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  1. G

    Deacon FO4 voice actor leaks existence of FO5 pre-production

    Bethesda opened a Montreal studio late last year, so no, sadly Obsidian isn't going to be doing a spin off. If this rumor is true, the expect said Montreal studio to be handling this game and regular old Bethsoft to be handling Elder Scrolls 6
  2. G

    Fallout 4 DLC revealed

    So, more or less the Robot War mod with the cringe worthy Mechanist from FO3. Maybe the Antagonizer shows up and they have "look gaiz! It's dat totally wacky 50's stuff again!" because that's not played out.
  3. G

    Fallout 4 DLC revealed

    Ok, so the first two are more or less stuff that is already mods and the third is pretty much Point Lookout, but with Synths and lolthechildrenofatom. Riveting. Also, The Mechanist? Good lord. That super hero stuff was cringe worthy in FO3.
  4. G

    Bethesda to Host Fallout 4 Session at GDC 2016

    Short amount of time? But our lord and savior Bethesda said it was 7 years in the making! Surely Bethesda of all companies wouldn't lie. Also, high-quality locations? oh, you mean the wrecked ship with Norwegian Ghouls? Or the dozens upon dozens of locations with nothing to do but shoot...
  5. G

    Bethesda announces another E3 press conference

    I fully expect some FO4 DLC announcement, probably underwater themed as well as announcements for Doom and such.
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    Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

    A new Obsidian Fallout would be great, but Beth just opened up a Montreal studio a month or so ago headed by former Behavior Interactive guys. So sadly they'll have the work on another FO game while the typical Bethsoft studio handles Elder Scrolls.
  7. G

    Confused about the lore in Fallout 4+the ending.

    Yeah. FO4 is noticeably scant on hints to as what happened in the 10 years between FO3 and FO4. I sided with the Brotherhood and judging by their banter, the Capital Wasteland is STILL a lawless shit hole as Spacemnky mentioned. As Boo mentioned as well, Beth also retcon's stuff like wild fire...
  8. G

    So in the end, what was even the point of the Synths?

    Good question Walp. The Synths and the Institute as a whole are so poorly developed and thought out, it's kinda embarrassing. The very same Institute made the Commonwealth Super Mutants because reasons. By and large, the Synths fall into this reasoning as well. The amount of missed opportunity...
  9. G

    Fuck It! (Fallout 4 review, rant, plead...)

    Your not wrong Boo. Bethesda "RPG'S" are the McDonalds of role playing games. Fine every once and awhile, but I just don't get how people sink 400 hours into the game. As for the death threats. That doesn't surprise me. Bethesda has an utterly psychotic fan base at times lol
  10. G

    God Awful Dialogue

    The dialog is indeed awful Boo. My favorite gem is when you use the sarcastic reply on the Courser. "I'm here to pick up two large pizza's and a calzone. It's under the name fuck you." That Emil, truly the master craft writer of the past 20 years. "So much could be solved if the ninth...
  11. G

    Which is The worst quest in Fallout 4?

    Worst quest? Easy. Kid in a Fridge. Ghouls still have to eat and drink. Although I guess Bethsoft just reconnected it much like nearly everything in FO4 lol. I'd even throw in the "Canned Meat" quest which involves a guy who provide the Wasteland with food, but decides to start serving them...
  12. G

    Extremly hesitant on beths next game

    After FO4, I fully expect the next Elderscrolls to remove even more RPG aspects, while their newly formed Montreal studio works on another FO game. Interestingly enough those leaked documents from earlier this year mention Behavior Interactive...funny how the head of the new studio worked at...
  13. G

    I just don't get the hate on NMA

    Indeed welcome to the forums. NMA get's a bum rap for being the "forum of haters", but the some of the best discussion about FO comes from here. People just don't like NMA because they don't fall at the the alter of Bethesda and actively dish out fair criticism and points of Bethesda clearly...
  14. G

    What if both Obsidian and Bethesda Fallouts existed, side by side?

    Not all of us Dutch lol. I'd play the hell out of a more traditional Fallout game. =D
  15. G

    New here, and may I just ask a stupid question for once?

    Why? Fo4 is ok for what it is, but an RPG it is not. I find it decent fun in short bursts, but that's about it. Once the first DLC rolls around, I'll keep tabs on that, and given some of the stuff found (underwater pipes/structures and a spear gun), I do believe we'll be going under the sea....yeah.
  16. G

    Razorfist on Fallout 4

    I like Razorfist quite a bit, but his New Vegas review is certainly not his highest point. Certainly wish he'd would have gone a bit more in depth with his review, but I found it enjoyable. The Obsidian hate boner is honestly a bit confusing to me.
  17. G

    What does NMA think about The Witcher 3?

    I enjoyed The Witcher 3. I played it on PS4 and found it to be massively enjoyable. I do need to go back and finish it though.
  18. G

    Finally uninstalled

    Nothing much to add to that list, as it's pretty good. I'm just amazed at the sheer amount of miss opportunity in this game. And yes, the Gunners are pretty much just the Talon Mercs, which really begs the question of why they didn't just bring the Talon Company back.
  19. G

    My Own Theory About Why F4 Is The Way It Is

    While the theory isn't bad, I just think Bethesda is mediocre when it comes to making actual RPG's, well modern Bethsoft at least. They've improved on visuals with each game, but that's about it. Every game since Morrowind has lost more and more RPG elements.
  20. G

    For all you oldschool fanboys.. Look what i found!

    Even if Fo4 was isometric, it'd still be the same shallow, poorly written mess it is in it's current form.