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  1. dozen

    FOnline Engine Development support on Patreon

    A really strange question coming from a guy who finished the F1->F2 port. Sure. I just hope that some day we can have a more flexible and modern tool than the F2 engine with Sfall for original Fallouts. Well, yes, but actually, no. In theory Sfall is capable of anything, but in reality changing...
  2. dozen

    FOnline Engine Development support on Patreon

    So I take it, a native Fallout 2 scripting language interpreter was not possible to implement? Eh... It would have been awesome to finaly have a working open source isometric engine for Fallout. Anyway, it's great to hear that the engine is still supported. cvet, thanks for your tremendous work.
  3. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    No "Bible" of Sonora yet, but there was a Nevada design document somewhere, if you're interested in that sort of thing.
  4. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    gustarballs1983, stop it, or at least postprone this nagging for a later time. I was browsing Sonora dedicated Russian discussion boards, and it looks like Foxx and the rest of the crew are now preoccupied with the problems and bugs the release has, so if you don't want to hear something edgy or...
  5. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    But how are you playing it without knowing Russian? :D It is. That's why I found it strange that it was not implemented. Meybe the devs didn't really have that much time afterall, half of the files within the dialog directory have the "last time changed" date between Feb and today.
  6. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    Have just played for an hour, and all I can say so far... it's ok. Yet another variation of the old plot about enemies targeting your home with you being the only one able to save your family/neighbours/village/town. Banal, but it sill works if all you need is to introduce your character and...
  7. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    The release is this friday, apparently:
  8. dozen

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    Of course. The original plot was more consistent, more thoroughly written and better implemented. I'm still puzzled as to why Aleksandr decided to ditch it just to replace with that unclear and convoluted story about chasing some biker who appears out of nowhere just to vanish into thin air. I...
  9. dozen

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    Yes, it's available in the thread about CE here, on NMA. but as I have said above, it's a bit outdated. I helped Foxx to translate the texts and dialogs he wrote to English, but he didn't give me all of them at that time, so some of those texts are in broken English.
  10. dozen

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    Would recommend Crazy. Or at least I will be doing it until all little things, regarding balance mainly, are ported from there to Fixed, which is currently not the case. Keep in mind that CE is not supported anymore, so it has more bugs than FE and its English translation is a bit otdated...
  11. dozen

    Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada

    Fixed edition and Crazy edition were standalone with everything integrated, but without native English support (you had to download and install it separately) Fixed mod is a modification (based on FE) that is it needs to be installed upon F2, and it also has an English translation integrated...
  12. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    Duh, I'm translating the news bits the devs publish on the VK page. To keep you guys updated.
  13. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    Do you guys realize that the devs probably don't even know this thread exists? If you have a VK account, you can send your suggestions directly, otherwise I doubt your opinions will ever reach them.
  14. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    Nevada Band 13 august, 17:39 "The only reason there were no news recently is because we were immersed in the development. Today, for example, we have finished random encounters on the world map. Esta bien, bebe! However, there are only seven special encounters yet. We have plenty of ideas, but...
  15. dozen

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 1 in Fallout 2

    That's awesome! Hope, there will be a stable version available soon. Feel free to use us as beta testers once you decide that you are done with major changes. I happened to translate Fixt, but have never actually played it, so the question might seem weird: is the Fallout Demo quest a part of...
  16. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    Thanks for your kind words, but I don't think I deserve them. When I see that someone is wrong, I can be quite blatant at pointing it out :D His own translation was alright - better than mine, actually - but he was not the only one doing it. He had to manage all other people's translations (mine...
  17. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    I'll probably join up the team when it's formed... unless the pal who did the Nevada translation is in charge again. He had personal issues with me so I had to leave.
  18. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    Nevada Band an hour ago Fallout Sonora - entry to the Casa Nuevo location "Attention, stranger! Alcohol, drugs, and open carrying of weapons are prohibited here. For stealing the crops there's the death penalty. A curfew is in place at night." Char: "Strict rules"
  19. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    " Nevada Band 1 May 2019, 20:13 Aleksandr Poshelyuzhin: "While some people are celebrating May Day, I have something to celebrate, too. I finished another location and assembled a new build of Sonora, the 20th in a row. Three more locations ahead, one of them is half-ready. Now I just have to...
  20. dozen

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    It's a hiring dialog: "Good God... Well, I'm quite good in handling laser and plasma weapons, but shooting firearms, let alone fighting bare-handed, are the things I'm horrible at. Are you OK with that? Sure, that will be enough. In other words, it would be like traveling with a cactus, got it. "