I'm wasn't planning to provide translations with sfall, I just added in the option for other people to do so when JaW asked for it.Mr.Wolna said:Timeslip you need a german translation? Or did i am something miss understand^^
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to include a few different languages, if you want to translate them.
sfall has never supported fallout 1. Sure there was a download for fallout 1 that I gave the same name because it was easier than thinking up a new one, but it didn't do 1% of what sfall does. It did nothing more than fix the black screen bug, (which can now be done more easily with the resolution mod,) let you speed up gameplay and use the mouse wheel.fuzzi said:what is latest version of sfall which still support Fallout 1 + link. thanks guys
It's still available from a couple of places if you're one of those adhd types that can't play fallout at below 500% normal speed. I don't have any links offhand sorry.
I ditched it when I moved to sourceforge because I no longer have the source for it, and because of compatibility issues with the res patch, (it didn't have the real sfall's gpublt option.) . I'll probably make a new and improved version when the fo1 restoration project comes out, and gives me an excuse to play fo1 again. (Because I'm also one of those who can't stand fallout at normal speed.