IGN launched Planet Fallout

A nice corporate-ran Fallout "fan site" that will keep all of us negative freaks far away from innocent eyes that are merely looking for info about their First Person Shooter Of The Month.
Didn't your cleanup go a bit too far, BN? The first two or three comments were quite on topic.
We should also mention there will be a battery of more community-centric databases such as user created mods, videos and screenshots that will give you the ability to add these type of files directly to the site and share them with the community.

However, since these areas pretty much rely on the actual game, we will be talking about them more in the future. I just wanted everyone to know these are planned.

Mod tools? in the future? i hope.... :?
Ureshi said:
Mod tools? in the future? i hope.... :?

Maybe, but even without a construction kit I imagine the file structure is similar enough to Oblivion that experienced TES modders wouldn't have a problem getting by.

Brother None said:
Amusingly enough, Duck and Cover's old address (and I do mean really old) of http://www.rpgplanet.com/fallout now redirects to Planet Fallout. Eat your heart out, Kreegle.

That redirects me to http://maint.ign.com/ve/
I wonder how well their forums will go.

From the planet fallout forums
Title: What do you look forward to most...

Pyros-PCoH said:
RE: What do you look forward to most... 12:38pm

Railway Rifle. It shoots out RAIL SPIKES and goes "Choo Choo" as it does so. I mean, come on, that is awesome.

Pyros-PCoH said:
RE: What do you look forward to most... 12:38pm

Railway Rifle. It shoots out RAIL SPIKES and goes "Choo Choo" as it does so. I mean, come on, that is awesome.

btw... what an idiot had THAT idea? Nailguns are nothing new... and... that sound is... omg... i need another word for idiotic....
I mean.. seriously... nail guns are cool. but a choochoo each time does not only sound awfully out of place, its also moronicly annoying ... when i saw the video i first thought it had some noise...

oh christ... when it comes to bad design, bethesda would win a bunch of awards without even entering the competetion...
Perhaps it actually uses the parts from a train that make those noises? Actually I was surprised more people didn't jump at the chance to lambast the idea when that video was first released.

That's like making a horseshoe flinger that whinnies every time you fire it. Or makes galloping coconut clapping noises...
That postcard generator is just... it's just...


Briosafreak, creator of Fallout 3: A Post Nuclear Blog, let me know that a new fansite, Planet Fallout, has launched on the IGN Network. Kudos to Teddy Pierson (Editorial Manager), Briosafreak (Site Director), and the rest of the Planet Fallout team, who have already made the site a great place for finding information and discussing all things Fallout. With Fallout 3 launching in October, there’s plenty of cool stuff on the horizon — including game guides, detailed maps and quest guides.

So Briosa is behind this? :wtf:
I don't see anything wrong with it. I find Ausir's wiki *very* helpful, and any extra help, is erm, helpful.
thefalloutfan said:
I don't see anything wrong with it.

Aside from copy-pasting stuff from my wiki without attribution? Of course I don't blame Briosa for this, but his staff should know better.
Is it really copy/pasting? I haven't read anything, just clicked on the link.

If so, you should report it, or do something about it.
alec said:
That postcard generator is just... it's just...


Briosafreak, creator of Fallout 3: A Post Nuclear Blog, let me know that a new fansite, Planet Fallout, has launched on the IGN Network. Kudos to Teddy Pierson (Editorial Manager), Briosafreak (Site Director), and the rest of the Planet Fallout team, who have already made the site a great place for finding information and discussing all things Fallout. With Fallout 3 launching in October, there’s plenty of cool stuff on the horizon — including game guides, detailed maps and quest guides.

So Briosa is behind this? :wtf:


So Briosa is in league with TAH EVIL now!
Should't he know better?

Or is he?
Ausir said:
thefalloutfan said:
I don't see anything wrong with it.

Aside from copy-pasting stuff from my wiki without attribution? Of course I don't blame Briosa for this, but his staff should know better.

the wiki is open for everyone now, so although the staff knows best by now, those things will happen. Just point them to us, and we'll fix them.

I like the postcard generator, it's really insane :)

And yeah I'm helping out in running the place, two other guys from the staff come regularly to NMA, and when we agreed to help out there were made enough guarantees that it wouldn't be a project against the established community, but instead something that would add to what is being done, and that seemed fine to us.

Any doubt ot suggestion pm me, or use Meebo on my blog, or email me, or post on the PlanetFallout forum, I'm always open to listen you to guys and girls.