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  1. R

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    And how do you survive the awful animations? I mean..even quake 2 did a better job at running than FO3 does.
  2. R

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Fallout graphics are okay. Not good, but also not bad. Textures however are far below standard. Guess thats because of the consoles. Animations are shitty as hell. Anybody can play in third person? I can't, the running animation is just awful. Oh and for the record: Rivet City is not an...
  3. R

    Which hybrid game would you love to play?

    Well JA2 has the means, somebody just needs to mod more RPG aspects in it. But it is possible.. Anybody up for a JA2 multiplayerround? :)
  4. R

    A Dirty Little Secret

    I never cared for achievements. Personally most of the games, especially online games, are worse because of them. Thinking about battlefield 2 at the moment..oh what a piece of..
  5. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Hm I can't remember anything bad about the voiceacting, but I never really care about that. Had the german version, maybe thats different from yours?
  6. R

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Uhm..they aren't? People tend to call it "JRPG", but whats wrong with action adventure? Because thats what it is. /e note: somewhere in the forum is somebody (forgot the nickname :|) who is playing F3 with all stats lowered to zero. funny (action)rpg eh?
  7. R

    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    For the record: taking out entire towns is not evil, it never was, and it never will be.
  8. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Do you have the very extended edition? Everything else has gamebreaking bugs I'm afraid. Games kinda okay. Very linear, but has some fallout moments.
  9. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #70

    Lets sue'em for those lies. Or maybe its hard on a ps3 because you can't aim right?
  10. R

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Fallout 3 is not an rpg. You can not play roles in Fallout. You can only play the sole action hero with the gun. You don't need a single skill for the mainquest, stats and skillpoints are totally pointless (can kill a super mutant on level 3 with 32% in small guns and a 10mm) and most quests...
  11. R

    10 most diappointing games of this year

    Can't think of any game that didn't disappoint me this year..meh
  12. R

    Which hybrid game would you love to play?

    A grant strategy spacegame (like MoO2) with RTS battles. So a mix of MoO2 and Sins of a Solar Empire (but with less frequent and more important battles)
  13. R

    Call of Duty 4 question

    I wouldn't mind my teammates waiting till I advance if the enemy would actually stop respawning.
  14. R

    Call of Duty 4 question

    Depends, I found the Singleplayer very arcarde and heavily scripted with rather poor AI and theirfor didn't enjoy it. But if you like that sort of gameplay you will like the game. Note: CoD 5 is even worse in those aspects
  15. R

    Fallout Boy

    What? Are you sure? Does this also take bobbleheads/books+perks in account? And all the skills, even superuseless onces?
  16. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Well the story is interesting so far, but not enough to keep me playing. It might also get very cliche (Hi@Event Horizon). In addition I am a bit frustrated about some minor things, like the lack of weapons description. I just bought the assault rifle but the game refuses to tell me what kind of...
  17. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Is Dead Space getting any better? I just reached chapter 2 but I really don't see why you guy's praised it so much. Despite the camera/control thing the whole game seems to be a 100% railroadshooter. I feel more like in a movie than in a game, my skill doesn't seem to affect the game in any way...
  18. R

    Best Video Game Intro's(post comments and show videos) KKND 2 wait, I've got a better idea.. :lol:
  19. R

    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    Brother None once said: Guts And I agree. Their is no vision, just an idea how to make money. Thats never enough for a good game.