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  1. P

    New cat - need tips

    Should we rename this thread to "The official awww- thread" or someting? Too bad I have a dog instead of a cat (thought it acts a lot like one) so I don't think it would be appropriate to post pictures of her.
  2. P

    @ Hardcore Fallout 1&2 Fan

    Well, I loved them both in the original Fallouts, so I was more worried about the gameplay mechanics. If the weapon damage is still on the Oblivion- level and game engine the same, I think I'll at least wait for it to get cheaper before buying, but who knows...
  3. P

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project ver. 2.1.2b - spolszczenie

    I can smell a slight smell of spam here...
  4. P

    @ Hardcore Fallout 1&2 Fan

    So, is this game worth buying for an original-Fallout-lover and Bethesada-hater as my self? I just fucking hated everything Bethesada has thrown at me so far, so this would be refreshingly new if it actually is good. And if I should buy it, should I buy it now (70 €, arrggh) or wait painfully...
  5. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Eiks se ollu tonnin seteli? Man, you just made my day. Also, coke is good, so 9/10.
  6. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread I don't like the new Maiden too much, but this song is just beautiful.
  7. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

  8. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Hyper-modern ultra supercomputer, 9/19
  9. P

    Zombies were people to.

    I haven't seen a thread this useless ever since Prosper was banned. Althought it seems like zombies can have political opinions (CoD Nazi zombies), it doesn't mean they should have the right to vote.
  10. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Suits your name, 8/10. (Looks like we're going back on the "8/10"- spin.)
  11. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Ahh, much better, 8/10.
  12. P

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    Fallout 2 it is undoubtely. It was the first Fallout I ever played, and probably the best game I've ever played. I loved Fallout as well, althought the few inventory use issues bugged the hell out of me. I liked Fallout Tactics as well, since it was the first tactical combat game I've played. I...
  13. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Where did the western guy go/10
  14. P

    What DR2 dose to people

    Oh crap, better stop watching TV.
  15. P

    Yet another environmental disaster : Toxic sludge in hungary

    Just how can one alunium factory have such a HUGE reservoir of toxic, corrosive and mildly radiated waste, and keep it in so bad shape? Where does it come from? I hope they learn from this.
  16. P

    New theory about apocolypse...

    You forgot about the worst one of them all; Finland's Swedish Party (evil people, brrrrrr)
  17. P

    What DR2 dose to people

    No James Bond villain could ever come up with something as hideous and inhuman as that.
  18. P

    Have any biology related questions?

    It's funny because it's (almost) true.
  19. P

    What DR2 dose to people

    Because... You wanted to kill brain cells on purpose?
  20. P

    Have any biology related questions?

    *BEEB* Off-topic warning! Let's get back on tracks with: Is there any way to prevent catching a cold here in cold, dark and depressing Finland, other than staying home?