NMA's Second Night Out Podcast - December 12th, 2015

I look at it like this, it has Fallout in the name which means I judge it like a Fallout game then a [strike]Borderlands-Mass Effect-Call of Duty-Sims sequel[/strike] standalone game
Honestly, if you judge a game by its cover, you're gonna be disappointed.

Unless, of course, it's NV's cover.
I like to play the game myself to see if it stays true to the Fallout name. Otherwise if it doesn't it makes me wonder why they didn't use a new IP instead, if they did then I could of said "Well it's a Bethesda game you can turn your brain off to and kill things" I mean it wouldn't be bad it's just that those kind of games don't keep me interested because I love dialogue, C&C, ect. Although how bad this game is(based on the Fallout name) I think I'll change that "play to judge for new Fallout games" policy to fuck that noise, I'll wait for NMA masochists to play it first. Sorry if I sound hostile(or anything like that, I don't mean to).
I think we should stop looking for a Fallout games amongs the games named Fallout and look for them in other names.
There is quite some Fallout games not called Fallout that are more faithfull to it than the official episodes.
It is still on topic to talk about them as we love them as Fallout fans.
I sure hope I'll get to participate fully. I'll certainly be able to be on, listening at the very least.
The podcast starts in two hours, fifteen minutes. I'll post a link to the Hangout and the YouTube stream as they get set up.
Huh, completely forgot about the podcast, thought about joining in this time.
Bethesda could probably fix a good portion of their problems if they would actually hire someone that can actually write something other than Fanfic.
Sorry I had to leave the chat. Its dinner time where I am at plus its getting really stormy and I am worried I could loss power.
It's enjoyable listening to people rant. Maybe I should try and set up some NMA chats as well. Gotta figure how to work Google hangouts.
Sorry I had to leave the chat. Its dinner time where I am at plus its getting really stormy and I am worried I could loss power.
Too bad you couldn't stay but atleast you were able to join the podcast.

EDIT: Sorry for exiting the podcast, I was starving so I decided to get something to eat.
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