Most hated Fallout 1 or 2 character?


First time out of the vault
For this post, I thought it would be interesting to see which characters from Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 you really hated. If you want to include Fallout: Tactics ones as well, feel free, but I chose the first two games because they we can all agree that the characters there are (mostly) well written enough not to be hated only because every time they open their mouthes you cringe in agony at the poor craftsmanship behind them. Instead, I ask which ones you hate based on their actions, words, beliefs, etc.*

Personally, my least favorite character was Fallout 2's President Richardson. Not only was he self-absorbed and arrogant, but he also never considered the ramifications of his own actions and didn't value human lives at all...

*I would imagine that Fallout 3 characters would be omitted from this conversation, since they have all the personality of Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels.


We all hate First Citizen Lynette. Please choose somebody else.
Lynette. Fucking bitch.

Moore rather pissed me off too. Guy spouted off a lot of crap about anti-slavery. Turns out he was just an NCR sympathiser.

And Mason (Salvatores man). Something tells me that guy hasn't had a good ass whipping in his life. Arrogant fuck.
The Dunton Brothers
Solely because I got killed too many times by them (during Torr's quest and randomly robbing their place) as low-level character during my first play-through of FO2. xD

Obvious reasons. ;)

And in Fallout 3? This video says it all:

Lynette. A million times. I think that is, and will be, the recurring theme of this thread so, yeah. Stating it once again for some odd reason.

Lynette, hands down, no contest. I don't know how many times I had to reload during that ONE Fooking conversation tree.
Lynette said:
(...) They are not slaves, they are our servants! (...)

The fact that she's so hateable is a tribute to the excelent character design (or somesuch, don't know the technical name), i mean the dialog choices, the voice acting...

Darek said:
Seymour the talking spore plant. Seriously, wtf?

I also hate that thingy, but not because of it's character (it doesn't have any), but because of how much retarded a reference it is.
Killian bothered me, althoughit's been so long since I last played, I can't remember specific reasons why. Myron was punchable, as was Lynette. Butch from Far Go Traders, and the guy from Crimson Caravans pissed me off in different ways, but the same amount.

Oh, and Sister Jain. Almost forgot her.
There are too many. One of them is the Drill Sergeant, which was damn annoying. Easy to avoid, and a bit funny, but the annoying thing was trying to explore Navarro base with him doing rounds all the time...

"Trooper what are you doing here? Get back to your guard POST!!!"

...other than him, worth mentioning, is Lynnette. Actually, thanks to her bitchiness, the people of Vault City had to endure an invasion shortly after the Enclave had been destroyed...
Metzger. Love at first sight. On my first playhtrough I had found an H&K CAWS in a random encounter and so I slaughtered all slavers without using drugs (as I didn't know about them).

Vic. The most annoying, clueless dumbass in the wasteland.

Vault City. Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out. I always murder everyone there. Too many people I hate. Especially that Stark guy.

Little Jesus. Big Jesus. Mason.

In the original - the Overseer. Morpheus. I didn't really hate Gizmo, I just knew, that he should be put to death. The Skullz too. The Lieutenant and Decker's bodyguard, Kane must be on top of my "most dangerous shoot-on-sight" list.
Seriously. Get the water chip, kill the master and destroy the army base as asked. In the end? Kicked out.

Of course, when he did that, I slaughtered him.

Fucking overseer.
Yeah, thinking about it the Overseer is actually a stupid idiot. I was reminded, as I recently decided to paly through Fallout 1 again, that I dislike Ian. Not because of his of what he does but because of the stiff design his character has.
Most hated fallout one or 2 character huh? IAN OBVIOUSLY! Damn that bastard used to kill me, my dog and the other 2 guys in the team all the bloody time.
I hated both the Dragon and Lo Pan. Both were generic good/evil kung fu fighters and way out of place in the fallout world.

Second place is Bishop. Jeez, all I wanted was to fuck his family and kill his army. What gives?(but I loved the whole political corruption story thread. Beautiful design)

Runner up: Nicole. I loved her and the AOA from a design point of view, but I loathed her ideas.

Second runner up: Frank Horrigan. A giant, retarded mutant cyborg warrior that hates and kills everything that isn't nailed to the ground. Sums him up quite nicely, from what I remember of him(haven't actually got that far in 6 months)
Gizmo that fat feck I always enjoyed setting him up and getting him killed. and from Fallout 2 I'd say Lil Jesus Mardino and Senor Mardino for the fact he wouldnt give me a job plus Bishop family is the best family. and Fallout 3 sucks IMO.
Myron was fucking awesome, just for the really dickish things he came off with.

A Few more :

Goris (Bastard took way too long to take his robe off, useful for fucking up vault city though.)
In FO, Ian (hey, look, there is the guy who payed me 100 caps right in front of me, and a rat 300 yards away! I'll just take my SMG and shoot a burst on that dude's back, some of the bullets may go trough him to the rat!)

In FO2, Lynette, Stark, Myron and The Professor in Broken Hills.