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  1. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Did you install the latest version? Fonts section for latest version would be : [Fonts] sFontFile_1=Textures\Fonts\Fallout10.fnt sFontFile_2=Textures\Fonts\Fallout10.fnt sFontFile_3=Textures\Fonts\Fallout8.fnt sFontFile_4=Textures\Fonts\Fallout12.fnt...
  2. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    I really like that interface mod. I was considering making something like that myself, but looks like they already did a good job with it. Well I like your idea a lot Rolfcore, Would like to see the Revelations Skin combined with my own mod. Have you contacted the author of that mod at all...
  3. N

    NMA Community to make a mod?

    As far as I'm aware, in fallout 1+2 the world diverged from ours right after WW2, not in the 17th century. Hence the 1950s theme.
  4. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    I explained what files would need to be changed a couple of posts back. Just have a look at those files and see how you get on. I haven't bothered with the status messages, they are slightly smaller but only due to the font change. By the way, There is a mistake in the readme in the...
  5. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    No, only direction. Everything else is removed. It isn't too hard for you to add them in though if that's what your after.
  6. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    thx, glad you like it :)
  7. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    I was using the older version of that one. I'll try this new one now. Edit/ Thanks a lot for pointing me to that Update Buckshot, and thanks to Darn and TheHologram for making the prog. Updated version of the mod using the bug-free (I hope) fonts and a marker for the health bar...
  8. N

    Suggestions for implementation by someone with skill.

    That one is easy. I posted how to do that in another thread a few days ago. It's the same as how it was done for Oblivion. I played through half the game like it without any problems that I know about.
  9. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Ok for you guys that want boxes around health bars. I cobbled this together. It's a little Edit that you must make to a file. Find File: Fallout3/Data/Menus/Prefabs/hudtemplates.xml Go down to where the '<template name="template_left_bracket">' Section is. Now select that whole...
  10. N

    No Compass Marker

    Yes it is because of how I released this mod. There are several ways to make a no marker mod, If I had waited I could have released one with many more options to it. But as it stands, this mod affects ALL markers that would appear on the compass. I would recommend my Minimal UI mod as it...
  11. N

    No Compass Marker

    Oblivion was worse, but you will come to points in the game where using no markers will hinder you progress. WARNING SPOILER BELOW [spoiler:35df537cae]Vault 112 is a Prime Example[/spoiler:35df537cae] But when this happens, I just go into my Falloutprefs.ini and change...
  12. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    You should get the Updated one, it's a little better, I just checked the link and its working for me. It's in the post above yours. I included several different font sizes, so it's easy to choose a slightly higher size, but go too high and the game might not like it. The sizes I included...
  13. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Ok I was really trying to sort out a lot of the problems with this last night. I realise there are a lot of bugs for it, many of which I had missed. With a lot of messing about I was able to line up the hud a bit better. With regards to the compass, theres a reason it is stuck in the...
  14. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Gandalf I can't quite see whats wrong from the picture, it shows the small original fallout fonts. Is the problem that you cannot select things in the inventory or something? If so, a restart should fix that. There is an issue where sometimes the fonts aren't read correctly and you either...
  15. N

    Weight mod

    Nice one :clap:
  16. N

    smaller fonts?

    Thanks for the links TheHologram. I just released a minimal UI mod with original Fallout fonts using your cool Font prog. Cheers :)
  17. N

    Calling Nad02s (or anyone familiar with compassicon.xml)

    No, I wouldn't know how to go about doing that without the Editor, unless someone can jerryrig the Oblivion one :) But that's out of my league. One thing I would love to change though is the weapon degredation, it pisses me off :) I would reduce that to about 1/5th or so.
  18. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Yes just add it into the [Gameplay] section. It goes above 'iDifficulty=' which is also under the [Gameplay] section.