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  1. P

    Going to the gym

    Guys put fat generally on their bellies and chests before the fat spreads to the arms and legs (women put it on the hips and thighs before anywhere else), and exerting a muscle burns calories, but from where it doesn't really matter. There's no way to specifically target a source of fat and get...
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Chris Cornell - Wave Goodbye Shut up. :mad:
  3. P

    Team Fortress 2 sees daylight?

    Portal looks extremely cool. I'm pretty excited about the mind-bending puzzles they've got going on. I was never a big fan of the original TF, but I'll probably try out this version because even though it looks like a direct copy of the original, it should be fun. I am kind of...
  4. P

    More Morons on RPGs

    Haha, the comments pretty much tear this guy apart. Well done, anonymous internet folk. My problem with editorializing about games is that most of the time people jump straight to it without having the nessecary background to really do it right. This guy is basically spilling out his...
  5. P

    Next Generation Five That Fell editorial

    Anxiously awaiting the opportunity to be made John Romero's bitch.
  6. P

    Living with Russia

    Welsh pretty much covered everything. The only thing I have to add is this. The G8 has several lame-duck members that are democracies but are hardly economic superpowers. Canada and Britain spring to mind. I think adding India and Brazil couldn't go wrong, even though they aren't as...
  7. P

    The 50 Worst Video Game Names Of All Time!

    I heard Wargasm actually wasn't that bad. EDIT: Totally Rad. What the hell is that game even about?
  8. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Gang of Four - Damaged Goods
  9. P

    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    I agree, but I wouldn't count out a 1967 or 1973 scenario again. Israel could force one nation out, bribe another with prisoner releases, attempt a decapitation strike or something else messy with the Mossad, etc. Or they could just clobber them. All the troops in the world aren't worth...
  10. P

    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    I was just talking about your tendency to overestimate how badass middle eastern militaries are. Israel should calm down, but if they don't the surrounding countries are the ones that are going to feel the pain, so to speak. Not Israel, for better or for worse. We give them too much money.
  11. P

    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    Actually it was a raid by Hezbollah militants across the Israeli border that resulted in the seizure of the two soldiers. And Overseer, I'm smelling that legendary 'Iranian Miltary' thread. Let's not travel down that path again.
  12. P

    Speak up, Brotha!

    I love how people clap when he says he's been vegan for thirty years. I guess they were amazed the same way that people are amazed when someone can hold their breath for a long time. :rolleyes: "I'm not goin' to waste time figuring out why they want to kill us, but that's what they want to...
  13. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Satan is my Motor by Cake Sa-tan is my mo-tor Hear my motor purr
  14. P

    The future RAM... is here.

    Well, to be fair, there are flash-specific file systems that speed up the erasing part (the bottleneck in dealing with flash). Also, I've been using a flash memory key (32 mb lol) for about four years and it's not once screwed up on me. Maybe I haven't crossed that threshold yet, but that...
  15. P

    The future RAM... is here.

    It's basically slightly better flash memory. The concept is cool as hell though.
  16. P

    Taepodong-2 missile was aimed at Hawaii?

    ...and up until twenty years or so ago, that "belligerent power" was using a massive chunk of its defense forces to protect "Eurotrash" from the Soviet Union, not to mention the fact that its belligerence was hardly indiscriminate, and was aimed squarely at the Soviet Union and its sattelites...
  17. P

    Kenneth Lay kicked the bucket.

    I want some hardcore identification on that body pronto. He's a shady enough character that he could be chilling in a mountain villa in Argentina or something by now. Also, let's get that money and give it to the employees he swindled it from.
  18. P

    C.A. does P.A.

    The response email to that one would probably include the word "jackass".
  19. P

    Hard Truck: Apocalypse shot down in the reviews

    Yeah, no kidding. Previews are a sketchy business, though, because if you trash a game before it's even out, that is unfair, but if you praise it or gloss over its flaws, then it sounds like you're a liar when the game comes out, because you are. And there's a considerable element of bias in...
  20. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    M-m-mega bump. I built the computer a few days ago and it's running perfectly. Windows boots up so quickly I almost cried once. True story. Anyway, thanks SuAside and the rest of the people that gave me advice. You guys rock.