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  1. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Continuum Submarine Mod

    got any screens on that?
  2. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage Unveiled

    to not feed possible trolls im not going to answer it, but just quote it to get the reference. Once again we are wrong to say it will suck, but we would be right to say it will rule. Mankind again has not learned from former experiences. What an achievement. Besides that, ... crap... this...
  3. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout Developers Profile - Michael Dean

    See: thats how it differs from F3 if it wasnt, i eat my hat.
  4. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #31

    I still wonder why low standards are common today to make any dialog or text in F3 that wasnt taken from the originals as outstanding... i mean... the dialog is bland at best. it has no depth at all ... i really cant grasp this.
  5. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    NMA article: My Fallout 3 adventures!

    at least content and actors are great (me being one of them, hey!) ;-)
  6. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #17

    i was about to quote the same. Yeah, its nice to know now what a RPG really is. I think they wanted to call it QLL initially but noticed that it sounds stupid, so they named it RPG because that sounds more fun!
  7. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Gamasutra kills children

    floating point aversion?
  8. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3 OXM 10/11 confirmed

    i know.. thats just what i was referring to. Its so sad. Shoot Em Up was a great movie btw... best persiflage on Shooters and action movies alltogether. And featuring Clive Owen. /edit btw.. what the fuck?@launch party
  9. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3 OXM 10/11 confirmed

    "well crafted" RPG? *cough*bought*cough*
  10. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Bethesda's Fallout vs Black Isle Studio's Fallout

    they sound like they didnt really like it... but werent allowed to say anything bad. or they are pussies that dont want to hurt beths feelings... anyway.. what a crappy read.
  11. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Prepare For the Future site updated

    i was referring to the Mutation Guide... if you were able to make sense of two implicitly connected sentences... it says that Brahming dont like being disturbed when rehashing their meal, further referring to their horns. Welcome to Beths Fallout: They Are Not Kidding.
  12. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Prepare For the Future site updated

    oh christ... they even made Brahmin into an evil critter... its something i dont like in games... whatever wildlife can be found is agressive and has nothing better to do than attack the player... but well.. makes players feel important... btw, if someone wants to say "hey, if you think...
  13. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    IGN launched Planet Fallout

    btw... what an idiot had THAT idea? Nailguns are nothing new... and... that sound is... omg... i need another word for idiotic.... I mean.. seriously... nail guns are cool. but a choochoo each time does not only sound awfully out of place, its also moronicly annoying ... when i saw the video i...
  14. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout Timeline

    i kinda dislike how they hype up the vault experiments. i know its part of the background story etc... though... it feels like spoiling. its something you best find out on your own...
  15. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3 at LGC: UGO

    hit me with something big,... but even ingame they were more than mere treasure chests. even vault 15 and 8 (VC IIRC) that had not that much of interaction going on ...
  16. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3 at LGC: UGO

    i still fear this will not be considered by beth...
  17. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3 at LGC: IGN

    actually, not the supermutants if i read correctly... he lists the slavers and super mutants and then refers to the "former", wouldnt that apply to the slavers? actually... i find it slightly offending that there are some stereotype antagonists in a town named "german town" at all. i'd...
  18. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3 official release date: Oct 28

    erm? Since when has a launch a size? I mean... the game will be shipped and standing in stores. Except for shipping shortages... what could be bigger or smaller in that regard? Do they plan on sending out flying merchants to knock on your door and offer it?
  19. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #6

    maybe thats why beth screwed. Fallout had lots of text, but less illustrations! . .. ... The more i think about it, the more sense it makes... only thing illustrated is the pipboy/vaultboy, the devestation and ridiculous violence... so thats what they learned. Mystery Solved!