This. Emil once again proves he can't write to save his life. The story in FO4 is filled to the brim with cheap, melodramatic, tug at the heart strings moments. While FO3 had piss poor writing, FO4 is on a whole nother level. Seriously, my favorite is the Institute/Sean coming up to the surface...
Interestingly enough, they mention the Enclave, but only in the fact that they defeated them at Adams Air Force Base, which is where they build the Pyrdwen. So either their still out there, or they just retconned it that their defeated.
This would explain the Norwegian ghouls you find on the FMS Northern Star. So much wasted potential. Could of had a quest where you could help with get to some sorta of area for Ghouls, but nope. Gotta shoot'em up for da phat loot yo.
Fridge Kid was probably the dumbest thing I ran into since playing the game. Almost as bad are the fact his parents live right outside of a massive Gunner base. I though Fridge kid was the worst, but Norwegian Ghouls on a ship wreck ship is pretty close as well.
I certainly agree. The game does seem to lack a signature armor. I suppose it's the T-60, but it's just a slightly redesigned T-45...really should have been a post war upgrade that the Brotherhood had to replace the T-45's or something. I'd be interested to know how the X-01 ended up in Boston...
As someone who uses the Assault Rifle a good bit, the thing would be utterly cumbersome in real life as an infantry weapon, but as an LMG or something to that effect, I could see it.
The Railroad, much like the Institute is one of the mostly poorly designed and though out factions in FO4. Also one of the most down right silly too. "Yeah we save Synths, but only the Gen 3 ones. Screw the Gen 1 and gen 2's!"
Can always count of ole' Petey Pete for a good laugh. Also, I did that quest with the ghoul kid stuck in a fridge...fuckin a man. It was just as bad as I heard.