So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

As I'm sure you've all heard, Far Harbor has been leaked. Looking at some of the pics of it, it doesn't look AS bad as base-game FO4, and does have some skill checks, as well as a large, fleshed out map, however the weapons look shitty as fuck. I mean check out this shit
I mean seriously: You're average Assault Riffle does 30 damage. You're average meathook does 4 times the damage of an Assault Riffle, and that's not even a specialised weapon. And a Pole Hook does even more.
Oh and guess what?, A Harpoon Launcher does 10 times the damage of a gun.
I could understand if this was unique weapons, but seriously: Ordinary weapons doing insane amounts of damage. This shit is ridiculous.
Bye Bye Realism, see you soon.
I mean seriously: You're average Assault Riffle does 30 damage. You're average meathook does 4 times the damage of an Assault Riffle, and that's not even a specialised weapon. And a Pole Hook does even more.
Oh and guess what?, A Harpoon Launcher does 10 times the damage of a gun.
I could understand if this was unique weapons, but seriously: Ordinary weapons doing insane amounts of damage. This shit is ridiculous.
Bye Bye Realism, see you soon.