Search results

  1. Trithne

    Aliens Invade Fallout 3

    Whatever do you mean? FO3's stuff is really popular. I mean, everyone loves alien abductions!
  2. Trithne

    Fallout 3 DLC/GotY edition press release

    I... I don't... What. What the everloving fuck. The aliens have returned? Their initial existence was just an easter egg.
  3. Trithne

    Sean Brennan on Fallout 3 DLC

    Half-full price and 4~5 hours content is not value for money. 8h is not value for money on a full-price game. These aren't movies you're making boys, do a decent job.
  4. Trithne

    Should i buy fallout 3?

    Unfortunately, if games were only slightly dumbed down they'd be tolerable. Instead they're overly gratifying masturbatory aids. 'Shit', like most adjectives, is subjective. What I consider 'shit' you may consider a beacon of perfection. Neither of us is wrong, but I reserve the right to...
  5. Trithne

    There is something rotten with the Lyons' Pride symbol

    That's the idea, actually. The BoS in F3 is entirely a transplanted order of medieval paladins from a world of shiny glory and objective right and wrong.
  6. Trithne

    Should i buy fallout 3?

    I see this argument a lot. It can be summarised as "Everything has become shit, so start to like the taste of shit." I shouldn't, and won't, settle for shit.
  7. Trithne

    NowGamer interviews Howard and Pagliarulo

    Ah, good old Nintendo Hard games. It's a shift in gaming priorities. Now everyone's obsessed with using a game to 'tell a story', and apparently dying and repeating sections would be detrimental to that in some way. I still play roguelikes, where if you die, you die, damnit. Game over, no...
  8. Trithne

    About Broken Steel's ending... [SPOILERS]

    Hah. They keep coming really close to having player choice, but then realise that making multiple plot arcs is too much work. Don't put in a half-assed option to do things for the Enclave if you can't join them.
  9. Trithne

    NowGamer interviews Howard and Pagliarulo

    VATS is broken, it cheats. The behemoth is abysmal plot design. This utter unknown element comes out of the wastes and meets up with a bunch of the BoS, who just say 'come along but keep your head down', while they lead you through the city, kill super mutants for you, and then start being...
  10. Trithne

    An Honest and Fair Way to Look at FO1 vs FO3

    You really shouldn't do that. It's the debate equivalent of going home and taking your ball with you. My point stands that you hold yourself as some kind of holier-than-thou entity because you read books and some people don't. And that's just dickish. Kinda like taking your ball home with you.
  11. Trithne

    An Honest and Fair Way to Look at FO1 vs FO3

    I just like nitpicking. And have a degree in Words. In all honesty, there are times I'd much rather just watch a movie of something than read its print form. And sometimes I just won't bother with the print form. Because inbetween the two, you get different experiences. And if I'm satisfied...
  12. Trithne

    GamePro's 18th Most Influential Person in Gaming is...

    Off the top of my head, I'd suggest Doom - Popularising FPS and especially Deathmatch Deus Ex - Proving FPS, and videogames in general, can have plots (You could also use System Shock) Rogue - Countless imitations and hours lost into that merciless game. Starcraft - Bringing RTS and...
  13. Trithne

    GamePro's 18th Most Influential Person in Gaming is...

    I'm fairly sure that around the time of daggerfall, Todd was something like the coffee boy. Their lists are terrible, it feels like I personally have a better understanding of the past 20 years of gaming than the entire gamepro staff. Rogue should definitely be in that list.
  14. Trithne

    An Honest and Fair Way to Look at FO1 vs FO3

    I can say with a fair amount of certainty you cannot have a vampire lich dwarf in any iteration of D&D made in the last 15 years. The vampire and lich templates are mutually exclusive. Except the narrative is balls. It's a bad mishmash of F1 and F2, doesn't make sense, and has gaping plot...
  15. Trithne

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel Reviews

    And here I had this outrageous idea of not having a level cap. Fancy doing that in a game.
  16. Trithne

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel Is Out

    I don't get why people tout that as a consequence - If your pet dies, it stays dead. That's just common sense. There are no consequences in F3.
  17. Trithne

    An Honest and Fair Way to Look at FO1 vs FO3

    Can I ridicule you for not being able to spell ridicule? And blind ignorance? It's true that books typically give a deeper, richer experience. But some books get far too long-winded and have pages upon pages of fluff that they could actually do without. All media have their flaws and their...
  18. Trithne

    GamePro's 18th Most Influential Person in Gaming is...

    I can't bring myself to watch that interview. What's with video interviews anyway? Give me text anyday. Toddy is not influential. Except possibly for providing the influence to destroy RPGs forever. If both Chris Taylors, Avellone, and Warren Spector are not in that list, I may be forced...
  19. Trithne

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel Is Out

    As nice as that would be, they can't. They can't break away from the Fo3 gameplay formula too much.
  20. Trithne

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel Is Out

    And at least if you get it on the 360, you know it'll at least start. 3 failed DLC releases, on top of a buggy as hell game. Professionalism at it's finest, boys.