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  1. P

    Taepodong-2 missile was aimed at Hawaii?

    Suaside and brandon, calm the fuck down and stop insinuating that the other has no grasp of basic geography/English. That kind of childish bullshit makes these threads an absoloute pain in the ass to read. That said, NK shouldn't have nukes or long-range missles not because they're not...
  2. P

    Our kids are fucking pansies.

    Oh man, talk about building character and burns. Those slides were fantastic. Also, hooray for the thirty-foot swings that could launch you halfway across the playground. 8)
  3. P

    Summer reading

    Chesterton's kind of a guilty pleasure for me, and I just realized that I use his works in an inordinately large percentage of my papers and projects for English. I need to branch out :(.
  4. P

    Our kids are fucking pansies.

    As always, the solution is good parenting. The fact that parents are demanding this shit is depressing, but there is still hope because I'm sure that some objected. Those kids that are coddled and sheltered will grow up to be pansies, and the ones that were exposed to the world and given choices...
  5. P

    Summer reading

    Well, you said they didn't ship at all to Europe, not that it might be difficult. I was just correcting you. And even if you do pay double, these books are so dirt-cheap it doesn't even matter. Expecially with a favorable Euro-Dollar exchange rate (and especially with that ridiculous...
  6. P

    Summer reading

    No, it's not US only. They ship all over the world. Bud :)
  7. P

    Summer reading

    Also, make sure to save yourself money and try out Dover Publications for some of these books. I picked up Heart of Darkness for about $1.50 and most of the other classic books people reccommended can be found there astoundingly cheap. For example: Kafka's Matamorphosis for pocket change...
  8. P

    Summer reading

    Good list. I'd read Crime and Punishment if you're going to read Dostoevsky, and I'd also add a couple of smaller books that I've read so far this summer that I enjoyed: - Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad - Something by Camus (I've only read The Stranger) - And you might as well make it a...
  9. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Violent Femmes - Gone Daddy Gone
  10. P

    The Australian-Anuran War...

    I would think that the entire population of Australia would, in unison, grunt, smash their bottles of Foster's on a rock, and use the resulting shiv to mercilessly stab the nearest frog, all the while tipping their wide-brimmed hats and complaining about dingoes accosting their young'uns.
  11. P

    Only in America

    From the same people that brought you the annual Flag Burning debate and the "American Values" agenda (and, not to leave the Democrats out, the Assault Weapons ban).
  12. P

    US gets a challenge

    The motorcycle units are interesting, but they'd only be useful for recon. Mounted raiders armed with ranged weapons had their heyday a few hundred years ago. And their air defense systems looked pathetic, so most of that artillery and secondhand Soviet MLRS stuff (along with thise fancy...
  13. P

    Physics card

    The physics effects in GRAW aren't even complete, since (aside from a few select props) nothing is destructible. If we had buildings toppling over and cars being smashed with huge chunks of rebar and concrete, hell yeah we'd need a card for it. And I'd buy it if that was actually in the game...
  14. P

    Capitalism At Its Best

    I think it's more the fact that he had all that money to begin with that Mr. Uskglass is talking about.
  15. P

    Physics card

    The hideous abortion of a game that is Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter has support for physics cards. What that game really needs help with is some AI. Bullets and grenades have been behaving perfectly fine for years- what we need is non-stationary enemy soldiers.
  16. P

    Smoking marijuana, does not lead to lung cancer!

    Welcome to pretty much every episode of Loveline ever. If you listened to that show you'd know every single reason why the Ganja isn't harmful at all and actually makes you a much better person. That said, it will make you stupid and fat, in addition to the obvious respiratory effects, which...
  17. P

    An Example of a Proper Powerpoint Presentation

    I actually picked up a print copy of the Onion a while back when I was in the NYC. It was pretty cool - they had an interview with Modest Mouse that week, which was awesome.
  18. P

    Going to Turkey

    If you travel outside Istanbul, make sure to pour some points into Outdoorsman! Better chance of finding cool shit!
  19. P

    Capitalism At Its Best

    He should see how many universities he can found with that money. Break a world record or something.
  20. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Interpol - Say Hello to the Angels