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  1. H

    FOnline: 2238 announced

    I don't know if this has been addressed before, but will there be some sort of storage system for some of your gear? Maybe you could store it in some sort of Bank, or in some personal cabinet, hotel room, NPC... Wouldn't need to be a physical location either, as server resets would certainly...
  2. H

    FOnline: 2238 announced

    Suppose two players mutually consented in settling an issue with a duel, lethal or not. Being that said players are whithin a city, if they begin the duel will they be shot down by the guards? Or is there some party/duel system to avoid this?
  3. H

    What are some of the possible sexual encounters in Fallout 1

    I remember the brotherhood paladin one, it was that paladin that stayed by the entry? It seems the developers made her turn the Vault Dweller down in the end; she claims it's because he's an outsider. Could've made up a better excuse.....
  4. H

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I like the drawing style, 9/10
  5. H

    Jeff Gardiner on aliens

    Yeah, the developers had made pretty clear that it was non-canon. These guys could surely have given a better read at the Fallout Bible. They don't call it a Bible for nothing, after all. Heathens...
  6. H

    Fallout Haiku

    He bade me go Alright, I'll leave, but first DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE! (next: The master asks the vault dweller to join the unity... in haiku)
  7. H

    Fallout Haiku

    Didn't realise To put a good brain on it Needed one myself (next: killing Myron by extracting his brain in SAD.)
  8. H

    If your character had the option to settle down in a F2 town

    I don't think my character would ever settle, but he would live for a while in the Den, making the based of deceased Metzger his home. But ultimately, he'd be so bored, so he'd find new adventures, and would end up in a certain Cafe of Broken Dreams, probably trying to get under young...
  9. H

    Fallout 3 Cosplay

    I'd like it more if it were a Fallout 1 or 2 power armor cosplay, but it was neatly done. I don't blame the manufacturer, only his strange choice.
  10. H

    Your desktop image.

    I'm used already to NMA art as my wallpapers... this one is unimaginative, but I like it because it remembers me of my FO1 and FO2 adventures. And it has great detail.
  11. H

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    Hello all I've finished both FO1 and 2 several times in variable ways, and recently have installed back my FO2, but I seek a new experience this time. Can anyone point me to a good quality full reconstruction? I mean, like those mods with a new story and new cities and all.
  12. H

    Most hated Fallout 1 or 2 character?

    There are too many. One of them is the Drill Sergeant, which was damn annoying. Easy to avoid, and a bit funny, but the annoying thing was trying to explore Navarro base with him doing rounds all the time... "Trooper what are you doing here? Get back to your guard POST!!!" ...other...
  13. H

    how did you kill the president in fallout 2?

    I Pulse Rifled his ass. He was gone. Poof. A pile of ash. I sneaked out and pressed Enter, and weirdly no guard seemed to care. Next time I want to bring Dogmeat along and let him chew some presidential meat.
  14. H

    Which of F2 NPCs I`ve to kill for feeling myself happy ? =))

    Yes. She resists most shots, but she'll take all good criticals. Early in the game it is easier with a .44 and some skill. Killable ghosts are weird.
  15. H

    Which of F2 NPCs I`ve to kill for feeling myself happy ? =))

    Wow, really, through the game people who can piss you off aren't on shortage Drill Sargeant - When I left my post again and he saw it, that was the sorriest day of his short life :twisted: Lynette - There is always a time of the game that I reserve to make make an appointment over at...
  16. H

    Stupid fallout experiences...

    After taking on Horrigan, I left the Oil Rig and watched its blowing animation, when I realized that I forgot Marcus behind!!! Once on the shore, though, I went back to the Tanker control room, and drove the tanker back to the Oil Rig that surprisingly was still there, with the timer counting...