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  1. U

    Problems with FO3 summed up with old quote

    The quality was not there ? Huh, strange. I imagine they didn't see a need to develop a brand new engine for a sequel which cut down on development time. Nothing about FO2 screamed "cash grab" like the EA Sports sequels or anything like those lines.
  2. U

    Your favorite Fallout moment from F3

    My favourite moment was watching Liberty Prime. Everything else I sort of slogged through, really, blowing multiple targets up was meh-inducing, was sort of amusing to see Raiders blow up a ruined car with nuclear force and kill themselves.
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    A genuine, worthy sequel

    Wow that read like a promotion in some parts. You can do a lot of stuff in Fallout 3, but in the end I don't feel like it gave me the feeling as FO1 or 2. (edit...left out the end of a sentence, bleh). The storytelling isn't really there, they blew some chances to leave behind good worthy...
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    V.A.T.S. is NOT a combat system

    Actually if it only works for the player, it's more of a combat mechanic. I take a combat system to mean the way combat is managed for all parties. So it's a real-time combat system but you have VATS as a mehanic.
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    Raven Rock

    Second that on the ending video. I was expecting to hear about what happened to Megaton, Big Town, Three Dog, etc. All I got was a slideshow. Blah.
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    Gripes about the writing

    I think she takes 5 to heal the guy with a heart condition. Strange, you'd think a massive stimulant might be bad for one's heart. Anyway. I agree with the rather uncreative options for dialogue. The Good/Bad/Neutral options would be ok, if they weren't so stupid. I can be evil without sounding...
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    Inon Zur's Music in the Retail Release

    It was ok, the level up music was pretty cheesy now that I think about it. One thing I did like was the old music they had on GNR, even if it was only 3 songs or so.
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    Just got done finishing Fallout 2. My take.

    I disagree strongly with your points about the hexagon system and graphics in Fallout 2. The game had turn based combat, and the hexagonal grid makes sense for that, and I doubt that had anything to do with Interplay or BIS' troubles. The graphics are fine, the game's old so obviously it's...
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    Bethesda Defends "3" in Fallout 3.

    That was a pretty dumb question to ask, thinking about it. You'd have to be incredibly unprofessional to take an IP then act as if it were your creation. As for Fallout 3 continuing the series, I don't feel it is. I'm running around in a post-nuclear environment with ragged survivor...
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    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #10

    Pretty much my feelings exactly. I noticed one review for Fallout 3, I think it was Gamespot, that mentioned the story was weak and the characters not really memorable but still gave the game a really high score (nearing perfect). Sort of a funny thing to mark as a negative for an RPG but not a...
  11. U

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello to all of you. I've been reading this forum for some time now, used to check it every now and then and finally decided to man up and register! I was late to the Fallout party, having only played both of the games in 2003. But I've enjoyed them immensely and I still compare the experience...