Search results

  1. H

    Fight Clubbing and jobs

    He disappeared for me too? Probably died by falling off something.
  2. H

    Fallout 3 and Gordon Freeman

    Only a trailer though. :(
  3. H

    Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

    At last, now I can make my dream quest!
  4. H

    Fallout 3 and Gordon Freeman

    I got bored waiting for the modkit, so I used that Gordon Freeman character for all sorts of tomfoolery and buggery. Anyone else made some Fallout 3 video in boredom? (if this is the wrong section, please redirect)
  5. H

    nazis, klansmen and racists rejoice!

    Meh, Obama will probably get assassinated or the kkk will have its members killed off by FBI. Let it work out itself.
  6. H

    NMA Caption Contest winner

    Type in "tai" in the console, so then you'll have no trouble getting the jesus look.
  7. H

    NMA Caption Contest winner

    dull humor :| Then again I used to browse 4chan.
  8. H

    NMA Caption Contest winner

    Longer jokes provide more finesse then short jokes, actually effort into giving the reader a good joke. It's true they needed to be short ones I suppose, but never say a short joke can beat a longer one.
  9. H

    NMA Caption Contest winner

    eh, if the opera singing ghouls was chosen based on the humor that he looks like he is singing, then for shame on the judges. this images by shattered jon was actually the most funniest
  10. H

    Fallout 3, Bioshock: Videogames or not?

    Mega Man involved skill? Get the fuck out here with that, it was a memory game, nothing more. But alas, the market is dying for the retards. The last current gen game I remember playing which tried to challenge you was the witcher, and I seem to remember people a lot of people complaining...
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    NMA Caption Contest winner

    Eh, I don't understand the joke? And you didn't using my re-done entry ;<?
  12. H

    Pic of the day

    When you remove her clothing, it's the basic skin for little girls. And from the looks of the skin, I can already sense the mods to get this game banned.
  13. H

    Pic of the day

    Naughty nightwear is more pedophilia orientated.
  14. H

    Pic of the day

    Not sure whether to post but hopefully you won't take it the wrong way.
  15. H

    Questions about FEV in Fallout 3

    Probably more to the story later to be released which involves vault tech being behind it all along. Actually, Bethesda should have used that in the main story line.
  16. H

    Is there a worse character than Moira?

    Republic of Dave anyone? Though moria and sticky are top of the list.
  17. H

    NMA Caption Contest.

    should add the caption "Meth, not even once!"
  18. H

    You can tip over the Brahmin

    Speaking of domino, anybody see that gas stop with the domino boxes which set off a trap, I had the strange feeling they followed their fans from the oblivion domino.
  19. H

    Disapointment with the Vertibird... (spoilers)

    Bethesda didn't want you using vehicles. (probably because it would cut the play time in half but at least it would have been nice to see the wasteland from a motorcycle) But don't worry about it, you can see the vertibird flying, landing and that it's destructible, so I'm sure someone will...
  20. H

    Zero Punctuation

    Not every over hyped reviewer will look into wrong things about games like you want them too on fallout 3. They are going to compare it too oblivion and it is a blatant improvement over that game. And for god sake he's a "CRITIC", a comedic critic. That's JRPG's, western RPG's are fine...