I'm agreeing that Planescape is a great story, one of the best (I actually picked it up because of you guys at NMA, so kudos to you!) However... its out of reach because of what gamers today play. Things are fast, they progress a lot faster and they are not so wordy! C'mon live in 2008 Pope. Text based games are in the past.
Have you ever thought about "why some old games are out of reach?" for usuall gamers nowadays? Because nobody is mentioning them!
The same thing is happening with Bethsoft taking care of Fallout. The creators of the original Fallouts are dissapearing, just like Interplay and Black Isle because fucktards in Bethesda like Todd don't care to mention who originally created this game, and how it looked before.
Oblivion and even Morriwind's story (which I liked actually) is NOTHING comparing to the Planescape:Torment story. Also, originality, dialogue, and design. And yet, people are calling Bethesda's games the best in the history of RPGs?
It's just like many people are forgeting that the communism broke mainly thanks to Poland, not Germany.
Oblivion was a great game, The Shivering Isles is proof of that.
Some shotty portal opened up. Everyone who was coming out from it turned mad. When you're passing the portal, you are finding yourself in a Morrowind-like world full of idiots.
On the end it turns out that the king of these isels is a schizopheric junky who turns out to be the same guy who's destroying this world every...year?
He's unstoppable! Strong!! ALMIGHTY!! BIG blue cristal-guy!!
And I killed him with few hits.
"What a twist!"