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  1. G

    History of NMA

    I got into Fallout when it first came out in '97(??). I beat it the first time and then I started re-playing it and trying to find new stuff. That is when I went on the internet to find walkthroughs and such. I first found "duck and cover" at its original site... Nobody...
  2. G

    You Know You Have Been In Iraq Too Long When..

    I disagree Jebus... I found the whole thing to be ultra morbid, scary, twisted, and absolutely hilarious. P.S. I hope you are well John. I hope you just have a twisted imagination or found this somewhere, and are not actually there yourself. Good luck if you are, and to...
  3. G

    obligatory what are you reading, what have you read-

    Hey lilfyffedawg, I just thought I should mention that I think 1984 was a fantastic book. I am not exactly sure why you got bored when the main character started having sex but I thought I should mention that even as he was having sex, there were other things going on. Ultimately the story...
  4. G

    Van Buren to the bin?...what a waste!

    That is a neat idea. I bet including all of the stuff for Van Buren wouldn't cost much and the level of press it would get them to do that would be enormous. It is not like they would have to clean up any of it. The could just release all the crap, the good and the bad and let us sort through...
  5. G

    The Glow

    Just because a certain bomb generates an "x" amount of temperature means nothing. What exactly does that tell you? I mean how much area is heated to that temperature, and for how long? It means diddly. Any thunder bolt that you have ever seen or heard has heated the air in its center to that...
  6. G

    Playing *AS* Mad Max

    Good point Brutulf. With a high Outdoorsman skill you would be able to avoid allmost all battles. Like in Road warrior he is concealed from the raiders and doesn't engage until he sees two of them alone, trying to rape a woman or whatever. That is where his noble trait kicks in and he goes to...
  7. G

    Playing *AS* Mad Max

    Actually I think that Mad Max' Charisma was quite hight but he was a jerk on a personal level. In all the movies people trusted him to do what needed to be done just by the way he caried himself, that is charisma. Ofcourse he then told them to piss off, but that is something else. Also I...
  8. G

    Most inventive way to get back at Ian

    Ok, its just killing me...... what about the Booz in a bag???? and the rope and lighter??????????? WTF!!! Equip the ring thing????????????? Could somebody explain? Anyway... Whatever.... I just friggin ignore him as a character. I never get him after I found out out just how useless he...
  9. G

    If you could expand Fallout...

    I believed this thread was more centered on the plot of the two games and the items not the fucking light meters and next generation game "bells and whistles" that we expect to find today. If you want to tell us what kind of new shit Bethesda should, or could pack into FO3 then go to the FO3...
  10. G

    Torment - the book and the game

    Actually, from what I remember of the game all of your previous incarnations did reincarnate with their own memories just like you. You were just the latest one. The reason that you lost your memories and "self" between some reincarnations which led you to become a blank slate again was that...
  11. G

    V13 canteens

    I noticed that people in other threads keep referring to the V13 canteens as being some critical objects. As far as I remember they only have limited use in FO2 to show people that you are from a vault and that you are searching for V13, but you can easily get by without them. I don't...
  12. G

    CRPG's that need to be played

    It really depends on what you are looking for. I enjoy playing games because I enjoy discovering the plot and seeing it develop. The same reason that I enjoy reading books and seeing movies. Playing games allows you to take a more active part in the plot line, whether it is an RPG or an FPS...
  13. G

    CRPG's that need to be played

    I know I will get flamed for this but........................ I really did enjoy Baldur's Gate. :eek:
  14. G

    Anyone know of these books?

    I remember I really enjoyed Northworld, by Drake, though I only read the first book. It is only recently that I found out it was a series of three. As for the battlestation serries..... I really liked the whole setting. The writing itself was mediocre but not bad, but I really enjoyed the...
  15. G

    Anyone know of these books?

    I did all that. I was more interested in if anyone knew of other books that the plotline tied into. I guess I wasn't specific enough. Thx for your response though.
  16. G

    worst concert experiecne

    I was looking at the "what are you listening to" thread and I came up with this..... What has been the worst concert experience you have had? What band did you go see that sorely disappointed you? I don't mean that you went to see the Back Street Boys because your girlfriend made you, or...
  17. G

    Anyone know of these books?

    Years ago I read two books by David Drake and Bill Fawcett called Battlestation 1+2. They were fantastic but I have never been able to find any more books pertaining to that setting. I have done some research on the net but I have come up with nothing so I was wondering if anyone was...
  18. G


    I just found out that a twelve page essay that I had written a while back for a class was accidentally erased form my save space on my college computer network. I am now fucked. Goddamned bastards. I was assured that I could use this space safely and now they tell me it is no wonder because...
  19. G

    Asian Tattoos: Princess or Prostitute?

    That is friggin hilarious. Kudos for spreading chaos among pretentious suburbanite kids. "beautiful goddess"?!!!!!!!!!!!! Who the fuck comes up with such self indulgent crap. She probably had a gut. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! I can't even say what I would have done to be there when the...
  20. G

    Troika gone belly up?

    I am very disappointed. I really thought that they were just getting started.