If it´s F2 you have a Secret blocking hex in the
screnery menu at 60-70, but you can´t shot
throug it...
In the Walls menu you have 2 Wall blockers
and the one marked "s.t." you can shot
through. It´s between 600 and 700...
To install the game. Open the CD in windows and double click SETUP.EXE and install the game, it realy wasent that hard...
And WTH do you have to make things harder than they really are?
I have a new location that I want to place out on the world map
but is there a program to "Pin point" the location where I whant it to be and show me the coordinates so that I can place it there?
So you got:
C:/Fallout2/dev/proto/and the dirs here
And you got the Librarian=1
And you got the mapper and the game in the
BlackIsle dir in the Program Files dir
And all the .pro files and the .lst files in their
folders in Fallout 2/data/proto/the dirs
And it dosent work...
In the last month I have read:
Re-read The Wheel of Time book 1-4 (1-8 in Sweden) by Robert Jordan
Re-read the Lord of the Rings trilogi
and Re-read Harry Potter series 5 times
Read Shannaras Sicons by Terry Brooks
What an interesting life I got...
I´v solved the problem...
The problem was that the rockets had an error
messege on the DR modifier "tag" so the
ammo did shit in damage...
How simple some things are when you look at
the problem from another side...
I have a problem with the rocket launcher causs when ever I use it it fires, hits and NO damage what-so-ever...
How can I fix this, and I have tried to replace the .pro file with no sucsses...
Note: All other explosive weaponry works corectly...