Updated English translation for Fallout of Nevada


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

Some years ago now, the Russian made prequel to Fallout, Fallout of Nevada released to widespread community acclaim. However the translation of the mod into English has been a work in progress ever since. Until now…

Community member Keyboard Gecko have updated and released a new translation of the game which could be considered final. All information needed to download and run the mod with translation is available in the mod topic on our forums.

If you haven't played this gem yet maybe now would be a good time for you to do so!

To not confuse anybody the updated translation is for the fixed mod of Fallout Nevada.
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The credit goes to a lot of people - especially Dionis, who started the translation project, Foxx, for creating fixed edition of the game, and, most of all - _Pyran_, for developing fixed edition into what it is now (and also, for carrying this translation through the countless builds in the last year).

And to many more!

Enjoy the game, everyone.
What's the difference with this and the other editions? Is this a new version of the Fixed mod?

  • (LATEST) Fallout: Nevada - Fixed mod. It's a "Fallout: Nevada - Fixed edition" with english translation and narration, sfall, configurator, IFP, HRP and many bug-fixes.
  • Fallout: Nevada - Fixed edition. Basically, version 1.02 with restored content and loads of bug-fixes.
  • Fallout: Nevada - Crazy edition. Heavily modded 1.02 version. Has additional content, including small locations, the companion-dog and some easter eggs. The combat is rebalanced.
What's the difference with this and the other editions? Is this a new version of the Fixed mod?

  • (LATEST) Fallout: Nevada - Fixed mod. It's a "Fallout: Nevada - Fixed edition" with english translation and narration, sfall, configurator, IFP, HRP and many bug-fixes.
  • Fallout: Nevada - Fixed edition. Basically, version 1.02 with restored content and loads of bug-fixes.
  • Fallout: Nevada - Crazy edition. Heavily modded 1.02 version. Has additional content, including small locations, the companion-dog and some easter eggs. The combat is rebalanced.
Fixed edition and Crazy edition were standalone with everything integrated, but without native English support (you had to download and install it separately) Fixed mod is a modification (based on FE) that is it needs to be installed upon F2, and it also has an English translation integrated (which was recently updated, thus the news).
I think, some people considered standalones warez so they requested it to be distributed as a mod.
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Is the translation available for the crazy edition? I'd be interested in playing this over with the new content.
Would you recommend fixed or crazy?
Would recommend Crazy. Or at least I will be doing it until all little things, regarding balance mainly, are ported from there to Fixed, which is currently not the case. Keep in mind that CE is not supported anymore, so it has more bugs than FE and its English translation is a bit otdated.
That's true that the Crazy edition was somewhat subpar to the rest of FN in the new story/environmental content introduced by Foxx, but there were not that many of those new things, so you were free to ignore them, on the other hand there was a major fix to the balance that I really miss: the original FN 1.02 had too much ammo in it, that made a big chunk of content related to the ammo press meaningless and the press itself was basically an expensive and useless toy. Foxx decreased the ammo drop in CE, but instead introduced a new mechanic that made the ammo press useful again.
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Is the translation available for the crazy edition? I'd be interested in playing this over with the new content.
Yes, it's available in the thread about CE here, on NMA. but as I have said above, it's a bit outdated. I helped Foxx to translate the texts and dialogs he wrote to English, but he didn't give me all of them at that time, so some of those texts are in broken English.
Correctly - "Fallout: Nevada."
No, the translation (from 16.02.2020) is not suported for Crazy edition, only Fixed ed. Otherwise, you will get crashes and errors. Because Fixed has additional corrections, including in the text.
If you want a "true" Nevada, then choose Fixed ed.
Crazy ed. - was "training", has "superfluous and not canonical" content. And is no longer supported. Balance - may seem moot.

Perhaps, someone has an interest to the initial plot with the SoS system and other special stuff.
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Perhaps, someone has an interest to the initial plot with the SoS system and other special stuff.
Of course. The original plot was more consistent, more thoroughly written and better implemented. I'm still puzzled as to why Aleksandr decided to ditch it just to replace with that unclear and convoluted story about chasing some biker who appears out of nowhere just to vanish into thin air. I guessed that he maybe didn't want to be too banal: the plot stemming from bringing SoS to the Vault city may have seemed to him too much alike to getting G.E.C.K and/or a water chip all over again.

Are you, by chance, planning to port it back from 99b to Fixed edition? That would be awesome, but it would take an insane amount of work. I tried to combine those two plots on paper but they just don't match. They exist in different universes (the enviroments of 99b and 1.0 are waay too different).
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Are you, by chance, planning to port it back from 99b to Fixed edition?
In fact, the Nevada we see, is not completed. There was an idea to remake it for the fourth time (third time - direction cut 2.0, only in docs.), and change\reduce it by almost 60%. But they refused the idea - banal, tired of redoing the project. Having learned the lesson, Alexander and Co., are creating project "Sonora".

0.99b - there Is a version with fixes. But to transfer the plot - no. I don't know who could do it.
You should choose root fallout 2 directory for installation. There's gonna be subfolder with Nevada in it after that.
Also, check this topic for more info.
Regarding the original plot, is there any place where I can read it or download an English version of it?
Kind of curious to read what it was originally suppose to be about.
Initial plot: It was necessary to bring the sos system to organize a system of turrets and walls around the perimeter to protect the Vault-City.
Initial plot: It was necessary to bring the sos system to organize a system of turrets and walls around the perimeter to protect the Vault-City.

I recall that from the original description but I assume there was also a second main quest similar to the Master and his Super Mutants?