Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I'm not so sure that the book-movie comparison is the best. I think a specific book-movie comparison would be good, like Watchmen, a movie which took all of the action of the comic, added in some of it's own, and put in a minimal amount of the plot where it was needed.
Yes, because no one here criticizes the flaws in Fallout 1&2... wait what? Ratty just said that Fallout 2 has worse writing than the original and most people think that Fallout 2 has more C&C and that New Reno has the best quest design of any Fallout game, while it also has a setting which doesn't fit the overall setting at all. Fallout and Fallout 2 are criticized for where they fell short and noted for where improvements could be made with the tools and money available in the modern industry. You also obviously haven't read the NMA reviews and reactions to Fallout 3, there are a lot of people who like the game for what it actually is and like specific parts of it. This crap comes up enough as is, lets keep it out of this tread.lugaru said:Still two of the things in the title (honest, fair) are discouraged here if Fallout is concerned and one could throw intelligent on that pile as well, like if somebody has something bad to say about the first two games or something good about the third he is automatically wrong, no matter how eloquent he may be in his arguments.