smaller fonts?


First time out of the vault
so far, after a few hours of gaming, i'm really enjoying this game - but there is one thing that really kills the whole experience for me : the king size console fonts!

am i missing something, or am i really stuck with having to scroll even the smallest amount of text?
The UI will likely be readily customized by someone who has knowledge of XHTML or whatever they were written in. If you look up DARNified UI for Oblivion you'll see how much one fellow was able to do. Maybe he or someone else with the knowhow can start thinking about it.

But to summarize, yes, it should be totally fixable.
aaah, had a look at darnified, and what a great piece of work!

This mod gives the Oblivion UI the most extensive facelift yet. It's goal is to rid the pc version of the horrid xbox interface. Fonts are smaller, settings can be adjusted in game, user controls are scaled, more info on screen, and the hud is vastly improved.

this is exactly what fallout needs - damn devs making all kinds of fancyness, but they can't make the simplest of things right.

DarN, you out there playing fallout? ;)
Darn used my Font Generator to generate multiple font sizes. Which I assume is still up at Planet elderscrolls and the nexus.

I assume that it will still work with Fallout but it requires a TTF font as a starting point. I've not played the game enough to have been frustrated with the font sizes yet but I wrote that tool because Oblivion's monstrous font size annoyed me.

Here are the links for an enterprising modder wishes to use it as part of their UI mod.

If you want the old Fallout fonts then this may help there as well.
excellent theo! thanks!

the files are downloaded, i will do some research and see if i can make any sense of it, doubt it though, never done any modding before - should be fun either way :)

thank you!
These may be a little complicated for the uninitiated. Heck I forgot what half the settings were for.

I did experiment with it and it appears to work for Fallout but alignments are way off. Also to change the font size usually also meant changing all of the UI files for best effect which is what Darn did best.
Thanks for the links TheHologram. I just released a minimal UI mod with original Fallout fonts using your cool Font prog.
Cheers :)
yeah, the generator is great! i actually managed to put some small verdana's and tahoma's in there, but for some reason the fonts would only show up every second time i started the game, guess i've messed up somewhere...

...anyway, nad02s just beat me to it and released his great miniUI as i was debugging and it works like a charm, small fonts and all!

good job to both of you :)
I wonder if there's some kind of mod to fix the character sheet... I loved how Fallout 1/2 allowed me to see EVERYTHING in one sheet. I haven't played the game yet, but It seems the character sheet is rather crappy.
Yes the character sheet is annoying. Sort of cool for about 5 seconds but useless after that. I really need some better shortcut keys or better access to switching weapons.

I'm sure one or more people will be working on all sorts of tweaks that will improve this. As you see, buckshot and nad02s are already on top of the minimal ui.
heh, i'm on top of many things, but modding is not one of them :)

could not agree more about the pipboy and shortcuts, i keep pressing 'm' and 'i' and 'c' but there's no map, inventory or char sheet - gotta screw around with the pipboy, not crucial but annoying...

...what is crucial though, is to see the damage output, hell, i'm still whacking things with my baseball bat, feels like it does the same damage as my assault gun :(
In case you didn't know ... you can use F1 for 'c', F2 for 'i' and F3 for 'm'. Inside the PIPBoy you can use the left and right arrows to shift around. Of some reason this isn't specified in the manual. I haven't checked out if there are som key remapping functionality in the game. If not, I suspect that the FOSE guys will provide the functionality at some point.
buckshot123 said:
DarN, you out there playing fallout? ;)
I sure am. :)
TheHologram said:
Darn used my Font Generator to generate multiple font sizes. Which I assume is still up at Planet elderscrolls and the nexus.

I assume that it will still work with Fallout but it requires a TTF font as a starting point. I've not played the game enough to have been frustrated with the font sizes yet but I wrote that tool because Oblivion's monstrous font size annoyed me.

Here are the links for an enterprising modder wishes to use it as part of their UI mod.

If you want the old Fallout fonts then this may help there as well.
Hey hey, Theo! New nick?

I've started making DarNified UI F3. A small beginning to be sure, but more to come shortly. I did create a custom font to test the generator, and it seems to wortk just fine with F3. :) The fonts have dds files as well in addition to the fnt and tex. Not sure why that is...
darn! and darnified fallout! i'll be darned :)

great news, really looking forward to it!

did you overcome the issue with the fonts randomly showing up at restarts? i also noticed the extra .dds files in the archive, no idea what they are for, maybe they are the culprits?

i had a look at the ui mods from nexus, looks good, especially with larger text areas - but it's still the same fonts, and still to big imo...
DaRN, welcome to NMA. I've used your UI's on my Oblivion experiences, and definitely have appreciated your work.

thanks for taking a look at FO3.
buckshot123 said:
darn! and darnified fallout! i'll be darned :)

great news, really looking forward to it!

did you overcome the issue with the fonts randomly showing up at restarts? i also noticed the extra .dds files in the archive, no idea what they are for, maybe they are the culprits?

i had a look at the ui mods from nexus, looks good, especially with larger text areas - but it's still the same fonts, and still to big imo...
I haven't experienced any random font weirdness. What happens exactly and where?

Pope Viper said:
DaRN, welcome to NMA. I've used your UI's on my Oblivion experiences, and definitely have appreciated your work.

thanks for taking a look at FO3.
Thanks for the welcome. :)

Just upped the Barter Menu:



Going great so far. :)