyway...
I was planning on doing a Fallout 1 & 2 total conversion with every NPC, dialog tree, quest, etc. but then I realized that's stupid because there will be about 300 FALLOUT RESTORATION projects announced in the next week.


I'll call the project Oblivion Gone. It'll be a fantasy total conversion for Fallout 3. Everyone will dub it "Fallout 3 with Swords."
Right, a remake of the original Fallouts is just plain silly. You don't see anyone trying to rebuild the Tower of Pisa because it's old and crooked - it's still a worldwide attraction. But constructing a new landmass to serve as a "base" for a variety of "TROO FALLOUTZ" quests submitted by different modders may hold some potential, I think.

Toss in the F3 Compendium into the mix and while you won't have a Fallout game, you'll at least have a tribute or a respectable post-apocalyptic fan made project.
winterraptor said:
I doubt any mod will ever make the game genuinely Fallout. I won't be holding my breath.

You can't see me, but I'm rolling my eyes right now because I know where this conversation is leading.

You can't make the game GENUINELY Fallout because it isn't top down, point and click, with a turn based battle system. All I'm talking about is remaking Fallout 1 & 2 for the Fallout 3 engine.
Mikael Grizzly said:

Here's the first of mine mods. Now without explosive cars.
Why would you do that? Exploding cars are cool.
What are you, 80 years old?
lol tard
Mikael Grizzly said:

Here's the first of mine mods. Now without explosive cars.

Fantastic. Now I can't wait for the inevitable

-Kill children
-Drugs are renamed to real drugs
-Have sex with women
-Disappearing phone booth
-Gauss Rifle
-Naked children mod

p.s. I'm not being sarcastic about your mod either. I hated the exploding cars.

But I am being sarcastic about everything else because whenever you give gamers the tools to do whatever they instantly use them to add in naked tits.

EDIT: Oh yeah, motorcycles and drivable cars. With horrible tank controls, of course.
Don't forget anime hair and moar cool swords.

Tested it, don't like it, deleted it. Yeh, I am ready with this game.
Awesome Guns Mod
Description: The guns weren't cool enough. This mod adds rippers to the assault rifle; makes the Rock-It Launcher shoot flaming, spiked teddy bears; the chinese pistol fires a mini-nuke; the Fat Boy shoots kick ass action missiles; and the combat shotgun has kickass angel wings and screams "METAAAAAL" when you fire it.

Oh yeah, you permanently have the Bloody Mess perk, all quests are solved by shooting things with VATS, and speech has been replaced with Stone Cold Killah (adds +300% damage per rank in skill). Enjoy.


VaultBoy101: 10/10 frikkin sweet U R DA MAN

xXxFulloutFanxXx: i play fallout 1 in 2005 and game is boring but this mod makes game even better think u

DethKlawKillah: joo r so cool dude u should make deathklaw shoot kickass action spikes

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Cow said:
Awesome Guns Mod
Description: The guns weren't cool enough. This mod adds rippers to the assault rifle; makes the Rock-It Launcher shoot flaming, spiked teddy bears; the chinese pistol fires a mini-nuke; the Fat Boy shoots kick ass action missiles; and the combat shotgun has kickass angel wings and screams "METAAAAAL" when you fire it.

Oh yeah, you permanently have the Bloody Mess perk, all quests are solved by shooting things with VATS, and speech has been replaced with Stone Cold Killah (adds +300% damage per rank in skill). Enjoy.


VaultBoy101: 10/10 frikkin sweet U R DA MAN

xXxFulloutFanxXx: i play fallout 1 in 2005 and game is boring but this mod makes game even better think u

DethKlawKillah: joo r so cool dude u should make deathklaw shoot kickass action spikes

999adbot666: is your woman displeased in bed? Click on this link to purchase StubbyDong, the latest in size enhancement earn 400 gold in WoW when you buy StubbyDong
What? I believe that is the stupidest mod ever. No one would download it. Not even the people you think are stupid.

I really will shit a brick when someone makes the god damn manditory anime mod.