About Broken Steel's ending... [SPOILERS]


It Wandered In From the Wastes
So...thoughts on this? I suppose it's a bit better than the original one, but in the end it still kinda sucked. Destroying the missile platform gets you some thanks from the Brotherhood, but then that's it, nothing else. Or rather, they seem to be leaving it open-ended for another DLC with Rothchild talking about rebuilding Liberty Prime and more Enclave troops coming in the future.

What really sucks though is destroying the Citadel instead. It does nothing but get the Brotherhood pissed off at you, and the Enclave don't care either and still attack you. No Enclave path, nothing at all. You can't go back to Raven Rock and report back to Eden, you don't see Autumn again if you spare him, and worse of all using the FEV only makes the water around the purifier deadly if you drink it, nothing else!
That's it? You are forced, yet again, to follow the one-liner path? They don't even try, do they? Just blow shit up, talk to some retarded NPCs and... blow shit up i guess. I don't know what to think anymore about this game. It's dead for me. Completely dead. There isn't any point to criticize it. Under Bethesda it wont get any better then this. No game will. And that's just sad...
What if in the previous ending of the game, I chose to let that chick get killed?
That ending was from Van Buren if I'm not mistaken.

Well a toned down, stupid version. Correct me if I am wrong, but in the Van Buren ending you HAD to choose a major settlement to nuke from a satellite that was going to go off no matter what.
It just seems to me that there was no real work done on Fallout 3. The more I look at it, it's just poor material or material from other sources that once wasn't their own.

I guess you really can buy other people's thoughts.

I really didn't like the fact that there was the obligatory good guy ending that had replaced the harder choice of which community to say good bye to for good. That would have made that an overall better ending to Broken Steel.

I dunno. I just like ambiguity in games. Hell I liked the original idea for the Junktown ending.
What my gripe with it is, ignoring for a moment that Bethesda tried to copy the whole BOMB idea from Van Buren, that this is pretty much the ending of a generic shooter.
"Infiltrate the enemy's hideout and destroy it."

After I played and finished BS for the first time I compared it with a Quake 2 expansion pack, that comparison stays.

There were no RPG elements in this at all, no alternatives like diplomacy or science.
Stealth depends on just not being seen as the enemy patrol around, not skill or clever use of environment.

Imagine this; instead of running around shooting you infiltrate the communications base at the beginning to learn about the Enclave's plan (blow up every settlement in Capital Wasteland with orbital satellite) and steal an officer's ID.

With the ID you are able to enter Adams Air Field Base and pose as an officer, making the soldiers there ignore you or even salute you as you walk through their defense barrier into the mobile base.

There you can have a chat with various characters, some helpful, others not who will tell you more about the place, where the satellite uplink is, or offer skills/items.

That is quite different from running in with a big gun that didn't even work for me.
my problem was with the ending. Why would you bother nuking the citadel after going through all that trouble to fight through the enclave, it just doesn't add up. the only way that that could make sense is if you could join the enclave and make them the dominant power in the wasteland while crushing the brotherhood of steel.
radioactive_penguin said:
my problem was with the ending. Why would you bother nuking the citadel after going through all that trouble to fight through the enclave, it just doesn't add up. the only way that that could make sense is if you could join the enclave and make them the dominant power in the wasteland while crushing the brotherhood of steel.

I guess they were just using the Michael Bay logic.
You know which one i am talking about.
The: "I love big, senseless explosions but what i love even more is being able to choose what to blow up."
It adds new dramatic moments in the game...
Should i blow this, should i blow that? If i blow this i will not be able to blow that. That can explode better then this...
You get my point.
Public said:
What if in the previous ending of the game, I chose to let that chick get killed?

Dunno but I'm playing it at the moment to find out.

Reinstalled the game and playing it the ebil way (just killed Fawkes, didn't realise his body ends up in Raven Rock when he's dead) so not to far away from seeing if I can send that one dimensional generic action babe into the purifier.
Khan FurSainty said:
I guess they were just using the Michael Bay logic. You know which one i am talking about.
The: "I love big, senseless explosions but what i love even more is being able to choose what to blow up." It adds new dramatic moments in the game...Should i blow this, should i blow that? If i blow this i will not be able to blow that. That can explode better then this...You get my point.

that makes sense it seems i placed too high of hopes the Bethesda writing staff i really should have learned my lesson after operation anchorage and the whole main quest
Hah. They keep coming really close to having player choice, but then realise that making multiple plot arcs is too much work.

Don't put in a half-assed option to do things for the Enclave if you can't join them.
I think Bethesda's greatest weakness is that they don't understand multiple choices and consequences to the same level Black Isle did. They pretty much thought of anything. Bethesda lacks creativity to do that.

TamaNeko said:
you don't see Autumn again if you spare him, and worse of all using the FEV only makes the water around the purifier deadly if you drink it, nothing else!

That's just fucking lame. From what I've read, nothing changes in relation to the water. So all those people who drink from the water extracted from the water caravans don't die or anything.

And there's no Autumn appearance? I found him the best character of the game, and yet he doesn't even appears to help his group? Lame.

Wait, the Enclave ins't dead? THE ENCLAVE still lives? What the hell! Can't Bethesda allow the Enclave to rest in peace? I hope we see the Enclave wiped out by the end of those DLCs they're releasing. Honestly, the Enclave feels like a undead horse that has been ressurected and sent to attack you.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Honestly, the Enclave feels like a undead horse that has been ressurected and sent to attack you.
well they are fans of undead horses look at Shadowmare in Oblivion. But seriously bethesda does not have an original idea in their whole company first of all the elderscrolls series is basically the same as any other generic medieval rpg series (not that they aren't fun once in a while) and all mystical magical rpg's are ripped off of Dungeons and dragons which was in turn ripped off of Tolkien's work. Fallout 3 is just a shinier rehash of all the things in fallout that looked cool which might have been alright except every story bethesda tells is written by the art department. so while everything looks nice the plot seems like and afterthought.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
That's just fucking lame. From what I've read, nothing changes in relation to the water. So all those people who drink from the water extracted from the water caravans don't die or anything.

And there's no Autumn appearance? I found him the best character of the game, and yet he doesn't even appears to help his group? Lame.

Wait, the Enclave isn't dead? THE ENCLAVE still lives? What the hell! Can't Bethesda allow the Enclave to rest in peace? I hope we see the Enclave wiped out by the end of those DLCs they're releasing. Honestly, the Enclave feels like a undead horse that has been ressurected and sent to attack you.

Indeed Autumn, doesn't return in Broken Steel, even if you spare his life.
You would expect to find him in the satellite control tower of that mobile base, confronting you a second time.
I guess Bethesda did not want to hire the voice actor again for a possible alternate path based on decisions in Fallout 3

As for the Enclave itself, apparently destroying their two bases in Broken Steel doesn't change anything, Paladin Tristan tells you that patrols will still be around, though not explaining where they will now be coming from now that Raven Rock, the Communications Base, and the Mobile Base have been destroyed.

When you talk with the 'talking head' characters in the Citadel you basically get told that they have been dealt a severe blow but that they will regroup, and that the BOS will have to watch the borders for a while for Enclave reinforcements.

I already hated that the Enclave was brought back.
A long time ago I posted on this forum that I feared that Fallout 3 would either include the return of the Super Mutants as a main threat or the Enclave rebuild, Fallout 3 proved to be a combination of both.

The Enclave in Fallout 3 were suppose to be the remnants of the forces at the West Coast, and after you destroyed Raven Rock the Enclave you would encounter in Broken Steel were the left over scraps of the remnants.

Now all indication is given that there are yet even more of them out there.

The Enclave like the Super Mutants are turned into a terrible fan fic like you find on the Fallout Fannon Wiki and I feel that Bethesda will bring the Enclave back again in Fallout 4 because they really have no imagination or creativity.

Almost every West Coast thing in Fallout 1 and 2 has been copied and transplanted to Fallout 3, now Bethesda has the audacity to bluntly copy Van Buren when they took that armed satellite.
Well this is just another example of how there really is no consequence for action.

It's just like Megaton. You save the town. You get a house. You nuke Megaton. You get a house. Same goes with Broken Steel. It just makes you realize even more that you really didn't do anything when trudging through the main quest. The fresh water thing is disappointing. I was under the impression it was going to be fresh water rivers. It would have been a nice touch if the mirelurk became extinct because I decided to make fresh water. Or see people say, swimming for recreation, because they have never been able to do so in their life.

So many thing could have been done, but I guess everyone at Beth is just a little lazy.
Sent Lyons to die a glowy green death in the Purifier. Got the nonsensical ending slides (seriously who wrotes those) and when you get to the air base she turns up in the Vertibird that rescues you.

Bet shes still maked as essential as well. :evil:
The slides lacked everything that made the originals so much fun to look at, plus I hated the forced morality that is put on you.

The writing was rather terrible, but so was the intro text as well.
So when is Ron Perlman going to threaten Emil?
He got my support.

As for Sarah, in what role is she important?
I pretty much defeated the Enclave without her or the Pride platoon, something I wouldn't even dare back when play Fallout 2, relying on stealth instead.
The Dutch Ghost said:
As for Sarah, in what role is she important?I pretty much defeated the Enclave without her or the Pride platoon, something I wouldn't even dare back when play Fallout 2, relying on stealth instead.

Yeah seems like they went the heroic main character/savior route again like every single one of their games. The original fallout's were great because the made your character more human. For starters you could not kill a power armored enclave soldier with the 10mm pistol. And it was easier to die when you were wearing only leather armor to go kill a camp full of heavily armed raiders.
Alphadrop said:
Sent Lyons to die a glowy green death in the Purifier. Got the nonsensical ending slides (seriously who wrotes those) and when you get to the air base she turns up in the Vertibird that rescues you.

Bet shes still maked as essential as well. :evil:

Nuke the Citadel. Only real satisfying conclusion to this crappy DLC is that you can finally kill her afterwards and wipe the BoS out.
radioactive_penguin said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
As for Sarah, in what role is she important?I pretty much defeated the Enclave without her or the Pride platoon, something I wouldn't even dare back when play Fallout 2, relying on stealth instead.

Yeah seems like they went the heroic main character/savior route again like every single one of their games. The original fallout's were great because the made your character more human. For starters you could not kill a power armored enclave soldier with the 10mm pistol. And it was easier to die when you were wearing only leather armor to go kill a camp full of heavily armed raiders.

Heavily armed with spears and other 10mm pistols.
I thought it was pretty lame. Don't get me wrong, I liked the rest of the DLC, but the ending was basically just Oblivion's ending.