For all you oldschool fanboys.. Look what i found!

TBH i would so buy it even if i already have F4.
Looks great. Hopefully Bethesda decides to take this $750 million they made in one day and use it to experiment with different fallout spinoffs like an isometric game.
this is what they are doing...
Needs more pre-rendered backgrounds.
I would be very interested to see a post-apocalyptic RPG with pre-rendered backgrounds like Pillars of Eternity.

I'd like to hop into the alternate reality where Van Buren got finished and released with beautiful pre-rendered environments like Pillars of Eternity. That's always one the things I keep in the back of my mind for when a magical genie grants me three wishes.
I don't think people on here are old school "fanboys" I notice a lot of gamers using this term now a days, but use it in very general terms simply because someone "likes" something which really isn't what a fanboy is.

A fanboy is actually someone who relentlessly goes out of their own way to harass other gamer's within a gaming communitys (Usually forums, twitter, youtube, steam, or social media websites) and tell everyone that "their game" is the best and everyone else is "stupid" for not agreeing with them. They are usually gamers who are emotionally immature who can't accept criticisms towards something they like. So they result to name calling, swearing and juvenile behavior.

While most gamers (Like us) who are "fans" of something don't generally care about what other people think because we accept that no game is perfect and accept everyones opinions on what they like or dislike because everyone is entitled to enjoy what they find entertaining.

This is an example of a "Fanboy" (He's 45 years old too) :seriouslyno: --->

^ Please don't slot us with these kinds of vile individuals.

Cheers, :)
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Wow it looks like the game was meant to be that way since the textures actually look kind of nice, they look like shit the closer you get to them. Too bad the game has WAY bigger problems at hand.

2/10 "Disappointed, not a real Fallout game like 1 and 2"
Needs more pre-rendered backgrounds.
I would be very interested to see a post-apocalyptic RPG with pre-rendered backgrounds like Pillars of Eternity.

I'd like to hop into the alternate reality where Van Buren got finished and released with beautiful pre-rendered environments like Pillars of Eternity. That's always one the things I keep in the back of my mind for when a magical genie grants me three wishes.

I had a bad dream where Van Buren was released and was god awful and killed the RPG genre and everyone played CoD.

The horror.