nazis, klansmen and racists rejoice!


Looks like its not just democrats celebrating Obama winning the presidency- so is the Klan.

Apparently the KKK is looking forward to a race war!

And while we fight a war on terror abroad, the administration has taken a soft approach on the terrorists at home.
So RaHoWa is just around the corner eh?

It is about time, if something is going to happen let it happen so we can get it over with. I am tired of all this yapping to say the least.
I don't even care all that much. The idiots on one side of the fence are killing the idiots on the other side of the fence and vice versa.
End result: Less idiots.
Terrorists? I dont know but I fail to see how KKK has commited any terrorist acts the last 40 years. Or did I miss all the bomb deeds and massacres?
Dragula said:
Terrorists? I dont know but I fail to see how KKK has commited any terrorist acts the last 40 years. Or did I miss all the bomb deeds and massacres?

They are not really, deeply misguided and practice one of the most twisted forms of Christianity ( that Christan Identity bullshit). However as far as a real organization they are pretty much a joke. They are far to riddled at this point with FBI informants and infighting between different factions to make any difference.

Neo-Nazis are not that much better to be honest, they have quite a bit more of the stereotypical "teen rebelling against society" thing and most of them the ones I talk to just parroted off Hitler quotes and talked about favorite R.A.C. bands.

the Aryan Nations in particular are probably the group I find the most disturbing. Mainly because its leader professed a desire to ally with Islamic terrorist groups such as Hezbollah because he felt they were simply distant cousins also being oppressed by ZOG.

Funny how your precious racial doctrine can go out the window when you are starved for friends eh?

You could make a better case for home based terrorist groups with street gangs like Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). As more illegal immigrants come in they are increasingly becoming a nasty little problem.

Where is Paul Kersey when you need him :P
Bal-Sagoth said:
Funny how your precious racial doctrine can go out the window when you are starved for friends eh?
The Third Reich was allied with muslims.
Dragula said:
Bal-Sagoth said:
Funny how your precious racial doctrine can go out the window when you are starved for friends eh?
The Third Reich was allied with muslims.

Yes I am aware of that and the point still stands. That makes it no less hypocritical, it just proves even more the double standards the Third Reich had going. Arabs did not fit Hitlers "idea" for the world, they were just easy to manipulate and the hadjis ate up the Antisemitism angle he was pitching.

Of course if you want to go into it I am pretty sure there is a part of Christian Identity explaining how Arabs in biblical times were actually really white men (The evidence I read on this was that some archeologist found pottery and the people had blue eyes)

It is all hogwash and I am amazed people allow themselves to be manipulated by it.

I think it was in here somewhere, knock yourself out

That entire "book" is full of epic lulz. and church 4.jpg
Arabs didnt fit his "idea" of Europe. He had nothing against them staying their home lands fighting the british. However this is way off topic.

Is not white movements in the US overall a very minor political force? I mean, come on, here in Europe they get seats in parliment. Why bothered by something that has no real impact on any of your daily lifes?
Dragula said:
Arabs didnt fit his "idea" of Europe. He had nothing against them staying their home lands fighting the british. However this is way off topic.

and what of the ones in Europe? They did not fit his racial doctrine, they were there to be used as he saw fit. Not saying that is a bad thing it was rather smart honestly. Why let a German take a bullet when a Muslim can?

Dragula said:
Is not white movements in the US overall a very minor political force? I mean, come on, here in Europe they get seats in parliment. Why bothered by something that has no real impact on any of your daily lifes?

Because people put far to much faith in our media without researching for themselves. the media in our country just LOVES to play up radical racial issues.
Dragula said:
Is not white movements in the US overall a very minor political force? I mean, come on, here in Europe they get seats in parliment. Why bothered by something that has no real impact on any of your daily lifes?

And? If the people elect them, well, not much you can do without going against the core values of democracy and freedom.

That said, it's such a margin that it practically doesn't matter.

So where is that Hillbilly factory located ?
Bal-Sagoth said:
That makes it no less hypocritical, it just proves even more the double standards the Third Reich had going.

I don't think the Nazi regime cared too much about double standards.

When I heard Obama had one, I tuned into Stormfront's online radio, and it was pretty fucking hilarious. Those guys were mad.
Bal-Sagoth said:
So RaHoWa is just around the corner eh?

It is about time, if something is going to happen let it happen so we can get it over with. I am tired of all this yapping to say the least.
This reminds me of the drunken theorizing done in In Bruges. Terribly funny. Anyway what most white supremacists forget is that while there are a lot of whites in the world, most whites don't think like they do and would rather see the white supremacists shot for being ignorant than blacks shot for being black. But yeah, I suppose the white supremacists will try the Sunni/Shia strategy of attacking the other side (blacks and other U.S. minorities) just to get a violent response so that more whites will join their cause.

I just don't see it happening on any large scale. Too many white people listening to hip-hop, watching Oprah or Tyra Banks, liking or at least tolerating Obama, and keeping track of how amazing Tiger Woods and the Williams sisters are at their respective sports.

EDIT: Fixed spelling of famous Belgian city.
iridium_ionizer said:
This reminds me of the drunken theorizing done in In Brouge. Terribly funny. Anyway what most white supremacists forget is that while there are a lot of whites in the world, most whites don't think like they do and would rather see the white supremacists shot for being ignorant than blacks shot for being black. But yeah, I suppose the white supremacists will try the Sunni/Shia strategy of attacking the other side (blacks and other U.S. minorities) just to get a violent response so that more whites will join their cause.

I just don't see it happening on any large scale. Too many white people listening to hip-hop, watching Oprah or Tyra Banks, liking or at least tolerating Obama, and keeping track of how amazing Tiger Woods and the Williams sisters are at their respective sports.

And too many people can actually read. Thats a bonus in the "war" agains ingnorance and racism. But the economic situation will most likely, maybe not in USA, but at least in other countries help the extremists.
People loose jobs, and sometimes they
tend to blame the current goverment and leading parties.(sometimes for a good reason)
But i really don't see how Obamas election could cause a "racial" war. Its just work of fiction in the minds of right wing extremists.
I personally want to see all those neo-nazis and neo-facists
loaded up in to Saturnus V rockets and launched to the space. :twisted: Or prosecuted for brainwashing their children and for encouraging crimes and hatred.
Jebus said:
Damn those people from Los Angelous.
Sorry, it was late. Normally double-check stuff like that before posting. I know it's no excuse, but keep in mind that the governor of my state/province mispronounces "California" all the time. Anyway don't start a race war with me, we'll lose. You've got JCVD on your side.