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  1. Radiosity

    Why Fo4 fucked Fallout lore

    Eh, from the point of view of the Institute with all their magical technology, cancer really is just a genetic booboo. With the likes of Radaway, Rad-X, radiation guns, and the ability to create synthetic people who are literally indistinguishable from humans, there's just no logical way this...
  2. Radiosity

    Why Fo4 fucked Fallout lore

    Oh hey, it's you. Saw a few of your posts on Steam back when I was still playing the game :)
  3. Radiosity

    Two more pieces of Wasteland Workshop DLC incoming

    Here, have two slaps up front to remind you of the slaps you'll receive for buying another Season Pass or Bethesda game: *slaps twice, really hard*
  4. Radiosity

    Why Fo4 fucked Fallout lore

    The reset codes boil down to nothing more than Rule of Cool. It sounds cool to have a random dude intone a reset code to subjugate a potential enemy. In Bethesda's limited mind, this is all the logic you need.
  5. Radiosity

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    ... have fun. I hated Play-through 2, bullet sponges galore removed most of the fun :( And I'm about to start another play of Grandia 2 Anniversary Edition for shits and giggles.
  6. Radiosity

    More Admins? Yes or no.

    The whole point of admins is that they can do things mods can't. At least on every single forum I've ever visited since about 2001 that's been the case.
  7. Radiosity

    Reconstructing Fallout 3 Retrospective Series

    I wouldn't exactly call them raiders, it's a sleazy place filled with the dregs of society, certainly, but it's also very much a business run for profit :) On the Mesmetron... yeah, today's post actually has another use, lol On that subject, mutants! Also, another faction that's completely...
  8. Radiosity

    More Admins? Yes or no.

    Given the amount of hassle the community RPG project had getting a new forum, I think some new admins would be good, quite apart from moderation duties.
  9. Radiosity

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    More like one department doesn't bother talking to another, sheer laziness + not caring about details (basically Beth's entire philosophy now). The texture guys probably put the weight on there, then the programmers/designers who add the items to the game come up with a rough value (8lbs) they...
  10. Radiosity

    WhatCulture 10 Major Fallout 4 Problems That Fans Won't Admit

    I'm a 20th Century lad, I'll rip your shit apart if I don't think it's up to snuff >:D I've been doing just that to Fallout 3 for the last several months, mwuahahaha. Also, Hines is actually worse than Randy Pitchfork, and that takes some effort.
  11. Radiosity

    Someone at Polygon doesn't know how to play DOOM.

    In other news, the SP campaign actually looks incredible from what I've seen so far. Nothing like the tacked on, pointless MP crap that doesn't even get what arena shooters are meant to be. Shall be buying... one day. Not for full price though. Also, it's Polygon, they're too busy reporting on...
  12. Radiosity

    Leaked pics of Fallout 4s design documents

    Considering the general reactions to BF1 compared to Infinite War... this could be the year that happens, lol
  13. Radiosity

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    The last time Beth wiki'd source material we ended up with Harold and Oasis...
  14. Radiosity

    "Fallout 3 is Garbage, And Here's Why", video by hbomberguy

    Hated WAY more, because I saw exactly how good it could have been, had it been developed by a competent studio like Obsidian.
  15. Radiosity


    ... your avatars get steadily more terrifying, Mr Fish, bravo.
  16. Radiosity

    Leaked pics of Fallout 4s design documents

    lol, yeah, figured it'd be something like that. It's basically 100% accurate, too.
  17. Radiosity

    Far Harbor weapons say Bye Bye to Realism

    Ah, it was the one video I didn't think to check because I didn't think it was that video I'd heard him use it. Typical, lol. Thanks :)
  18. Radiosity

    Good PC Builds

    Heh, same CPU I've got. Need to upgrade it really but lolmoney. Also, 22.9fps? That's utterly abysmal, literally unplayable for me.
  19. Radiosity

    Fallout Score - A Fallout 4 Parody Adventure

    Nope, not seen that, got a link?
  20. Radiosity

    Far Harbor weapons say Bye Bye to Realism

    It's actually even worse. They don't just up damage values, they add special scripts to the weapons so that in the hands of the enemy they do bonus damage to the player. If that wasn't bad enough, the damage is directly applied to your health, negating all armour and perks. It literally just...