Most inventive way to get back at Ian


Vault Senior Citizen
Morpoggel sugested this topic, and i so figuered i might aswell create it. Basicly you have to post a really creative or entertaining way to get back at Ian for all of those times he blasted you to pieces with his SMG. Well, lets get started...

My best Ian kill would probably be the time I left him in the cathedral and went to kill the master (Yeh im not very creative) :D Now you go!
Well, I also said this in the post where I mentioned this topic...

Go to the Glow, use lots of Rad-X, then read a book, play chess or rest...

Go to the DeathClaw's cave, then take all of Ian's weapons so he has to use HtH, then make sure the Deathclaw goes after him.

Whenever Ian is standing between you and a potential target, use the Gattling Laser...

Give him a grenade... in combat mode...

And last but not least, blast HIM to pieces with an SMG.
Morpoggel said:
Go to the Glow, use lots of Rad-X, then read a book, play chess or rest....

This won't do shit (although I remember someone is making a mod for that, check out the Modding forum...)

Morpoggel said:
Go to the DeathClaw's cave, then take all of Ian's weapons so he has to use HtH, then make sure the Deathclaw goes after him.

Good one!

Too bad you can't sell him into slavery.

Oh well, you can always make him run after you through red force fields (have a HPA on for that one)
One of my favorite ways to kill him was to make targeted shots to his arms. That way he runs away, doomed to die a death of being...

Silencer said:
Morpoggel said:
Go to the Glow, use lots of Rad-X, then read a book, play chess or rest....

This won't do shit (although I remember someone is making a mod for that, check out the Modding forum...)

Yeah well, it's the idea that counts... ;)

Too bad you don't have him in Fallout 2. Caus if I remember correctly, your party members did get damage in the Gecko Powerplant Reactor Room.

You could of course just leave him somewhere on the map.
Morpoggel said:
Too bad you don't have him in Fallout 2. Caus if I remember correctly, your party members did get damage in the Gecko Powerplant Reactor Room.

Yeah, but it was damage, not radiation.

In fact, I had Vic walk into the reactor chamber through the wall once (the one in the corridor by the storage rooms.)

Morpoggel said:
You could of course just leave him somewhere on the map.

Hah! Remember that rumour about Ian, the rope and the lighter? ;)
Silencer said:
Hah! Remember that rumour about Ian, the rope and the lighter? ;)

Uhm, actually I don't... :roll:

But what's the fun in leaving Ian on the world map? He'll die!!!
Morpoggel said:
But what's the fun in leaving Ian on the world map? He'll die!!!
Exactly. He'll die, and not only will it be something fun-less (like starvation or getting killed by a supermutant), but - most importantly - *you won't be there to see it*! :twisted:
Ok rosh has the best one so far, i reckon an smg blast in to the back would be fitting! Keep these coming, and can someone pls explain the rope and lighter thing?
Shadowbird said:
Morpoggel said:
But what's the fun in leaving Ian on the world map? He'll die!!!
Exactly. He'll die, and not only will it be something fun-less (like starvation or getting killed by a supermutant), but - most importantly - *you won't be there to see it*! :twisted:

Well... the imagination can work in this case...

How do you know he won't caught by raiders who would rape him, and cut his ears then abandon him in the wasteland (much like you did. tsk!) where he would die by having his testicles bitten by a molerat.

And to go even further, a mantis COULD shit in his eye-sockets after he's rotten...
In my example above, I did that during an encounter of Super-Mutants wielding miniguns. I positively giggled as the body spatter, including Ian's horrified face, decorated itself all over my suit of power amor.

Ian Rorschach!
Take all his stuff and "accidently" stab him with that old knife you find outside Vault 13. :twisted:
Maybe Ian starts wandering the Wasteland and accidentally finds the Brotherhood Bunker... then he get's send to The Glow and when you get there, you find his radiated and rotting body... with mantis shit in the eye socket and a molerat who died after eating his testicles...
Ok, its just killing me...... what about the Booz in a bag???? and the rope and lighter??????????? WTF!!! Equip the ring thing????????????? Could somebody explain?


Whatever.... I just friggin ignore him as a character. I never get him after I found out out just how useless he is the first game or two I played. Sulik in FO2 has burst and killed me way more times, as well as Cassidy and Vick with the damn Pancors. Don't even get me started on Marcus.

I think the first FO game I played I ended up throwing a grenade at Ian after he hit me one too many times, before I reloaded. It was quite gratifying as I watched Ian rain from above. I never used him again.