Continuum Submarine Mod

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Continuum has been working on a Submarine Mod for ages, intended to add a new explorable location, a rusty submarine. The FRMs seem to be complete done, providing a boat to reach the sub, an exterior look and an interior look

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Link: Submarine Mod thread on NMA.
That submarine looks fantastic.

Chris Parks said:
Excellent news. There are some really talented guys around at the moment.

By the way, I seem to remember you starting this project off. Am I miscrediting by putting all the credits on Continuum?

Didnae read the entire thread.
By the way, I seem to remember you starting this project off. Am I miscrediting by putting all the credits on Continuum?

I was going to script the mod originally, but things got out of hand at uni / home so had to abandon it. I think killap will do it now.

So no, I don't deserve or exxpect any credit. Thanks.
Continuum Submarine Mod
It's not my mod. I only made art for the sub, which will be included in killap's RP. At least I think so, since there was a lot of arguing/ideas/whatever about what's the purpose of the sub or how the sub should look :ugly:
Just have to say that's some incredible work. Kudos to the modders, keep up the good work!
Wow, I can see that fitting into fallout very well. Gives me the same a eerie feeling as I got from first finding The Glow. Great stuff!
Congrats! Looks effing great! :clap:

Me mem'ry 's a bit hazy, but there was supposed to be a sub in FO2, but got cut out due time restraints?
I recall reading about it somewhere... or perhaps it came to me that time when i ate those funny looking fungi from the backyard.
If you actually stop the car/go out of world mode somewhere along the coastline of Fallout 2, you will see a beached submarine.

I always assumed that was the sub that the San Fran chinese mention when you ask one of the Shi techs about where they originated from.
DarkCorp said:
If you actually stop the car/go out of world mode somewhere along the coastline of Fallout 2, you will see a beached submarine.

I always assumed that was the sub that the San Fran chinese mention when you ask one of the Shi techs about where they originated from.

got any screens on that?
Amazing work.. just amazing. You and your team REALLY nailed the look PERFECTLY, scale, color, and everything. Great work.

I have to ask though, will there be descriptions for stuff when you examine them?

"You see a wheel, it may have been able to turn at one point. Now however, it is firmly held in place by years of built up rust and grime."

"You doubt those chairs were even comfortable when they were new"

"There appears to be a barnacle stuck in the computer, you think this may be the problem. Either that, or the lack of power."
DarkCorp said:
If you actually stop the car/go out of world mode somewhere along the coastline of Fallout 2, you will see a beached submarine.

I always assumed that was the sub that the San Fran chinese mention when you ask one of the Shi techs about where they originated from.

You are sure? Never heard of that, never saw the art and I use the mapper approx 3 hours every day since years.