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  1. M

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Firstly, I didn't mean to offend in any way. My question was mainly about stability. I am looking to play through the whole game and have a fairly coherent experience. I have been playing 2.4.2 for a few hours. It has crashed a few times, but not in a reproduce-able manner. I found my...
  2. M

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Assuming I am not going to replay fallout2 5 more times :) I am wondering when the authors feel I can play the game all the way through? With the current release? Or is there a major feature/stability release coming soon?
  3. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Awesome. Did the fixes to Maria and the Vertibird get in?
  4. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Any ETA on 2.41? Hi, Looking forward to a bunch of the fixes/changes mentioned in this thread. Any kind of ETA on that?
  5. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Ok, some more bugs/ or changes to previous reports. Started game... again (this time using Nirran's Skill book mod on top of 2.4 1. VC - This last time the gaurds did stop me from entering the vault when I wasn't a citizen. Odd. 2. VC prisoner quest - I have the quest to release teh...
  6. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Klint in Party prevents NPCs from leveling up Ok, I had disabled the random NPC leveling in ddraw.ini and found it odd that by level 9 no one had leveled up yet. CUrrently in my party are: Klint, Sulik, Vic, Cassidy & Miria. My CHA is only 6. I used Mentats to get Cassidy and Miria seems...
  7. M

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Hmm. I have started a new game and my PC leveled up, with a party of 5. I didn't get a message that any NPCs had leveled, but whenever it is Sulik's turn, I get the "Level" notification, and sure enough if I view his char sheet it goes away. Is that because Sulik really leveled up?
  8. M

    Fallout 2 - Are Pulse Weapons meant to be so bad?

    Hi, Wasn't sure to pose here or the modding forum since I am using the megaMod, and perhaps there is a change to Pulse Weapons... It sure seems that Plasma weapons do a more consitent level fo high damage than Pulse Weapons, at least against anything wearing armor. Am I just having bad...
  9. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Having a great time playing this mod, and an even better time now that I discovered Timeslip's setting for controlling all NPCs in combat! W00t! Ok, not sure how you like issues reported, but here are the ones I have seen so far that I haven't found while searching: 1. Freeing the prisoner...
  10. M

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I just noticed the "control NPCs in combat" option in the ini file. Wow!!! So I tried it, and it seems pretty cool. I am wondering how well it really works. It seems all teh characters have the correct inventory and AC and AP, but it also seems, and help me out if I am wrong, that they...
  11. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Maria at Navvaro never stops talking "Ten hut...", and so every time I talk to her I always get "not now honey" or "go back to your post maggot". I have sat there for over 30 minutes clicking and waiting....she never comes out of the loop.
  12. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    According to the Wiki Scraperr Town (FO1 Demo town) has been disabled, but Lara told me about it and gave it to me on my map. It is seriously messed up, including causing me to lose my car...
  13. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Two other things.... 1. For some reason my accuracy with a scoped hunting rifle is WAY lower (like by 100%) than with teh regular hunting rifle. 2. Somehow I lost 4 perception somewhere. Not wounded or critically wounded ... any ideas?
  14. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Well, that fixed it. The art was is /data/data/art/critters and not /data/art/critters. I looked at the 2.4 zip files and, in fact, the zip has them in /data/data/art/critters, so that is the problem. I got the file from NMA, but NMA doesn't seem to host the file itself - clicking...
  15. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Firstly, thanks for your patience. Secondly, I do try and search for stuff before asking, but it isn't that easy to find info that is up to date. Ok, in an attempt to make sure I am doing everything right, I have uninstalled, re-installed (new dir, rebooted after uninstall, etc). I have...
  16. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Yes, it seems so. I completely uninstalled and re-installed and just used the 2.4 version and now Klint seems to work fine. My Savegames all didn't work though, so I haven't gotten to playtest the sniper rifle yet. However, on a stealth run to Reno to get Sulik the .223 pistol from...
  17. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    I do have 2.4 installed. I got it from NMA, which took me to Atomic Gamer. BTW, I was installed the Weapons Redone mod recently, and now Vic and Cassidy can wield Huning Rifles. What is odd is that Cassidy is prepared to wield the sniper rifle, but Vic isn't. And no one is prepared to wear...
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    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Oh, one other odd thing. Neither Vic nor Cassidy is prepared to equip a Hunting Rifle. :(
  19. M

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    Hi, I am a newbie, so if I am making obvious mistakes, please excuse me. First problem I see is that in Arroyo I never get the quest to get a sharpened spear, so I can't give it to Jordan/Sly Fox, and the next time I come to Arroyo, I have to kill Jordan. Oh well. Secondly, the Klint...
  20. M

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    Coming back to fallout 2 after 10 years Bored with all the RPGs out there at the moment and would like to dust off Fallout2 again. I see that there has been a lot of modding done, and woule like to playthrough one time with as many mods installed as possible. The Restoration Mod and the...