Search results

  1. P

    Post-Apocalyptic books

    It's probably too late, but stay the hell away from Folk of the Fringe- I saw it mentioned a few pages back in this thread. It's preachy, poorly written sentimental garbage. It remains to this day the only book I've thrown away.
  2. P

    Jericho (post-apoc TV show)

    This show could be so much better, but I'm glad just to have anything on TV that explores this theme. It's something to watch.
  3. P

    The Road

    4too is probably the best poster on any internet forum I've ever read. And since I know that's weak praise, he's also one of the most skilled manipulators of English prose I've read who isn't published. I mean, come on: Effortlessly slick. Also, he mentioned the book Canticle for...
  4. P

    Great Storyline Games

    Shit. I must have macked all the wrong ladies or something. In my defense, I only remember the character's ex-girlfriend scene because it was so hilariously bad.
  5. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Jeff Buckley - Night Flight Live at Sin-e is a grrreat album.
  6. P

    Nerds, assemble, help needed!

    Post 'documentaries' in .avi format forthwith 8)
  7. P

    Great Storyline Games

    Fahrenheit is awesome (you get to bang hawt digital chicks by strategicaly playing a guitar) but it gets extremely weird towards the end. If you're looking for a good story and don't care to spend lots of time on a complex game, that's the one I'd recommend.
  8. P


    I'll confine my responses to you and this thread in general to this: that lurking of yours should be near-constant and should leave you no time for posting. This thread was a fantastic idea. Sander, you should have closed it on page 2 instead of giving out a warning, because nobody ever...
  9. P

    Good hard sci fi

    Brave New World has some fundamental problems, but overall it's a decent book. I'd classify it more of a utopian political novel than I would sci-fi, but semantics schemantics, right? Anyway, if you're really looking at that genre, read We by Yevgeny Zamyatin or 1984.
  10. P

    Good hard sci fi

    The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? The Man in the High Tower?
  11. P

    Vault 13 T-shirt

    I was about to buy one of those (the same guy has been selling them at SA, he can barely print them fast enough) but I realized that by the time he sent it to me I'd be off at college, so I'm holding off until I reach my new digs to get one. Mark my words, though. It will be mine.
  12. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I'm not sure what it is, but I like the style. 8/10
  13. P

    Call of Juarez : WTF ??

    I thought it was a shitty game and tasteless to boot. It's tastelessness wasn't charming, just stupid and juvenile. Just my opinion, obviously.
  14. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - As Sure as the Sun
  15. P


    There's no source for that because it didn't happen, but a bunch of executives did get tons of options after 9/11 when stocks were extremely low (I read an article in WSJ about it last week, I don't have the online edition though) , and just prior to 9/11 there were a large amount of 'put'...
  16. P

    CivCity: Rome

    Yeah, this sounds exactly like Caesar III. I'd expect FireFly to get that right, since they've done basically the same thing before. Also, do the soldiers have collision models now? :D
  17. P

    NW European Heatwave '06

    It's been 40 degrees celsius for a few weeks here. If I want to do anything outside I have to do it before 9 am or I'm pretty much toasted. I hate this heat.
  18. P

    CivCity: Rome

    Stronghold 2 was crappy as hell, so I'm going to remain wary of this one until I read a few reviews or try the demo. The first Stronghold was alright, though. RIP GodGames...
  19. P

    Calculon000 plays Shattered Union

    That's pretty much what Advance Wars and Dai Senryaku are like. Still fun, though.
  20. P

    The famous back rub seen around the world.

    That's hilarious. The youtube video is one of approximately four thousand identical 5-second clips. Also, it'd be interesting to see what happened later- if Bush was just joking or if he honestly made a move. Somehow I think he was just joking around. I hope...