Have any biology related questions?


Mildly Dipped
There seems to be some pretty smart people here, and they need some traffic, so I thought I'd advertise for them a little.


They want any and all of your biology related questions, whether it's to help you with biology related homework or whatever. There's even a section where they offer to diagnose you if you're sick and tell them all your symptoms.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Somewhat biological related, why is freezing damaging to cells?

Because when water freezes, crytals are formed, and those crystals can damage the cells membrane. Thus when you thaw the cells, their integrity is compromised, and they will leak, disturbing the balance of ions intra vs extracellularly.

For this reason you cryopreserve cells in a solution containing DMSO, which is toxic but has properties preventing the formation of crystals that damage the cells.
That's not my field, so I'm not sure, but as far as neurogenesis unrelated to neurons that are involved in the control of the muscles used in said sporting, I don't think there's any clear evidence for a mechanism yet.

The muscles used will get more neurons connected to them, and I think there are also changes in the motor cortex as your control of a muscle increases. I don't know if that's existing neurons making new connections or if formation of new cells is involved.
I'm not 100% certain but I think it has to do with the fact that exercise causes tearing in muscle tissue which spurs growth of new muscle fibers and, along with those, new nervs.
Most of them come from India and China, I beieve.

Or perhaps you were wondering how is babby formed?
*BEEB* Off-topic warning! Let's get back on tracks with:

Is there any way to prevent catching a cold here in cold, dark and depressing Finland, other than staying home?
Don't know, but I do know this pic is awesome:

I learned that you can't catch a cold on really cold days (below zero), because it can't survive in the air.

I also heard that you can catch a cold only when your nose is cold (i.e. you could wear as many jackets as you want, if your face is freezing, you can still catch a cold).

I don't know if I can safely rely on either of those facts :)
The most likely place to catch a cold is anywhere near someone with a cold. It's mostly independent of weather and season, statistically, only correlating with the cold at all because our noses run more.

Best thing you can do is not get stressed out or otherwise immunocompromised. Second thing to do might be to suck on zinc lozenges; supposedly the zinc coats your airways and inactivates viral particles. Third thing to do is get a flu shot, as protection from flu tangentially protects you from a cold by reducing the possible infections that may reduce your immune status, allowing better defense against rhinoviruses like the cold.

You could also snort Interferons like Tony Montana, but it's quite possible it doesn't work.
SkuLL said:
I learned that you can't catch a cold on really cold days (below zero), because it can't survive in the air.
I have heard that you can can still get viruses though since they have special properties making them survive almost any condition (apart from serious heat?) putting them into hibernation, just to re-awake in the right condition again (as in, inside a body).