Taepodong-2 missile was aimed at Hawaii?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Does that little bastard have a death wish?


Hawaii target of missle?

Tokyo - A North Korean missile launched on Wednesday was aimed at an area of the ocean close to Hawaii, a Japanese newspaper reported on Friday.

Experts estimated the taepodong-2 ballistic missile to have a range of up to 6,000 km, putting Alaska within its reach. Wednesday's launch apparently failed shortly after take-off and the missile landed in the sea between the Korean peninsula and Japan, a few hundred kilometers from the launch pad.

But data from U.S. and Japanese aegis radar-equipped destroyers and surveillance aircraft on the missile's angle of take-off and altitude indicated that it was heading for waters near Hawaii, the Sankei Shimbun reported, citing multiple sources in the United States and Japan.

North Korea may have targeted Hawaii to show the United States that it was capable of landing a missile there, or because it is home to the headquarters of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the paper said.

An alternative explanation might be that a missile could accidentally hit land if fired towards Alaska, the report said.

A separate report in the Mainichi Shimbun Daily cited U.S. and Japanese government officials as saying a piece of the taepodong-2 missile fell off immediately after take-off, strengthening the view that the launch was a failure.

Now they are saying North Korea is preparing a 2nd launch of the Taepodong -2 missle.

Well wherever they aimed it, it's going to be close to somewhere... But I'm afraid they are creating a lot of scare worldwide with this.

And yes, he does have a death wish :wink:
dude, they have no natural resources. bush has been ignoring NK for ages now, he's not about to take any real action now.

sure, he'll flex his muscles, but it'll stop at that. there is no money in a war with NK.

and they're called missile tests. it happens that tests fail, ya know. thats what tests are for: to learn how to make it work. and yes, usually when one test fails, you try to fix the problem & try again.
SuAside said:
and they're called missile tests. it happens that tests fail, ya know. thats what tests are for: to learn how to make it work. and yes, usually when one test fails, you try to fix the problem & try again.
There is a difference between testing a missle and making an aggressive gesture. Firing into, near, or over a country or state falls in the second catagory.
then please tell me, PhredBean, how is a small country to test long distance missiles?

oh wait, you can't because ze americanz should be the only ones that are allowed to have long distance missiles in a perfect world, right? always funny how the country with the most long range missiles & most nukes in the world whine about others testing such weapons.

now for a small country that lies next to an ocean to test a long range missile, you'd fire into international waters, would you not? what lies on the other side of the ocean? the US. conclusion? ZOMG! THEY FIRED AT THE US!!!11!!!1one.

sure, no one likes north korea, but lets not flip out over nothing, shall we? this changes nothing. it's just egowhoring (on BOTH sides i might add).
Ive gotta agree with SuAside, besides whereever it was aimed nonwithstanding, the thing failed.

Besides, if youre going to be outraged about anything, it should be KimJong's hair.

Kim Jong Ills hair stylist is the Herve Cain of hair.
SuAside said:
then please tell me, PhredBean, how is a small country to test long distance missiles?

oh wait, you can't because ze americanz should be the only ones that are allowed to have long distance missiles in a perfect world, right? always funny how the country with the most long range missiles & most nukes in the world whine about others testing such weapons.

now for a small country that lies next to an ocean to test a long range missile, you'd fire into international waters, would you not? what lies on the other side of the ocean? the US. conclusion? ZOMG! THEY FIRED AT THE US!!!11!!!1one.

sure, no one likes north korea, but lets not flip out over nothing, shall we? this changes nothing. it's just egowhoring (on BOTH sides i might add).

Biggest fucking ocean in the world and they want to land it off the waters of Hawaii. That would be a act of aggression toward the U.S. Does that sound like a justified test to you? God forbid the piece of shit missile actually flew and 'accidentally' hit Hawaii. Things would be quite different in the land of North Korea right now.
brandons1313 said:
Biggest fucking ocean in the world and they want to land it off the waters of Hawaii. That would be a act of aggression toward the U.S. Does that sound like a justified test to you? God forbid the piece of shit missile actually flew and 'accidentally' hit Hawaii. Things would be quite different in the land of North Korea right now.

"land it off the waters of Hawaii"? your own post states it flew no more than a few hundred kilometers before crashing in the damn SEA.

yes sea, NOT EVEN the fucking ocean. the sea between Korea and JAPAN.

do you have any clue where the FUCK Hawaii is? ok, perhaps you do, but do you have any clue where North Korea & Japan are? a lot of your countrymen seem to believe Tasmania of all places is NK btw.

now brace yourself: please do not be shocked if i tell you that Hawaii is NOT between Korea & Japan.

ZOMG! the missile missed US soil by ONLY SEVERAL THOUSANDS of kilometers. it took a lil' splash in a sea, not even the HUGE fucking ocean that Hawaii is in.

i know american suck fucking ass at cartography, but niggah please. stop spouting nonsense... do i really have to dig up the flash animation about "the world according to ze USA"?
SuAside said:
"land it off the waters of Hawaii"? your own post states it flew no more than a few hundred kilometers before crashing in the damn SEA.

The frickin news article said:

Tokyo - A North Korean missile launched on Wednesday was aimed at an area of the ocean close to Hawaii, a Japanese newspaper reported on Friday.

do you have any clue where the FUCK Hawaii is? ok, perhaps you do, but do you have any clue where North Korea & Japan are? a lot of your countrymen seem to believe Tasmania of all places is NK btw.

I do not know one person personally that could not identify Japan, Hawaii and North Korea on a map... and i know a LOT of my countrymen. One of the drawbacks of my job, i have to be near people.

i know american suck fucking ass at cartography, but niggah please. stop spouting nonsense... do i really have to dig up the flash animation about "the world according to ze USA"?

Tell me, is everyone in your country familiar with every other country in the world and it's geographical location? No one there would fail to point out any given country on a map? If you can prove that to me, I'll go ahead and accept your statement there as truth, untill such time, stop making statements you dont have the means to back up.
SuAside said:
brandons1313 said:
Biggest fucking ocean in the world and they want to land it off the waters of Hawaii. That would be a act of aggression toward the U.S. Does that sound like a justified test to you? God forbid the piece of shit missile actually flew and 'accidentally' hit Hawaii. Things would be quite different in the land of North Korea right now.

"land it off the waters of Hawaii"? your own post states it flew no more than a few hundred kilometers before crashing in the damn SEA.

yes sea, NOT EVEN the fucking ocean. the sea between Korea and JAPAN.

do you have any clue where the FUCK Hawaii is? ok, perhaps you do, but do you have any clue where North Korea & Japan are? a lot of your countrymen seem to believe Tasmania of all places is NK btw.

now brace yourself: please do not be shocked if i tell you that Hawaii is NOT between Korea & Japan.

ZOMG! the missile missed US soil by ONLY SEVERAL THOUSANDS of kilometers. it took a lil' splash in a sea, not even the HUGE fucking ocean that Hawaii is in.

i know american suck fucking ass at cartography, but niggah please. stop spouting nonsense... do i really have to dig up the flash animation about "the world according to ze USA"?

Can you fucking read english?

"land it off the waters of Hawaii"? your own post states it flew no more than a few hundred kilometers before crashing in the damn SEA.

yes sea, NOT EVEN the fucking ocean. the sea between Korea and JAPAN.

Did I say that it landed off the waters of Hawaii anywhere on my post? NO! I said "they want to land it off the waters of Hawaii" Big difference there buddy.
Tell me, is everyone in your country familiar with every other country in the world and it's geographical location? No one there would fail to point out any given country on a map?

European schools definitely put a greater emphasis on geography than American schools, and I'm saying this from personal experience. And yes, it's pretty common that a person would know the location of every country (or a decent approximation), wheres this is definitely not the case with the U.S.

Nevertheless, this detail doesn't really help Suaside in his argument.
personally, I think the US should nuke the piss out of North Korea. Or at least make clear the aggressive posture to actually go all the way.

The Chinese might not like it, but they are doing a piss poor job of keeping the N.Koreans in check.
brandons1313 said:
Did I say that it landed off the waters of Hawaii anywhere on my post? NO! I said "they want to land it off the waters of Hawaii" Big difference there buddy.
ah yes. thinking you're a telepathic mindreader is so much better than not knowing geography.

now as far as i know, foreign intelligence is having a real hard time penetrating NK. and even if they had people in place able to pinpoint the target area, would they make it public? doubtful.

so, what exactly are you basing your claims on? general direction of the ballistic missile & US propaganda? shit, it flew like 200-300 km ffs. everything else is speculation.

do you actually believe the moron in charge would launch something that has even the SMALLEST of chance to hit Hawaii by accident? Regional fleet headquarters?

the fucker is apt to kick around a bit & make his muscles seen, but he's not nearly stupid enough to launch a test missile up the USA's ass. test missile or not, the US aint gonna take chances. he's too fucking well aware the retalition has a good chance of being nuclear, since no fucking country is stupid enough to try to invade NK conventionally & certainly not while being strung out throughout the middle east.

with all your moronic propaganda, you just gave him what he wanted: power through threat & fear. even if the test was a failure, you just handed him the psychological advantage. as far as he's concerned, the test was a fucking HUGE success.

and what for? for bush to have another threat to point to when saying the US is threathened so he could spend some more money on weapons & his wars, thereby only adding to your evergrowing deficit and further adding to your bad reputation worldwide.

welsh said:
personally, I think the US should nuke the piss out of North Korea.
too bad the Chinese, the Russians and the South Koreans wouldn't quite appreciate the gift.

only country that'd openly be cheering the US on in the region would probably be Japan, no?
Suaside and brandon, calm the fuck down and stop insinuating that the other has no grasp of basic geography/English. That kind of childish bullshit makes these threads an absoloute pain in the ass to read.

That said, NK shouldn't have nukes or long-range missles not because they're not America :roll: but because NK is controlled by a power-hungry and delusional fascist who might actually use them. It's no concidence that the US has no problem with democracies owning missiles and nukes, because when the people are even nominally in control the likelihood of the state using nukes in a first-strike scenario is tiny.

Also, the missile test failed to even clear Japan when The Most Radiant Buffon himself predicted it could churn up the waters of San Fransisco bay. Hawaii is an extremely liberal estimate given the technical capabilities and resources of NK.
Elissar said:
SuAside said:
"land it off the waters of Hawaii"? your own post states it flew no more than a few hundred kilometers before crashing in the damn SEA.

The frickin news article said:

Tokyo - A North Korean missile launched on Wednesday was aimed at an area of the ocean close to Hawaii, a Japanese newspaper reported on Friday.

OMG! Aimed at Hawaii! PANIC@!@!@!!!!!

The second news article said:
North Korea set off an international furor when it tested seven missiles, all of which landed into the Sea of Japan without causing any damage. The blasts apparently included a long-range Taepodong-2 that broke up less than a minute after takeoff and splashed into the sea.

In reality, it was more like a bottle rocket that didn't even fly past the sand bar of Japan. I love how it's "aimed at Hawaii" when there's a GIANT OCEAN on the other side of Japan. The side the missile didn't even see.


The circled red is Japan. The green circle on the right is Hawaii. Just to the LEFT of Japan are the countries of N and S Korea. Ignore the yellow circle. The missile didn't even make it over Japan, so what makes you think the guidance systems are working, either?

I do not know one person personally that could not identify Japan, Hawaii and North Korea on a map... and i know a LOT of my countrymen. One of the drawbacks of my job, i have to be near people.

I also know of about an entire high school with an education so pitiful, that they really don't know nor care where Iraq is (HUG High, Reno). The "brightest" of the group happens to be those who learned where it was from a world map for a FPS game, where they were playing "whack the towelhead", or were self-educated despite the "gangsta" garbage.

Leno and others also prove that the US has a lot of cabbages walking on the streets, and it's even more shameful when you can do this on the UNR campus.

i know american suck fucking ass at cartography, but niggah please. stop spouting nonsense... do i really have to dig up the flash animation about "the world according to ze USA"?

Tell me, is everyone in your country familiar with every other country in the world and it's geographical location? No one there would fail to point out any given country on a map? If you can prove that to me, I'll go ahead and accept your statement there as truth, untill such time, stop making statements you dont have the means to back up.


Japan, NK, and the countries involving rather important world events aren't all on the same level as Sealand, and the location of which shouldn't be that much to expect of people who have been alive for more than 16 years. Plus, when it comes to knowing where the hell the missiles are in the argument...it helps to not be a miserable failure in geography and neglect to familiarise yourself with the subject before arguing about it, which is why I have to agree with SuAside that some people need to learn how to read text and maps. :roll:

Back to what this was about: Where the missiles went. 200-300 kilometers isn't ANYWHERE CLOSE to Hawaii. Reuters was the one who claimed "aimed at an area close to Hawaii", but the reality of the event is in the second article, where they don't even make it 1000 kilometers to cross over Japan, and there's another 6195 kilometers between Japan and Hawaii. So, yes, I have to agree with SuAside that most people don't care to educate themselves, in particulart Americans. It is really pathetic when the education is there and readily available, like the following map I found on Google, yet people are too lazy to use it.

Check this out.

The missile didn't even make it over Japan, and Hawaii isn't even on the fucking map. Then there's the matter of the remaining missile, and how it was supposedly "aimed" for Hawaii, yet there's the issue of something falling off. There's also the difference between "might be able to" and "doing", which I don't think we need to repeat in this discussion.

Plus, how the hell can you take THIS seriously?

An alternative explanation might be that a missile could accidentally hit land if fired towards Alaska, the report said.

Roshambo said:
I also know of about an entire high school with an education so pitiful, that they really don't know nor care where Iraq is (HUG High, Reno). The "brightest" of the group happens to be those who learned where it was from a world map for a FPS game, where they were playing "whack the towelhead", or were self-educated despite the "gangsta" garbage.

Leno and others also prove that the US has a lot of cabbages walking on the streets, and it's even more shameful when you can do this on the UNR campus.

Never once said that all americans knew anything about geography, just pointing out that NOT ALL americans are ignorant of it, as Suiscide was so clearly stating.

Japan, NK, and the countries involving rather important world events aren't all on the same level as Sealand, and the location of which shouldn't be that much to expect of people who have been alive for more than 16 years. Plus, when it comes to knowing where the hell the missiles are in the argument...it helps to not be a miserable failure in geography and neglect to familiarise yourself with the subject before arguing about it, which is why I have to agree with SuAside that some people need to learn how to read text and maps. :roll:

Agreed, a lot of people do need to learn this, but that's best discussed in a thread about the decline of the american education system.
SuAside said:
ah yes. thinking you're a telepathic mindreader is so much better than not knowing geography.
Yeah Hawaii is off the western coast of africa right???:roll:
Fuck, I only spent 3 weeks in Maui and Oahu not too long ago.

so, what exactly are you basing your claims on?

"Officials decided that the missile was pointed at Hawaii from the angle of its nose cone immediately after its launch and the altitude it reached before falling into the Sea of Japan, the report indicated." How much if any is propaganda? I don't know. This is what i'm basing my "claims" on.
Don't you just love that Kim Jong Kung-Fu duder?
He's totally wicked. Yeah. And he's got weapons of mass destruction pointing at the big ol' sphincter of the world, the USA.
No, he doesn't. What SuAside says makes perfect sense: you yankees should stop that bullshit of forcing other people to give in, they're just trying to go with the flow of progress, you know? Iran wants nuclear energy, well the fuck, they deserve it. North Korea wants to test some of their lousy rockets, goddamn, why shouldn't they? Plus: who'd give a fuck if those fatties from Hawaii got their arses nuked? Rich, spoiled, Western, capitalist tourists? Big deal. Let them travel to Togo next year.
alec said:
Don't you just love that Kim Jong Kung-Fu duder?
He's totally wicked. Yeah. And he's got weapons of mass destruction pointing at the big ol' sphincter of the world, the USA.
No, he doesn't. What SuAside says makes perfect sense: you yankees should stop that bullshit of forcing other people to give in, they're just trying to go with the flow of progress, you know? Iran wants nuclear energy, well the fuck, they deserve it. North Korea wants to test some of their lousy rockets, goddamn, why shouldn't they? Plus: who'd give a fuck if those fatties from Hawaii got their arses nuked? Rich, spoiled, Western, capitalist tourists? Big deal. Let them travel to Togo next year.

Alec, I think you would like it in Hawaii. Lots of hot chicks walking around in bikinis and they are barefoot...
always funny how the country with the most long range missiles & most nukes in the world whine about others testing such weapons.

Not really. Is it unreasonable to worry about the prospect of an openly hostile nation being capable of delvering a nuclear payload on US soil? Is it unreasonable to refuse to allow a government that is controlled my militant Islam to develop their own reactors and means of enrichment?

The only reason we didn't go to war with Russia was because the Commies still had us beat conventionally, and the big reason there hasn't been a military action concerning North Korea in forever is because Kim's got thousands of artillery pieces ready to level Seoul at a moment's notice. Quite possibly killing more people than in an honest-to-God nuclear strike.

It's easy for Eurotrash to cry hippocrisy when Milosevic couldn't get the bomb.