Far Harbor weapons say Bye Bye to Realism


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
As I'm sure you've all heard, Far Harbor has been leaked. Looking at some of the pics of it, it doesn't look AS bad as base-game FO4, and does have some skill checks, as well as a large, fleshed out map, however the weapons look shitty as fuck. I mean check out this shit


I mean seriously: You're average Assault Riffle does 30 damage. You're average meathook does 4 times the damage of an Assault Riffle, and that's not even a specialised weapon. And a Pole Hook does even more.

Oh and guess what?, A Harpoon Launcher does 10 times the damage of a gun.

I could understand if this was unique weapons, but seriously: Ordinary weapons doing insane amounts of damage. This shit is ridiculous.

Bye Bye Realism, see you soon.
Here's the thing about bullets, it's not just the mass, but also the velocity that kills you. Now getting hit with a harpoon probably does a hell of a lot of damage, but it depends on how fast it is going.
Legendaries render all DLC weapons moot. Why would I use anything other than my explosive shotgun and instigating sniper rifle? And if the DLC weapons do that much damage, can you imagine how much lead those super-absorbent damage sponges can take? Not to mention that the new armor looks like complete ass. Is he wearing a fucking mailbox?
As I'm sure you've all heard, Far Harbor has been leaked. Looking at some of the pics of it, it doesn't look AS bad as base-game FO4, and does have some skill checks, as well as a large, fleshed out map, however the weapons look shitty as fuck. I mean check out this shit


I mean seriously: You're average Assault Riffle does 30 damage. You're average meathook does 4 times the damage of an Assault Riffle, and that's not even a specialised weapon. And a Pole Hook does even more.

Oh and guess what?, A Harpoon Launcher does 10 times the damage of a gun.

I could understand if this was unique weapons, but seriously: Ordinary weapons doing insane amounts of damage. This shit is ridiculous.

Bye Bye Realism, see you soon.

Since when did Fallout have weapon realism? Remeber In F1-2 where a BB gun did more damage than a rifle?

"Bowling ball launcher" So they really do just go with whatever stupid idea they come up with.
I don't really like that either but they have had "scrao guns" since Fallout 3.
I never asked for realism. I can look past most things and suspend my disbelief. What I can't take is nonsense. This DLC seems to be chalked full of it. Adding Super mutants cuz Fallout isn't good enough for me. Having them made by the Institute cuz Fallout, but they somehow made the same FEV string as the Enclave did? (IE Behemoths) Super Mutants eat people, nuff said. Edgy/10
Since when did Fallout have weapon realism? Remeber In F1-2 where a BB gun did more damage than a rifle?

Ah, my favorite gun from Fallout 1. <3 I had gone small guns in my first playthrough because I didn't know what I was doing, and I was having a super hard time taking down Super Mutants because small guns do diddly squat against them. Then I found this beauty: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Red_Ryder_LE_BB_gun The best small gun in the whole game, completely at random. Certainly helped against Super Mutants, that's for sure.
Ah, my favorite gun from Fallout 1. <3 I had gone small guns in my first playthrough because I didn't know what I was doing, and I was having a super hard time taking down Super Mutants because small guns do diddly squat against them. Then I found this beauty: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Red_Ryder_LE_BB_gun The best small gun in the whole game, completely at random. Certainly helped against Super Mutants, that's for sure.

I only got it once but i tend to give it "early on" to vic in Fallout 2. Good shit!
It's not a mailbox.. It's a trap used to catch lobsters "?"
Looks like a mailbox to me, just having a little bit of fun. Anyways that's still bad, why would you make a helmet out of a lobster trap? Why not use one of those super uber amazing power armors? Also the power armor in one of those leaked pictures look like a behemoth smashed their head into their torso.

EDIT: This one...

Looks like their head is going inside their chest..

Also in F1 and 2 you can 1 shot any enemy with a eye shot if you get really lucky.

Or did they fix that?
Ah it was an eye shot that caused me to one shot Lieu.
Well, at least the radium rifle model looks decent enough. But it's a nearly straight copy of real life Gustloff Volkssturmgewehr and still(?) chambered in .45. Why Bethesda think "rifles" chambered in .45 pistol ammo is a good idea is beyond my understanding.
Just another Combat Rifle with a different model and (somewhat useless) additional radiation damage I guess. I'll probably make a mod to rechamber it like I did for Combat Rifle.
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Is it just me or do all the weapons in the Far harbor DLC look like they were drudged up from under the sea? They all have this iron oxide finish, and feel as if they should have coral glued to them.

Here is my suggestion, don't buy what we all know is going to be a waste of money DLC. Instead wait for a mod to do it better or do what I'm doing, not playing the game.
Those hooks weapons are pointless.
Is the bear trap a fist weapon? If it is, new vegas did it first.
The harpoon gun looks like it was made by someone who never saw one.
The actual guns look alright but the effects are ridiculous.
It surely feels more and more like Point Lookout, remember the 10mm lever rifle?
It surely feels more and more like Point Lookout, remember the 10mm lever rifle?
At least you knew it's just a replica unlike the one in museum of history. But I don't like how Bethesda uses pistol caliber in rifles too. BTW is there any precondition for 10mm caliber becoming so popular in Fallout universe?
At least you knew it's just a replica unlike the one in museum of history. But I don't like how Bethesda uses pistol caliber in rifles too. BTW is there any precondition for 10mm caliber becoming so popular in Fallout universe?

To be honest I am unsure, it could be due to the lack of N.A.T.O. and the standardization of 9mm which is a German round. Without N.A.T.O. I can't see any reason why the United States would adopt 9mm, but for some reason they opted to use the Swedish 10mm?

I could understand everyone using .45 rounds since its of American origin.
Those hooks weapons are pointless.
Considering how ludicrously broken melee is in this game, they're actually likely to be the most powerful weapon in the game. You can stack up enough perks and other shit to be hitting 12.5x critical hits, and using Blitz to teleport around corners and even up some inclines for sneak attacks from 100 feet away just makes it broken.