Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
The latest version of the Megamod, version 2.4, has been released. Please post any issues regarding it in this new thread. As I stated in another thread, you need at least MM version 2.35 already installed in order to make use of this version.

Edit: If you don't want the lootable armor aspect of the mod and/or don't want enemies to drop their weapons when killed, just delete the file from the data\scripts folder.
Also, be sure to check through the ddraw.ini file to ensure that all the options you want (or don't want) are enabled (or disabled).

As for some of the other things to implement into future additions of the MM:

-more bug fixes
-some new locations, including a vault (Vault 5), a hidden lab, an abandoned city, and others
-more parts of Killap's RP (Hubolist's area, his version of the Abbey, and others)
-finishing and including the New Arroyo mod (a mod about what happens to the New Arroyo after the tribe and Vault 13 personnel are saved and the GECK is used)
-finishing and including a mod that changes the Toxic Caves location
-being able to train Dogmeat to find certain items for you
-adding certain upgrades for Skynet and the robotic dogs to make them a little more useful
-modify and provide more uses for the shiv and poison (also providing much more use for the sneak skill, since the items themselves will be useless without the ability to use them without being seen)
maybe jumping the gun a little bit, but could you also post idea's for Version 2.5 (3.0?) if you still planning on expanding the mod?

I know you mentioned some plans but those are scattered arround in the 2.3 topic. maybe it would be nice to update your fist post with the plans.

ofcouse this all isn't needed if you don't continue you amazing work :)

just posting my opinion :)
I am still going to make additions to this project.

I'll go through my personal files and the thread and edit my first post (not many of the ideas, though, and with no real detail, as I don't want to ruin any potential surprises).

Edit: Ugh. Already I need to release an update. I forgot all of the updated art files. It won't really change gameplay, but without these art files, party NPCs will be unable to use scoped weapons. I am going to send the links/files out now.

Edit 2: The version that is available on this website is the real version 2.4. The aforementioned art files have been included (and is the reason why the download is over 11 mb instead of just over 5 mb).
Got a nasty bug with Cameron in the end of the Trial. Tried on 2 comps under XP, win'7, virtualbox with win'98 and about 10 different chars. He just have his name as *error, and all dialogue options in [error]s also, and . Key is slealable, but a lot of dialogs in a village trashed and temple map with obelisk and Klint not changed. Any possible cure for it?
Obviously you are missing the dialog files. Are you playing with an English version? Or another language of the game? The way it is set to work is if the dialog files (and game and narrative files) are in the data/text/English folder. If you have another version of the game, copy the folders into the respective language folder.

If you are playing with an English version, then the dialog is still missing. I can't tell you why.
game won't load

Hi, I just installed the game and megamod including the 2.4 patch and the game ran fine. I then closed the game to take a break and now when I try to load the game I get he following error message: "Failure to initialize input devices".
I am running Win 7 (with all the latest updates for everything) and have tried every compatibility mode, tried every possible setting one at a time ( boy did that take a long time), but I can't get the game to start up again. Any suggestions will be appreciated. :crazy:

EDIT: Thanks MIB88 - it seems the game only recognizes my mouse every once in a while, just had to change it to background mode.
Also, sorry for not bothering to do a search, just got lazy and this topic had so few entries I knew I'd get an answer quickly. :D
Let's start with sfall. First, remove (or rename) ddraw.ini and ddraw.dll. Let me know if the game starts up. If it does, then there must be some setting in those files not working with your setup. And. while you can play the MM without Timeslip's sfall, you will miss out on many features/fixes, an idea of which can be seen in the ddraw.ini file.

Edit: Or, you could have done a search, and you would have found this little thread, linking you to another:
HI, I have some problems during the combat in the Den with lara and Tyler, game cracks after 2-3 turns
Error message :

The instruction at 00457a9d referenced memory at 7fc00198
The memory could not be read from

I am a newbie, so if I am making obvious mistakes, please excuse me.

First problem I see is that in Arroyo I never get the quest to get a sharpened spear, so I can't give it to Jordan/Sly Fox, and the next time I come to Arroyo, I have to kill Jordan. Oh well.

Secondly, the Klint NPC seems bugged. If I give him armor, then then save, the save game becomes corrupted and crashes fallout when I try and load it. have tested so far with Leather jacket, leather Armor and Metal Armor. All other NPCs wear armor and change their sprite accordingly.

Another bug is in the Slaver Camp, when i get there, game shows that I'm in DEN and the screen is cracking ( cursor is bluring the screen)
I encountered very strange bug: in toxic caves me and Klint, then we start to fight - we attack at the same time, I mean, I know that f2 (and this mod) use TB combat system, but now it looks like some kind of FO :D - then gecko or golden gecko end the turn, klint and me attacks him on the same time :D, almost all the time later - game crashes. Im runing only megamod (with 2.4) and win xp. Klint is almost dead with a hammer and he wears no armor.

P.S. Sorry for bad english.
Hey, I'm getting a bug in some random encounters. It happens, for example, every time in the Kaga encounter. Right when I kill one of the guards (the specific guard seems to be random every time) the game crashes and I get a "memory could not be read" error. Any ideas for what could be causing this/how I could avoid it? I'm not running anything except megamod 2.4
I thought it was just my system, since another person who tested this said that he received no such crashes. Apparently, this is not the case. This is most likely the error regarding the Lara/Tyler fight mentioned earlier.
Rename/delete the script in your data/scripts folder. (If you rename it, just make sure it does not begin with the letters hs.) I don't know what the problem is, but I know it is related to that script. Don't worry, the game will still work and there will be no need to restart. Unfortunately, it also means that the lootable armor and weapon drop additions will not work.

Having a hard time believing that Klint is attacking at the same time as the player. Never saw anything like that.

@Michi: You are missing some art files. Do you actually have the 2.4 patch installed? And if so, where did you get the it from?
You are right, I have to correct myself: I do a normal turn, but every other npc do their turns at the same time, Klint too - I checked it and it realy happens all the time in one of my saves.
Well, I can send you a save :/. Found a way to record that bug...avi file`s size is ~100 mb :/.
@MaToX: I downloaded that file, but it won't run on any of my players. However, let me ask you this: when everyone else seems to have their turn at the same time, are you completely surrounded by enemies when the simultaneous attacks occur? I noticed something similar in Vault 23 where there are so many enemies, although it could happen in other locations I suppose. Just the game engine, I think. If there are many enemies, and the player's character is surrounded on all sides, many critters will skip their turns if they are focused on attacking the player's character. I don't think that the NPCs are having their turn at the same time, it's just that a fast processor will make it seem like they are going simultaneously (especially if they were all misses, which is what I noticed in Vault 23).

As for this:
Fresh Ghul said:
Another bug is in the Slaver Camp, when i get there, game shows that I'm in DEN and the screen is cracking ( cursor is bluring the screen)

I will correct the cause of the incorrect name. I don't know what to say about the blurring screen. Are you using the resolution mod? Is the game playable still? I have seen something like this before with maps from other mods that were not completely integrated properly, meaning I forgot to account for some new item or piece of scenery. However, I can't know for sure until I look again at the map and know the answers to the above questions. Also, check the thread that I referenced a few posts up. It will lead to another thread in which Timeslip mentions certain issues regarding sfall and the mouse. Be sure to check that out as well.
I do have 2.4 installed. I got it from NMA, which took me to Atomic Gamer.

BTW, I was installed the Weapons Redone mod recently, and now Vic and Cassidy can wield Huning Rifles. What is odd is that Cassidy is prepared to wield the sniper rifle, but Vic isn't.

And no one is prepared to wear power armor.

Klint still goes nuclear however. To be clear tho, when he puts on the armor his art changes to look as if he is wearing the armor. Just that the when I load a saved game after he is wearing armor, the game crashes.
Well, the file runs for me. And no, I am not surounded by the enemys, its 2vs2: klint and me versus two golden geckos. I think b-2 mentioned that this problem is coused by sfall, I saw that opinion in he`s armor addon thread (?). He stated that if you dont want to encounter this error - dont save in combat, which I did :/.

P.S. The NPC`s attacks at the same time, and I am sure of it: sometimes Klint attacks gecko while another gecko attacks me or gecko attacks him and another gecko attack me, but ussualy - everyone (exept me) attacks (or just spends their AP) at the same time :/.
Michi said:
...BTW, I was installed the Weapons Redone mod recently...

There is your answer. I added something new to the MM with regards to certain weapons (i.e. new art for scoped weapons, for example) causing this mod to not work completely right anymore. Some of the item proto files from that mod would need to be changed in order to use the new art.
Yes, it seems so.

I completely uninstalled and re-installed and just used the 2.4 version and now Klint seems to work fine.

My Savegames all didn't work though, so I haven't gotten to playtest the sniper rifle yet.

However, on a stealth run to Reno to get Sulik the .223 pistol from Renow Arms, I saw that it was a mauser! I thought that was a Weapons Redone thing.

Is it meant to be this way or did I do something wrong? Also the mirror shades from Golgotha only increased my CHA from 5 to 6, and I recall them being +2 before...


Thanks for your efforts!!