Evil Feline
First time out of the vault

Some Idiot who thinks he knowns something about RPGs has yet again posted an article on the subject.
But it gets worse, he attacks yours truly:
Edit: Actually now that I think about it JE did let you work love interest into being less squeamish and then when she had gotten a colder heart you could tell her "Hey, I thought you where my conscious" Nothing like fucking with NPCs virtual heads.
At any rate he's still a Fucking Idiot.
Comes of to a good start doesn't it.It is perhaps fair to say that the Japanese have been bolder in their approach to the role-playing game
So, allot of fantasy games uses technology alongside magic, even WoW does.Final Fantasy VIII took a turn for the technological without missing a beat, and Skies of Arcadia seamlessly blended airships and swashbuckling
But it gets worse, he attacks yours truly:
What the... How... at least try to back it up with an argument.Fallout may be about a post-apocalyptic future, but the gameplay doesn't stray far from the dungeon crawling epics of the day.
When does KotOR & JE not feature meaningless dialogue trees and unimportant decisions, when does Fallout?There has to be something better than a totally pre-scripted plot featuring nearly meaningless dialogue trees and unimportant decisions. BioWare certainly experimented with this in Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire
Edit: Actually now that I think about it JE did let you work love interest into being less squeamish and then when she had gotten a colder heart you could tell her "Hey, I thought you where my conscious" Nothing like fucking with NPCs virtual heads.
At any rate he's still a Fucking Idiot.