Slaughter Manslaught said:
That's just fucking lame. From what I've read, nothing changes in relation to the water. So all those people who drink from the water extracted from the water caravans don't die or anything.
And there's no Autumn appearance? I found him the best character of the game, and yet he doesn't even appears to help his group? Lame.
Wait, the Enclave isn't dead? THE ENCLAVE still lives? What the hell! Can't Bethesda allow the Enclave to rest in peace? I hope we see the Enclave wiped out by the end of those DLCs they're releasing. Honestly, the Enclave feels like a undead horse that has been ressurected and sent to attack you.
Indeed Autumn, doesn't return in
Broken Steel, even if you spare his life.
You would expect to find him in the satellite control tower of that mobile base, confronting you a second time.
I guess Bethesda did not want to hire the voice actor again for a possible alternate path based on decisions in Fallout 3
As for the Enclave itself, apparently destroying their two bases in
Broken Steel doesn't change anything, Paladin Tristan tells you that patrols will still be around, though not explaining where they will now be coming from now that Raven Rock, the Communications Base, and the Mobile Base have been destroyed.
When you talk with the 'talking head' characters in the Citadel you basically get told that they have been dealt a severe blow but that they will regroup, and that the BOS will have to watch the borders for a while for Enclave reinforcements.
I already hated that the Enclave was brought back.
A long time ago I posted on this forum that I feared that Fallout 3 would either include the return of the Super Mutants as a main threat or the Enclave rebuild, Fallout 3 proved to be a combination of both.
The Enclave in Fallout 3 were suppose to be the remnants of the forces at the West Coast, and after you destroyed Raven Rock the Enclave you would encounter in Broken Steel were the left over scraps of the remnants.
Now all indication is given that there are yet even more of them out there.
The Enclave like the Super Mutants are turned into a terrible fan fic like you find on the Fallout Fannon Wiki and I feel that Bethesda will bring the Enclave back again in Fallout 4 because they really have no imagination or creativity.
Almost every West Coast thing in Fallout 1 and 2 has been copied and transplanted to Fallout 3, now Bethesda has the audacity to bluntly copy Van Buren when they took that armed satellite.