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  1. Radiosity

    Fallout Score - A Fallout 4 Parody Adventure

    Thanks! Glad you liked it. I'm trying to inject some logic into the world... but at the same time you'll see in the next couple of chapters that I'm also going to be doing some silly stuff to illustrate how absurd the world is :D And don't worry, I have plans for my combat lawyer, oh yes ;)...
  2. Radiosity

    Good PC Builds

    There is no 'if you used SSDs'. EVERY rig should have an SSD now, they're well within range of basically everyone at this point, and the performance gains from a fast one of those outdoes literally any other upgrade you could make. SSDs really are that much of a game changer.
  3. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    I'm planning to overhaul them into something a bit more coherent in my reconstructing series. Originally I was going to eradicate them, but I actually have some nice ideas thanks to this thread now, so I'm going to write a post and do something with them :)
  4. Radiosity

    Good PC Builds

    If? No if about it, the new nVidia high end card has something utterly insane like 4096bit architecture. The current Titan cards iirc are something like 386bit. The jump in performance will be equally crazy lol
  5. Radiosity

    Far Harbor weapons say Bye Bye to Realism

    Very Simulation, Dude. (I hope I don't have to explain that...)
  6. Radiosity

    Far Harbor weapons say Bye Bye to Realism

    Considering how ludicrously broken melee is in this game, they're actually likely to be the most powerful weapon in the game. You can stack up enough perks and other shit to be hitting 12.5x critical hits, and using Blitz to teleport around corners and even up some inclines for sneak attacks...
  7. Radiosity

    Hillary Clinton is probably now going to be the next president.

    The main problem is this: it doesn't matter who wins unless they tackle the massive problem of your medical system. It's such a burden now you've probably only got a few years left before it collapses the economy and, by extension, possibly the government. Trump has hinted he has plans to do...
  8. Radiosity

    Good PC Builds

    I didn't have crashing issues... but I also didn't play much before I got fed up and bought the new one. The 730 was 2GB so no problems there, it's just the 64bit architecture and low clock speeds that killed it. The 960 is a 4GB and 128bit, so that handles things rather better.
  9. Radiosity

    Playing New Vegas after fallout 2

    Freeside Open (and The Strip Open) makes that whole area more pleasant to quest in. I have a fast SSD and even I get tired of the constant loading screens in Freeside, lol. On the other hand, Freeside Open is also insanely hard going on even reasonably high-end GPUs. Shame the game wasn't...
  10. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    In Camp Forlorn Hope, yeah. If you have low medicine skill, there's items all around the tent that you can take (without stealing, just for the duration of this quest) and use to bodge it instead.
  11. Radiosity

    Good PC Builds

    I bought a GTX960 for the same reason. My venerable old 730GT was decent enough, but Fallout 4 ran like crap even at 720p. So I figured it was time for an upgrade to tide me over the next couple of years. Plus, writing posts on games and other subjects as I do, a 960 provides 1080p screenshots...
  12. Radiosity

    Fallout Score - A Fallout 4 Parody Adventure

    Yep, with my own version of the main story that'll basically be nothing like the one in the game :)
  13. Radiosity

    Fallout Score - A Fallout 4 Parody Adventure

    I've been writing a dramatization of a Fallout 4 play-through, partly for fun, partly to address some of the more moronic parts of that game in a way that, while completely nonsensical and silly, still manages to make more sense than what Bethesda actually gave us. I just put a new chapter up...
  14. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 DLC revealed

    No worries, it was getting a bit... smelly in here :) @Lucas9, @NotAcasul Man, those creatures are insane. Wouldn't want to be hit by one of them with the power in those claws. Would make even a Deathclaw blush and say 'steady on there, fella'.
  15. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 DLC revealed

    Throwing those of us who weren't even involved down there. Thanks.
  16. Radiosity

    Playing New Vegas after fallout 2

    Possibly, but at the time you visit it's dead because of the bombs they rigged. Still, it's a show of good world building that they thought through how these towns were before the events of the game. edit: Also, engine limitations aside, the whole point of these places being near-dead is to...
  17. Radiosity

    Playing New Vegas after fallout 2

    Actually it's empty because it was blown up by the NCR in order to take out a large Legion force. Sloan is the small mining settlement that can't do anything due to Deathclaws.
  18. Radiosity

    Reconstructing Fallout 3 Retrospective Series

    And Part 16 is up! Taking a tangent for a few parts to talk about a couple of other factions before going back to the British, largely because these other factions will provide some additional context for how the Brits will fit in the world. Also, some complaining about Bethesda being creatively...
  19. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    Yeah, I didn't even watch it, just saw it pop up in the recommended area on Youtube while checking my actual subs lol
  20. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    ... MattyPlays pls. It's literally not possible to do an in-depth analysis of something as shallow as this.