Which hybrid game would you love to play?

Iridium L

First time out of the vault
For me it would consist of the Fallout setting including all the depth of characterization and dialogue with a better combat system that allows for more tactics and group management, like the one from Jagged Alliance 2. S.P.E.C.I.A.L would only have to be modified a bit in the AP department. It would also incorporate the destructible environments from Silent Storm.

Really, this game would be my dream come true. What's yours? Start the blender!
Pokemon for GBA without Pokemon - I think the mechanics are pretty good, though that hardy qualifies as a hybrid.
A strategy/fighting game hybrid might be interesting, just as an interesting experiment in crossing genres (not like that Shaman King crap, I mean a good fighting engine with decent strategy elements).

Something like a cyperpunk game where you remotely control a syndicate of agents would be cool too.
A hybrid of Europa Universalis and Total War: Medieval 2...
Basically, a deep grand strategy game where you can (if you so desire) play out battles of your choice yourself...

The combat of Bg2 and the story/characters/design of Torment

The span of Fallout 2 and the feel/setting/character/design of Fallout 1

The story/gameplay of Deus Ex and the roleplaying elements of Torment :lol: .

I'm sure you've all heard this before, but Hl2 + Portal.

The setting/character/gameplay of Stalker with the polish of any Valve game.

Arcanum with the same gameplay as Fallout (it's similar, but the differences are usually worse)

Any recent game with the graphics of the original half life. They are ok, and they will run smoothly on my old machine.
The atmosphere and story of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with the gameplay of Silent Storm.

Street Fighter vs. Guilty Gear (not a hybrid, but still awesome)

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines with decent FPS mechanics.
A turn-based RPG alá Fallout in the Mafia setting. Or maybe something like Bloodlines in the Mafia setting.
Or either type of RPG in some kind of Film Noir detective setting, like that upcoming Rockstar game L.A. Noire.
TheRatKing said:
The combat of Bg2 and the story/characters/design of Torment.
Bg2? As is in Baldur's Gate 2? Planescape already used BG's combat and it was just as crap as in BG. Or do you mean the updated D&D ruleset?

I've two dream games, an 4x strategy combined with a TB rpg. Say the role playing of Fallout, the tactical combat of JA2 1.13 and the strategy of BotF. But on a small scale rather than the grand civilization building. Rpgs tend to be very passive, they wait for you to trigger events or have timers that set things off at a certain point. It would be interesting to have npcs that had their own agenda and goals and didn't wait for you to kick things off by doing a quest or entering an area.

The other would be a squad based fps, I like games like GRAW and Hidden & Dangerous or even RS6 Vegas but they tend to have the dullest plots and usually are totally linear and mission based. So the hybrid would be the tactical squad combat of H&D2 combined with the narrative of Half Life, the atmosphere of the Stalker, and the openendness of Far Cry/Crysis.
A grant strategy spacegame (like MoO2) with RTS battles. So a mix of MoO2 and Sins of a Solar Empire (but with less frequent and more important battles)
Some nice ideas here :clap:

Another dream of mine would be a space game with the free and rewarding exploration in a beautiful space of Freelancer, combined with the open universe of Independence War and the dynamic economy and ship range, let's just say general sandboxyness, of the X series. The possibility to set up your own stations is a given.
Bg2? As is in Baldur's Gate 2? Planescape already used BG's combat and it was just as crap as in BG. Or do you mean the updated D&D ruleset?
I don't know any of the ruleset differences, but simply playing the two games (PST and Baldur's Gate 2 + TOB) you can easily see the difference. Torment had a zoomed in camera so there could not be a lot of action on the screen. Therefore ranged combat was not very viable. Also, although the spell casting animations were cool in Torment, the Baldur's Gate games gave much more versatility in spell choices. There were not as many classes in Torment (Thief, Fighter, Mage), while there are many, many choices in Bg2. The option to choose kits, dual, or multiclass was not present in Torment.

There are probably more that I am not thinking of now, but if you play the games side by side you will see some obvious differences.
I would love a game with complex strategic elements and deep roleplaying elements.

say, a cross between Fallout and X-Com.
I think a combination of the Sims, an RPG, and a vehicle sim in an open-ended environment would be interesting. And throw in some porn just for the hell of it.

I think Sims mixed with Fallout would be really interesting, since food would actually be a factor.

Another dream of mine would be a space game with the free and rewarding exploration in a beautiful space of Freelancer, combined with the open universe of Independence War and the dynamic economy and ship range, let's just say general sandboxyness, of the X series. The possibility to set up your own stations is a given.

Add a full RPG to that and it would be my idea of the perfect game.

I would love a game with complex strategic elements and deep roleplaying elements.

say, a cross between Fallout and X-Com.

Kind of like Jagged Alliance 2 if they went farther with the RPG aspects.
Well JA2 has the means, somebody just needs to mod more RPG aspects in it. But it is possible..
Anybody up for a JA2 multiplayerround? :)
Jebus said:
A hybrid of Europa Universalis and Total War: Medieval 2...
Basically, a deep grand strategy game where you can (if you so desire) play out battles of your choice yourself...



Personally i would also want same thing done for HOI2:DD/armageddon and Vicky.
Although i would probably die from the sheer awesomeness of the game.
TheRatKing said:
I don't know any of the ruleset differences, but simply playing the two games (PST and Baldur's Gate 2 + TOB) you can easily see the difference. Torment had a zoomed in camera so there could not be a lot of action on the screen. Therefore ranged combat was not very viable. Also, although the spell casting animations were cool in Torment, the Baldur's Gate games gave much more versatility in spell choices. There were not as many classes in Torment (Thief, Fighter, Mage), while there are many, many choices in Bg2. The option to choose kits, dual, or multiclass was not present in Torment.

There are probably more that I am not thinking of now, but if you play the games side by side you will see some obvious differences.
I'd say those are pretty much down to ruleset myself, Baldur's Gate used a simpler version of 2nd AD&D than BGII did but the combat is virtually identical. Same with Torment, yeah the graphics were bigger and more detailed but the fan made resolution patches would sort you out. The lack of choices for classes etc was purely down to the character and plot, it would of been a massive amount of extra work to account for the Nameless one being each class at somepoint. Though I do admit with the amount of combat in the game they should of given the choice of dualing to fighter mage or fighter thief than just straight mages, thieves and fighters.

In general though didn't they both use the same shitty real time and pause implementation of D&D rules?
Yeah they both used real time + pause, but I didn't mind that system at all. In Bg2, you could implement a number of autopauses, so that the game could feel sort of like pause + real time (similar to shelter).

About the magic system, Bg2 has a lot more options for protection spells, and really useful ones. In Torment, none of the mages are really that hard to defeat, especially if you have Morte. In Bg2, strong mages are deadly, and most of the time you cannot even get a hit in because the mage is so well protected.

If you don't like the real time + pause system, then Torment's combat must have been brutal. I played it after playing Bg2, so I was used to the system and it didn't bother me.
A Post-Apocalyptic RPG with character creation of combined Fallout (SPECIAL, Perks, Traits), Arcanum (Backgrounds, technology maybe mutations instead of magic) and Realms of Arcania (huge amount of skills, negative attributes). Game world size of Arcanum and where like in Arcanum you can go anywhere in real time or fast travel. Combat from Silent Storm with destructible environment. Story and dialogs like in Planescape Torment.